Chapter 9

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I am soooo sorry for not updating in so long! I've had serious writers block. Well anyway, enough about me. Enjoy this short chapter!

Disclaimer – I do NOT own Voltron Legendary Defender

Chapter 9

Keith Pov

After Pidge and Shiro left, I was alone. I had nothing to do and Cosmo was sleeping. Why he was sleeping when it was only around 3:00 I didn't know. Sometimes I just didn't understand that cosmic wolf.

I had no idea what to do and was starting to get restless. I didn't really want to think about what Shiro said. I didn't watch the TV or play on my phone. I didn't read much either, but usually, if someone found me a good book, I'd finish it really quickly. I was one of those people.

Not seeing anything else to do to distract me from my thoughts, I decided to go for a ride. My hoverbike was parked just outside where I'd left it before I found Voltron. It was quite a bit dusty but I didn't mind. The red paint had faded a bit and I made a mental note to give it a new paint at some point. But now wasn't the time. I didn't have the equipment and I just didn't feel like painting right now anyway.

The bike roared to life and I drove it out into the distance. Not really knowing where to go, I just drove where the bike took me. Soon, I was looking out over a cliff. It was tranquil which was a pleasant change. I could see the sun already starting to set and the orange rays bounced off the cliffs, making the dirt look even more carrot coloured.

My thoughts are all muddled up and can't think straight. My feelings aren't helping either. My mind flashes back to when we finally got Pidge back. It was a joyous time and I felt my heart soar. But, I could also tell she was different.

There was a dangerous glint in her eyes that wasn't there before, along with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. It was as if she had to go through with her family disappearing all over again. She was quiet and closed off. I tried asking her what was wrong, but she wouldn't answer me. She just said she was tired and changed the subject. I didn't push her but now I wish I had. If I had asked her, I might have known what to do to help her and that panic attack episode wouldn't have happened.

'Stop beating yourself up about something that you couldn't have helped. Lance told you...' I shut out the voice and just let myself feel bad. I need it. Pidge could've died in those trials and there I was, helpless and useless. I could've tried to stop the trials from happening. I could've stopped all of this!

"Keith. Keith. Keith! Keith!" Hearing my name, I turn around. Lance is walking toward me, and I can't help but feel a bit disappointed that it isn't Pidge.

"Keith! Why didn't you answer any of my calls? I've been worried sick! I called and called but you didn't pick up. I thought something bad had happened! Never do that again!" Guilt makes its way into my brain and I grin sheepishly.

"Sorry Lance, kinda got caught up in my thoughts." Then a thought enters my mind and I immediately look out at the cliffs that used to be orange. They're now a mix of orange and purple. I check the time. 5 o'clock! Holy ancients! I'd been in my thoughts way longer than I had thought. I shake my head and turn back to look at Lance. His forehead is creased in worry and more guilt makes its way into my already guilt-ridden emotional state.

"I'm sorry Lance. Really, I am. I just got caught up in my thoughts." Lance shakes his head and smiles.

"Okay then. Let's go home. I think we should have pizza tonight. Something simple after a long day." We get on our hoverbikes and start to ride home. I try and not get caught in my thoughts again in case I crash which would be horrid.

"What did you do today? I got home and Cosmo was fast asleep and you nowhere in sight. Why did you go out?" I sigh and tell him how Shiro and Pidge came over. I leave out the bit about Pidge's panic attack in case she doesn't want the others to know. I also leave out the fact that Shiro want to get buried and die properly because I know he'd want to tell Lance and the others later.

"Then I just wanted to get outside and think so I went there. How'd you find me?"

"You have a phone with you. Just went to your snap-chat location. Also, you should start using it more. It's a fun way to keep up with your friends." I laugh and shake my head.

"No thanks. I hate all that stuff. Pidge doesn't even use it and she loves tech. Isn't that weird." Lance laughs and it's a nice distraction from my thoughts. I can't think about her too much anymore. If I do, I might lose Lance. I might lose all those I call my friends. I might lose everyone.


That took waaaayyyytoo long to write! Sorry! More chapters again soon! I'll try and write faster!    

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