Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in what seems like forever but I've been having serious writers block. Sorry about that! The next updates might be a bit scattered coz of it.
I changed the bit about Pidge's trials being 3 days and made it week instead. I might need to re-change it again if I can't get the trials in a week. But for now, they last a week.
Also, I know I'm dragging it on but the next Pidge chapter will be her fight. Enjoy this chapter though!
Disclaimer – I do NOT own Voltron Legendary Defender

Chapter 8
Pidge Pov

"Wha... what?" I'm stuttering and not understanding at all. "I'm not a savior! And... I can't summon twin blades! I only have my bayard and not even that's here!" I feel useless and I have no idea what to do. All these people seem to be counting on me for something, but I don't know what.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you." My voice is small. I look at the ground. Another of the prisoners speaks up.

"You are more special that you know. You have a gift, more powerful that has ever been seen before. No one if more powerful than you. How can you not feel it in your blood?" My eyes start to water but I hold my tears in. My thoughts jumble and tumble, one over the other.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand." The prisoner who first spoke sighs.

"Everything started when Zarkon took over. War raged and as you know, Zarkon defeated Alfor and centuries have passed in his reign. My friends and I tried to find a way to defeat Zarkon on our own. We traveled to one of our sacred places. There, a prophecy was told to us. The prophet said;

'Where the forest grows, a child shows, the savior of us all.
Hazel eyes this child has and twin blades she can summon.
Without her, the reign won't ever have a downfall.'

He told us this prophecy and told us that we'd know when that special child appears. And he was right. We do know."

"How? How do you know it's me and not some other person out there? Why not Keith or Shiro? Or even Lance or Hunk? Why not Allura? Why me?" I don't understand how these people can think I'm the one who can save them. I can't even wield a sword let alone twin blades.

"You have been chosen. You should know this. You are lying to yourself each second you refuse to believe in yourself. I can sense it. So can everyone in this room. You must save us!" I still can't feel any power in myself, but I nod. I had to at least try. These prisoners were counting on me and I was guessing if I ever wanted to see my family again, I'd have to fill the prophecy. Even though I had no idea what to do, I had to try. And I would. I would try until my dying day.


The punches came in quick succession, one after the other. I'd totally been ready for them and had listened to my teacher. Not.

My teacher was training me, getting me ready for my first fight. Now, a day after I'd received the news, I was still trying to summon my twin blades and learn how to fight at the same time. I thought over the rules of the Galran battle in my head again.

I'd found out that the first trial was to fight in a Galran battle and try and defeat all my opponents. The aim wasn't to kill, but just make them unconscious or surrender. I just hoped I could do it. Fighting Galra wasn't too hard if I had the right equipment but since I was so inexperienced with weapons, it was going to be tough.

"Duck! Swing your leg! Punch thrice! Turn! Kick to the groin! Go for the eyes!" My teacher was the strongest fighter out of the prisoners and it wasn't easy fighting him. I didn't know who he was and he told me to just call him 'teacher' so that's what I did. I'd been fighting him non stop for a few varga's now and my first fight was in another varga. I was not ready.

"Argh! How can't you fight? You're a Paladin of Voltron! Surely you'd know some more complex moves than that." He mumbled something and huffed. "You get 5 minutes rest. Then we get back to sparing. If you ever want to win that fight, you'll have to learn more complex moves. And fast." I groaned inwardly and plopped down. Fighting was definitely not my forte and I didn't really like it.

"Up! Again. We have to make sure you don't die on your first fight." I grumbled about not getting enough sleep but obeyed. I knew if I slacked off then he'd just start using me as his personal punching bag to train me for the next varga. I was worn down and tired. How the heck was I supposed to fight and win? I had started to lose hope and it was slowly dwindling down to nothing.

The only thing keeping me going was the thought of the other Paladins left to fight Zarkon without Voltron. That thought made me shudder. I had to do this. I had to win.


And... that's a wrap for this chapter! I'm sorry it's so short. I'll try and write longer ones but at the moment I'm just kinda climbing to the climax of the story. But yeah, the next Pidge chapter will definitely be her first fight and maybe even her first trial! Depending on where these characters take me. But for now, peace out! More chapters soon!

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