Chapter 6

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How about this? DarkPidge!
Disclaimer – I do NOT own Voltron Legendary Defender

Chapter 6
Katie Pov

I can't think. I can barely breath. My heart is pounding, and I want him to take back those words. I want those words to be a joke. I try and think of the date, thinking he might be tricking us. But it's not April fools or any other day that could be of any significance. It's just an ordinary day.

"Shiro, please say it isn't true. We..." Keith's voice cracks and I can see tears in his eyes. It breaks my heart to see him this way. I stand up and make my way over to him cautiously. He looks like a boy who's just been told he won't ever be special. Small. Scared. Broken. Wrapping my arms around his waist from the side, I hug him tightly. At first he's stiff as a board but then he relaxes and lets himself be comforted. He wraps one of his arms around my back and turns so he's looking at Shiro.

"Shiro, please!" I feel water droplets hit the top of my head and I look up. Keith's tears are making paths down his face and my heart breaks even more. I look at Shiro to see if he's joking but all I can see is sadness and sincerity. I sob and bury my head in Keith's chest.

I'm suddenly shaking again. But not from fear. From anger.

"Why?! Why Shiro?! There has to be an answer! Are... are we not enough for you anymore?! Do we not care and give you enough attention anymore?! Are you leaving because of someone?! Are you leaving because of me?" I'm shaking and tears are falling down my cheeks.

"Pidge!" I can feel Keith's arms around my torso as I try and run at Shiro. I want to attack him. I want to make him hurt. I want to claw out his eyes. I want to kill. My thirst for blood is taking over and all reason is disappearing. Black spots cloud my vision and my senses heighten. I can feel arms wrapped around my chest, keeping me from fulfilling my wishes. Somewhere deep down, I'm grateful he's doing it but on the surface, I'm furious.

"LET! ME! GO!" I claw at the arms holding me from my prey. But I'm not as strong as Keith and he drags me back toward him.

"Pidge! Stop it! Stop!" I feel his strong arms wrap me in an embrace and I begin to return to normal. My heart beats faster and my anger disappears. I stop trying to claw at Shiro and turn so I'm looking into violet-black eyes. Tears make their way down my face as my anger continues to fade. I bury my face in Keith's chest again as I sob. I am ashamed. I am so ashamed.

"Shhh. Pidge, everything is okay." I can feel fingers running up and down my hair in a calming manner. My tears are making Keith's top wet and I sniffle. I look up at him and see he's looking at me with concern.

"I'm sorry Keith. I'm so sorry." I let go of him and make my way over to Shiro who'd been watching us.

"Shiro, I'm sorry too. I... I don't know what took over me. I wasn't myself. And, I'm just so sorry!" I run and my tears return. I cry into his arms as he holds me.

"It's fine Pidge. Whatever happened is history. We need to look into the future now and not dwell on the past." I smile up at him, glad he's not completely offended by my actions.

"Well, we now know our littlest Paladin has sharp nails. That hurt." I turn back toward Keith and see angry red welts starting to form on his arms. Gasping, fresh tears flow even quicker and I shake my head.

"Oh my ancients Keith! I am incredibly sorry! I didn't want to hurt any of you!" I'm scared now. I didn't know my own strength and now Keith is hurt because of it. I turn in a circle, suddenly feeling trapped.

Just like before. Just like in the trials.

'You're too violent. You hurt too many people already. You have a violence inside you that will be your downfall.' That same voice. A voice that taunted me from a person that tortured me. Black spots clouded my vision again. But before I can collapse, I run.

I flee the house and bolt out the door before the voices can consume me. Everything is in too much focus. The sun too bright, the ground under my feet too hard. The wind in my ears too loud. I run and run and run. I am running blind. I'm not going to return to that house. Never again.


And... another chapter! I like the idea of DarkPidge. Actually, I don't really know if this is DarkPidge but oh well.

Also, just gonna say this, but I hadn't actually planned for there to be a DarkPidge chapter. In fact, I hadn't really planned much at all, I kinda just let the characters take me where they wanted to go. So yeah. Hope you enjoyed! More chapters coming soon!

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