Chapter 3

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Sorry for not posting in so long! Heh. I'm now writing a Lance chapter. I don't think there'll be many of them but enjoy!

Disclaimer – I do NOT own Voltron Legendary Defender

Chapter 3

Lance Pov

I didn't mind the presentations. I would obviously prefer to stay at home with my boyfriend, but I knew I had to do this. Keith somehow got out of doing them and so did Pidge, but I didn't envy them. Okay, that was a lie. I sometimes envied them. But most of the time, it was fun. I got to see Hunk and Allura and Coran. I even got to see Shiro occasionally. If he was up to it. But yeah, the presentations were fun.

Everyone was smiling and having a good time when I arrived. Allura was talking animatedly to Hunk and it made me a bit wistful. Five years later, and I was still pining over her. It was pitiful, really. I had a boyfriend who loved me, and here I was pining over Allura. I was the one that had kissed Keith, not the other way around. I was the one that started our relationship going and I was not going to be the one to break it.

I pushed my feelings aside and sauntered up to them.

"Hi Princess! Hey Hunk! How're you?" Hunk gave me a friendly salute and I saluted back. Allura smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. My feelings were telling me to comfort her and ask what was wrong, but I couldn't let my feelings get the better of me. 'I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend.' I kept chanting this in my head as I smiled at the princess.

"Hey Lance! You ready to make some people happy?" Hunk's eyes shined with happiness and just seeing him happy made me happy.

"You bet! Let's get out there and give them the show they want!" I pumped my fist in the air and whooped with joy.

"Right, the time for the 42nd presentation has come. Places people! Places!" Coran shouted at us to get ready and we all followed his orders. I gave a small smile as I remembered out mentor. He really helped even though he wasn't a Paladin. I was very glad to have met him.

"Right. We are starting in... 3... 2... 1... Action!" Coran shouted the cue and we all stepped onto the stage together. I waved to the crowd that had erupted into a cacophony of cheers. It was great to see the people of Earth so happy again. Just the sight made my heart soar and made me forget all my worries.

"Hello people of Earth!" I shout my hello's as I walk across the stage to the seats set up for us. The host is already there and is shaking Hunk and Allura's hands. I shake his hand and he introduces us to the audience. They most likely already know who we are but it's all for show so we don't complain.

The host starts the interview with small talk, like, how are we's and what's going on's. Then, he gets down to the deeper stuff.

"So. Lance. I've heard rumors that you have a crush on another of the Paladins. But you have a boyfriend. How did these rumors start and are they true?" I'm a bit shocked inside, but since I'm on TV and everyone can see me, I control my feelings and make it look like I'm offended.

"I have a boyfriend. That is true. But the rumors about me having a crush on another Paladin is completely false. I have absolutely no idea how this rumor started but it needs to end now. I am totally devoted to my boyfriend and no one else." I cross my arms, trying to look serious. Inside, my brain is screaming at me to tell the truth and tell Allura that I still like her. The host starts to nod, but then shakes his head, smiling.

"Are you sure Lance? You sure there's not a certain Paladin other than your boyfriend you like?"

"I am sure. As I said before, I am devoted to my boyfriend and no one else."

"Are you positive Lance? I mean, you can tell us. We can keep a secret can't we guys?!" He yells out to the crowd and they all shout a collective 'yes' back. "So, are you sure there isn't a... well, I don't know. A small Paladin that everyone has a soft spot for? Are you sure that "soft spot" you have for her isn't more than that?" I gape, completely dumbfounded.

"No! I do not and have never had a crush on Pidge! She's like a sister to me! And I won't say it again. I am devoted to my boyfriend!" I don't realize until I've finished my short speech that I'd stood up. Allura tugs my sleeve, getting me to sit down again.

For the rest of the presentation I only give short answers. I'm pissed off that people would assume I like Pidge when I clearly show people that she's more like my sister. But I'm also glad that they don't think I still have a crush on Allura. If Keith had ever found out, he'd be crushed and I don't want to be the one to ruin our relationship. I wasn't going to be blamed for another broken heart.


And... that's another chapter! Another coming soon!

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