Chapter 16

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And... I'm back! That was a great holiday but now I'm jet lagged. Anyway, I wrote this one while I was away so I hope it's okay.

Chapter 16
Pidge Pov

I was feeling proud. I'd completed two out of the three trials already and now I only had one left. I felt ready to go into the last trial and complete it. But if being a Paladin of Voltron had taught me anything, it was that nothing came easy. Everything came with a price, some pretty bad. I just hoped this price wasn't too big to pay.

Now, as I stood on a bridge that was balanced precariously over a gorge filled with lava, that small feeling of pride vanished. I now was left with the feeling like I was going to fail this last test.

"Pidge Gunderson. Are you ready to complete your third and last trial?" Sena's voice boomed. I badly wanted to say no but it wouldn't be any good, so I just said what they wanted.

"Yes. I am ready."

"Then let your last trial, begin!" I closed my eyes and waited.

It had been a few days since the last trial. Since I wasn't allowed to go out of my room Sena joined me in there. We'd become very close and I had started to consider her a sister. But I knew there was something she wasn't telling me. Sometimes, when I brought up the subject of siblings, she would just avoid it. I know it's bad, but I just assumed that something bad had happened to her sibling.

But apart from that, Sena and I had gotten along like a house on fire. I'd told her about my trouble with Keith and her answer was that boys were a waste of time. I was curious about her love life and why she thought that, so I asked. She didn't answer straight away, but when she did, I got the feeling like she wasn't telling the full truth.

"Pidge, this trial is the hardest you're ever going to face. Are you sure you want to continue?" I nod and wait some more. Soon, a small creature appears before me. It has the looks of a small child but is made of all fire.

"Pidge Gunderson. This is the test of truth. You must answer these questions truthfully. You have only 3 tries. If you fail to do so, the trial will end and you will be killed as will your friends." The fire child's voice was a bit squeaky but strong. I felt small against him, but I knew I had to at least look strong.

"Pidge Gunderson. First question. How are you a Paladin of Voltron?" I didn't know how to answer this. I wracked my brain for what Allura said the first time she told us about our Lions.

"I'm a Paladin of Voltron because I want a better future. The Green Lion chose me because I'm..." I think for a second. "It chose me because I'm daring but also smart." The fire child nods, as if it's remembering the information for later.

"Next question. Pidge, how many Lions of Voltron are there?"


"Wrong!" The child suddenly enlarges and becomes more teenager sized. "You only have 2 more tries. Fail to answer correctly and you shall die. I will ask again. How many Lions of Voltron are there?" I frown. Then I remember what Sena told me about the other two Lions that nobody had really heard of before.

"Seven." The teenager shrinks and becomes a child again.

"Next question. What do you know about Myzax?" I didn't know anything about Myzax but I felt like his name was familiar. I decided to try my luck.

"Who is Myzax?"

"Wrong! I will ask again. What do you know about Myzax?" I shook my head, trying to figure out where I'd heard of Myzax before. Nothing came to mind.

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