Chapter 11

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A shorter chapter but it's got some interesting stuff happening. I think...

Chapter 11

Keith Pov

That night, my dreams were plagued with thoughts of losing Pidge. I woke up several times to Lance whispering soothing words to me. I hated relying on him to comfort me and I felt useless. The seventh (maybe eighth, I lost count) time this happened, I just got up. It was about 6 in the morning so that okay. Lance was still sleeping so I tried not to wake him as I got dressed.

Our clothes were just lying everywhere from last night. Both of us were too tried and drained to get into pajamas so we just slept together naked. When I completed my task, I went into the kitchen to eat an early breakfast before going off to find Shiro. I wanted to know some things before I buried him and since he was staying near Pidge's house, I wanted to see her to see if she was okay.

We'd left eachother on a sad note and I just wanted to check up on her. The visit was totally not to just see her again. Okay, that was a lie. That was mainly my reason for going over to the Holt residence. My other reason was because I wanted to see Matt. He cared for Pidge and not just because she was his sister. Those two has a bond stronger than almost anything I'd ever seen or heard of. He knew pretty much instantly if she was depressed and vice versa.

Cosmo barked at me as I left the house.

"Cosmo, shush. I don't want to wake Lance. He's been up all night helping me. He needs to sleep." Cosmo frowned (as much as a wolf could) and nipped my arm. Then, he teleported me back into the kitchen.

"What boy? What do you want me to do?" He barked again and I sighed. I really wished I could speak dog. Or at least have Pidge here. She was great at reading Cosmo's moods. Maybe it was because she had a dog of her own? There I go again thinking about her. I shake my head and try to think. Then it hits me.

Yesterday Lance worried about me. He hadn't known where I was and without my Snap-chat app, he would've never found me. I quickly wrote him a note telling him I was visiting Matt and Shiro and that I'd be back late that afternoon. That done, I headed off.

My hoverbike was parked where I'd left it and I put my helmet on. Lance made me get one and at first I'd objected. I finally agreed only because Pidge, Allura, Hunk, Coran and Shiro had all threatened me that if I didn't get one and I fell off, they wouldn't come visit me in the hospital or go my funeral. I relented and bought one, my reasoning being so they would just stop annoying me about it.

Soon, I was reaching the neighborhood where they lived. The Holt household was closest so I stopped there first. Colleen Holt answered the door and when she saw it was me, she called down for Pidge and Matt. Matt came running like it was Christmas, a huge grin on his face.

"Keith! My bro! How are you? I heard my sister visited your house yesterday with Shiro. By the way, how is Shiro? Where are my manners, come in! Come in!" Over the years, Matt had begun to talk a bit more. Maybe to make up for Pidge's silence.

"I'm fine and I think Shiro is okay too." I walked over the threshold and entered the Holt residence. It wasn't a huge house but it wasn't small either. With two floors, the bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs and the other rooms downstairs, it was cosy. I consider them lucky to have found such a cute house.

"Pidge! Come down! Keith's here!" Matt's grin is huge. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to see how you guys are. I hadn't seen you both in ages and I was just wondering how you are."

"Keith, you saw my sister yesterday." We chuckle together over more random stuff and it's amazing how we both laugh over the smallest things. If I had been brave enough, Matt might've been my brother-in-law by now. But, since I'm a coward, he isn't.

But I now have Veronica as an almost sister-in-law. Neither Lance nor I have been brave enough to pull out the ring and get engaged yet. And I know I probably won't, even though it should technically be me. He was the one who kissed me so I should be the one to make our relationship official.

"Hey Keith. What are you doing here?" I turn around the see Pidge standing at the bottom of the stairs. She looks better and more rested.

"I was on my way to Shiro's and I stopped by to see you guys." She nods and disappears into the kitchen. Matt shakes his head, frowning slightly.

"She's hasn't changed much since the war. All these 5 years and she still hasn't fully healed, maybe not even partly. She... something happened out there to make her like this. And I don't like it. The Pidge from before was so... different to the Pidge of now." I nod sadly, agreeing. Pidge had definitely changed from the girl she was before.

Just as I'm about to tell Matt something, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" Pidge's voice shouts from the kitchen. She walks to the door and opens it. She stands there for a full minute, her body at first rigid. The she relaxes and she says 2 words to the person.

"You're late."


Yay! Another cliffie! More chapters coming soon!

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