Chapter 32

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So so so sorry for not updating in sooo long! I kinda forgot with school starting and all that.
Okay... so... Season 8 spoilers! Don't read the rest of the fanfic until you have watched Season 8! I'm sorry!

Chapter 32
Keith Pov

Pidge and Sena came back. I was starting to worry and tears were leaking over my cheeks. After about 5 minutes of being in the Between, her heart had started to stop beating. I'd been so scared. I didn't know if she could hear me, but I started screaming. I screamed for her to come back and to not leave me.

Now, half an hour later, she was sitting up. Sena had woken not long after and upon seeing her brother and girlfriend, tears had started pouring. I wrap my arm around Pidge while we watched Sena reunite with her loved ones. Even Haggar and Zarkon joined in the celebration.

But that was soon shattered by Bob's voice.

"I think it's time for the living to leave now." Sena and Haggar's faces immediately dropped and silence enveloped everyone. It was only broken by sniffles and sobs.

"Why Bob! Can't I stay here with my family?" Haggar's voice sounded so lost I couldn't help feeling sorry for her, even if her ways were twisted.

"I'm sorry, you can't."

"But I worked so hard! I used everything I could to get here. To see my two sons. And now you just expect me to leave?! You will be destroyed!" Haggar's raised her hand toward the heavens but before her dark orb could form, Zarkon stopped her.

"Darling, don't do that again. You know it doesn't fix anything." Haggar's shoulders slump and she hangs her head. I see her shoulders shake but she's silent, her tears the more personal type.

"I only want to be with you again," she says, her voice sounding as broken as Pidge's had been when Shiro told us about his wish.

"Well, today may be your lucky day Honerva. I am willing to make an exchange." Haggar's mood shifts and she's suddenly hopeful. I can see Sena is too.

"What must we do Bob? How can we have our family back together?" Bob chuckles.

"My dear Sena, what you must do it simple. A life for a life. If Haggar wants Zarkon to be alive, one of the living must die." I see Sena's shoulders droop again. Jyx rubs her back in circles, comforting her. I look over to where Myzax is and can see him deep in thought. Soon, he moves over to where his mother is.

Myzax whispers something into Haggar's ear and I can see from Haggar's expression that it isn't something she wants to hear. But she nods.

"Alright Bob. I trade my life. I die for Jyx to live." Haggar doesn't look at Sena and she looks skyward instead. I see Sena's mouth moving, but no words come out. Everyone is looking at Haggar in surprise, except Myzax and Zarkon. Zarkon's face is full of sadness but also happiness. Happiness that, even as horrible as it sounds, his wife is joining him and his daughter gets to be happy.

"Mother, why would you do this?!" Sena asks in shock.

"Because my child. You are happier with Jyx than with me. And after everything, you deserve to be happy." Sena's chokes on a sob before running over to her mother and hugging her tight.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I will never be able to repay you. And I will never forget you." Haggar's cheeks are wet too now.

"I'll never forget you either. And you can repay me by not dying any time soon." Sena laughs and wipes her eyes. My eyes start welling up and Pidge looks up at me. 

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