Chapter 22

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I'm sorry. For 2 things. 1) my writing in this chapter is really bad and short. 2)I've decided to be kinda mean for this chapter. I APOLOGIZE! Now the chapter...

Chapter 22
Keith Pov

When I arrive home, there's another hoverbike outside. A pink one. I know straight away it's Allura's. I remember the day she got it. We all pitched in some money for it and Hunk went to buy it. Pidge and Hunk then added a few of their own tweaks to the bike to make it extra special. Allura's face was full of happiness and joy at seeing her new ride. But that was a few years ago.

"Lance! I'm ho-" I stop dead in my tracks. Lance's hands are on Allura's face and their mouths are connected. I expect to feel some sort of sadness but none comes. I quickly walk out of the room, away from the couple, not wanting to disturb them. I'm surprised my voice didn't break their trance but I'm also grateful.

"Allura, we shouldn't be doing this. Keith is my boyfriend. He'd be heartbroken." I eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Right. I'm sorry. I-I should go now."


"It's fine Lance. Keith and you are special. He loves you and..." I stop listening and walk back into the room. Lance looks flustered and moves to the other side of the couch, his eyes not meeting mine.

"K-Keith. I-I didn't expect you to be home s-so soon!" His voice is higher than usual and I knew I would've picked up on that hint if I hadn't seen their tongues in each other's mouths a few moments ago.

"Yeah... I'm home. Lance, can I have a word with Allura? Alone?" Lance's face pales and he gulps.

"Y-yeah. Sure. I'll just... I'll just go... over... yeah..." Lance leaves the room awkwardly and I smile at his retreating back.

Allura is the first to speak. She looks so nervous I feel sorry for her.

"I'm sorry Keith. I-I didn't mean... nothing happened. Nothing before this and nothing after." She splutters her words for a few moments more. I let her just do it because... really? I have no reason. I just let it happen. When she finishes her apologies I finally talk.

"It's fine Allura. You and Lance are a great couple. And... if I'm honest? If Lance is happier with you, then I'm happier to let him go. He's been pining over you for years now anyway." Allura gasps and covers her mouth.

"You... you weren't meant to see that. I'm sorry..."

"Allura, it's fine. I promise you. I'm fine with you and Lance." Allura still looks so upset. I sigh.

"Keith, Lance is the only one that you've loved so deeply. I am truly sorry!" I decide to put her out of her misery.

"Allura, yes. I loved and still love Lance. But... there was also someone special on my mind. Just like Lance, I've also kinda been pining over someone." I rub my neck, embarrassed. Allura lowers her hands and behind them is an excited smile.

"Who is it? Who is this lucky person who stole emo boy's heart?" She teases me some more and I just laugh.

"It's a surprise." She groans but she's still smiling. But then the smile drops.

"Keith, what will Lance say? Do you... do you think he'll react in a bad way?" I stop smiling too.

"I guess we'll just have to find out." I wasn't exactly prepared to tell Lance but I knew it would be now or never. I gave Allura a reassuring smile before going to find Lance.

I found him in our room, sitting on our bed. His head was in his hands. When I entered the room he looked up. His eyes were red with tears. I didn't speak, I just walked over and gave him a tight hug. His shoulders shook and his tears wet my shirt but I just held him while he cried himself dry.

When he finally could speak again, it was in a raw voice. He said things similar to Allura, how he was sorry and how nothing happened and yada yada yada. I just listened and didn't interrupt. When he finished, I told him.

"Lance, I love you and I love what we have. But you belong with Allura, everyone can see that. It'd be wrong for me to hold you guys apart. And... anyway, I have someone who I've been pining over too." I don't realize until after I said it what it sounded like. I hurriedly try and fix my mistake.

"What I meant by that was I've loved this person as long, maybe longer, than you have loved Allura. I never kissed you because I wanted to make that person jealous though. I did it because I truly did develop feelings for you. I just... while I was with you I totally forgot all about that person. You helped me forget. Argh! That sounds bad again. Yeah, umm..." Lance silenced me with a stare.

"You've loved someone longer than I've loved Allura? Woah! That's... quite something. Do they even know you exist?!" I laugh, grateful Lance takes everything good-naturedly. That was one reason I loved him. I could say some bitchy comment and he wouldn't be offended.

"Yeah, I've loved her since I was about... 7? I met her when I was 7 and I've loved her since. But I don't think she remembers me. She was only 4 at the time."

"That's tough mate. But I'm sure she'll remember you. You're a pretty unforgettable guy." We laugh, each happy for the other.


I have absolutely no idea if it was actually as mean as I intended. Anyway, more chapters soon!

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