Chapter 23

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Rightio! Another chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 23
Pidge Pov

I reawaken to hear talking. It's faint but after my head clear a little, the voices become more coherent.

"She was so close to gone. I-I don't know what... She's special. So so special. If anything had happened to her... I'm was so scared Selena." I can hear muffled sobs. Then Sena's voice pipes up.

"Keith, she's alive. Wounded, but breathing. And... you're right. She is special. She's your special person."

I feel like they're talking about me but that would be absurd! Keith wouldn't be scared for me. Maybe he was scared because I was the only who could fly the Green Lion. It just didn't make sense. I shake my head a little to clear the thoughts before attempting to sit up. Immediately pain shoots from my stomach and I gasp. Sena must've heard because in a couple of seconds she's next to me, helping me lie down again. Keith is on my other side, his arms crossed. I can see worry in his eyes but I don't think about it, the pain enough to make me see black spots.

"Pidge, the medicine helped get rid of the poison but didn't heal the wound fully. And I couldn't give you anything to help the pain or heal you faster. The two medicines wouldn't have worked together and would've probably just made it worse." I just nod, the pain excruciating.

"It's fine Selena." I rasp. Sena nods her head before going into another room. Keith stays with me and I suddenly feel a little awkward.

"How're you feeling? That was a pretty nasty wound and the poison was fast acting. You were... so, so close to death. If Selena hadn't been near you probably would've died." Sena returns to the room with a vial of brown liquid. I take one look at it and wrinkle my nose.

"This is going to taste disgusting but it was the fastest healing medicine I could find that wouldn't react to the antidote as much." She uncaps the vial and the room fills with the smell of dirty socks and rotten eggs straight away. I gag and stare at the bottle.

"How does something so small make such a horrid stench?!" Keith just smirks.

"It's like you Pidge. It's powerful even though it's small." I glare at Keith who just keeps smirking.


"Small child."

"Mullet head."


"Emo." He just laughs which makes me feel better. Sena's head is just moving side to side like we're a tennis game. She then shakes her head, smiling.

"I would definitely not want to be in a war of words against you two." Keith and I smile at each other. But my smile drops he instant she puts the vial of medicine under my nose.

"Eww! Selena! Get that away from me!" She just chuckles.

"If you want to heal fast and join the parade tonight, I would recommend you drink it. Down the hatch. Simple and quick." As I take the vial I stare between Keith and Sena.

"Parade? What parade?"  I ask before gulping the drink down. Sena and Keith share a look. Keith is the first one to speak.

"We... kinda forgot to tell you. We just didn't want you to get so excited because you might've hurt yourself." I cross my arms and glare at them. Keith looks away but Sena holds my gaze. In an even voice, the tells me what happened.

"The other Lions and the Atlas attacked the Galrans. Soon, the rebel ships came to their aid too. It was a bloodier battle than before but in the end, Haggar made the stupid mistake to turn her back on Lance. Both Allura and Lance had boarded Haggar's ship and Allura was attacking her mercilessly. Lance used that cloaking device you made for his uniform and got a good hit. Haggar went down." I felt so happy. The war was finally over. We could all relax after all these years. It felt good knowing the battle that had seemed endless was finally over. I smiled the biggest smile I could at Sena and Keith and they smiled back.

"It's over Pidge. It's finally over." And it was. The war was over.

Or so I thought.


Very last chapter that is set in the past! Now it's all present!

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