Chapter 14

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A longish chapter now. Enjoy!

Chapter 14

Pidge Pov

Two days later and I'm standing at the entryway to a huge maze. Over the past days, Sena frequently visited me and kept me company. She and I became close-ish. While she was there, I asked her a heap of questions which she answered good naturedly. In turn, I tried answering her questions about myself, the other Paladins and Earth as best I could. I trusted her.

There was something about her. A sadness that filled her eyes, like she'd seen too much blood, too much death. I let myself trust her and so far, she hadn't broken that trust.

"Pidge Gunderson. Are you ready to start the second trial?" Sena's voice booms. I nod, knowing she and others can see me. Sena told me what to do. It wasn't too bad.. Get to the middle of the maze. But as simple as it sounded, it was, of course, much harder. Nothing about these trials could be easy.

According to Sena, the maze shifted every half an hour so it looked different to what it was before. There were also monsters in there that I would have to defeat in order to go the right way. But if I was seriously injured, Sena was allowed to come and give me some valena. The person didn't want me dead apparently. So it was Sena and some other Galras their job to keep an eye on me to make sure I survived. But I was not allowed out of the maze until I found the middle, whether that took hours or days.

In the end, if I took longer than 3 days I'd be taken out and killed though.

The doors to the maze opens and I started jogging toward what I thought was the center. After a few minutes of running, I stopped decided it was safe-ish spot and opened my pack to see what provisions they'd given me. All the small backpack they'd given me had inside was a small canteen of water and a few circular things that looked like coins.

"Maybe there's a store to buy food around here." I take in my surroundings.

The maze's walls were made of brown stone and covered with weird purple leaves. It didn't look like there was going to be a store around here but I didn't know what else the coins were for. They didn't look like anything that could be eaten and I didn't want to risk choking so I put them back into the bag. After having a sip of water, only a small one so it would last, I started running again. I looked at the watch they'd given me. It said 10 minutes had already passed.

The monster in front of me was enormous. It looked like it was from a Greek myth, with the head of a bull, the body of a snake, the behind of a lion and a tail like that of a monkey's. It was certainly an interesting sight. It growled at me and I instantly summoned my twin blades. For a few seconds, it backed away. But I knew better than to think it was backing off entirely. Soon, it was advancing at a rapid pace.

With a war cry, I advanced and swung my swords. They glanced off the hide of the beast and I was thrown against the maze wall. I got to my feet and tried advancing again. The same happened. The beast's hide was just too strong to penetrate. And I couldn't find a weak spot.

"Try slicing off the tail, then spinning quickly and cutting the horns off. It's hide will be weaker then because it's tail and horns create a barrier that is impossible to penetrate." I turn round fast, but no is there. I look at my blades to see them glowing slightly and then quickly diminish.

"Are you talking?" They glow for a second, confirming my eyes aren't playing tricks on me. "My blades talk. Who would've known." I trust the sword because hey, what's weirder than your sword talking to you? Well, the real reason I trust the voice is because it's the same voice from before my final fight that gave me the advice on how to summon and disappear the blades. Plus, if it's trying to kill me, then what's the point of me being able to summon them?

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