Chapter 24

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And... another!

Chapter 24
Keith Pov

A whole week. I couldn't believe it. A whole week had passed since Shiro had confessed his feeling about Matt to me. A whole week since I'd seen Pidge, since I'd met Sena. A whole week since Lance and I broke up and he moved in with Allura.

I was pretty happy. It was a nice feeling. But I also felt like I was missing something important. My life didn't feel complete. There was something in my gut telling me something was about to happen.

My phone started ringing an unknown number so I just let it ring. If I didn't know the number I didn't answer. Simple. It stopped ringing and then started again. This happened a few more times and I finally got fed up.

"Hello? Who is this?" A muffled voice swore something colorful before answering.

"Hey Keith. It's me, Sena. Why didn't you pick up?" I groan internally and flop on the couch.

"I didn't know it was you."

"Fair enough. Look, I need you to go to Pidge's house and meet us there asap. Get Lance, Allura, Hunk and Shiro to come too. Not anyone else. Understand?"

"Yep. I understand clearly." I didn't. "Can I ask why?" Sena huffed.

"No you may not. All will be revealed in time though." She hung up on me and I just stared at my phone for a full minute before realizing I would need to get a move on.

Grabbing my jacket, I called Lance. He answered straight away and I told him to meet me at Pidge's house. He replied that he'd be there in a few minutes. I asked him to also call Hunk and tell him what to do. I also told him it had to just be him, Allura and Hunk. No one else. He understood and I hung up. I called Shiro next. My bike's motor drowned out Shiro's voice for a few seconds until I turned up the sound.

"Keith? Is something wrong?" Shiro's voice was laced with worry and I felt guilty. I never rang him unless something was terribly wrong and I hated making him worry about me.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just need you to meet me at Pidge's house asap. I can't tell you why." I could just imagine Shiro's brow furrowed in confusion but he agreed.

"Oh, and don't bring anyone else. Just yourself."

"Keith, are you sure you're fine?"

"I'm fine. Just, please do this."

"Okay, I'll meet you there." I hung up and sped my bike up. I could go as fast as I liked out in the open and I wanted to get to Pidge's house before Sena. I though she might know what was happening.

When I arrived, Pidge was the one to open the door this time.

"Oh, hey Keith. If you want to see Matt, he's not here. Are you okay?" I must've looked a sight, my hair ruffled by the wind and my cheeks pale from the cold.

"I'm fine. Is Sena here?" Pidge's brow furrowed and she shook her head.

"No? Why? Keith, what's going on?" I didn't get a chance to answer before Lance pulled up with Allura on his hoverbike.

"Hola amigos. What's happening? Keith, you sounded worried. Did something happen?"

"Nothing bad happened. But I think it would be best if we went inside. If that's okay Pidge?" I said this last bit to Pidge because I knew it was rude to just invite yourself over to someone's house. Pidge nodded her head and stepped aside to let Lance and Allura in. Once they were out of earshot, she started asking me what was happening.

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