Chapter 7

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Hey! So sorry I haven't updated in ages! I'll try and write more each day so I can update each day or 2. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 7
Keith Pov

The small paladin runs out the door, going faster than I've ever seen her run. I start to run after her but she's too fast for me to catch. Soon, she falls to her knees and starts shaking again. I don't even hear Shiro behind me as I scoop her into my arms and hold her until she stops the shaking. I wonder what happened during those trials. They gave her PTSD and now she was continually shaking and sobbing.

I remembered that week, full of fear. We all had underestimated Pidge, only a tiny sliver of hope keeping us from mourning her on the first day. We'd all believed her to not be able to complete the trials and that she'd die trying. That week, we waited with baited breath and little sleep. We hoped and prayed that she would make it.

Now, we knew she'd lived. But at a price. Now she was distant and had flashbacks a lot.

"Pidge, I got you. It'll be okay. Trust me. Shhhh..." I try to comfort her as her small figure shakes. All I can hear is her sobbing and our hearts beating. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn with a start. I accidentally jostle Pidge and she gives a sharp intake of breath. I'm instantly guilty and try to calm her down again.

"Shiro! What should we do? She's... she's... I feel..." I couldn't get the words out. It was like my throat was constricted and wouldn't let any words out. Tears were starting to pool at the corners of my eyes but I banished them angrily away. I couldn't let Pidge see me cry. It might just make her bawl more which wouldn't be good for my heart.

"Keith, let her go. I think it'll be best if I take her home now. She... I don't know if being around you is the best for her right now. I'm sorry." I nod slowly and Shiro crouches so he can pick Pidge up. As soon as his hands touch her though, she screeches like she's been burnt. I whisper soothing words to her and she calms down a bit.

In Shiro's arms, she looks even smaller. Her figure is thin and I can tell she's not been eating properly. There are bags under her glazed over eyes and she's whimpering like a hurt puppy. The tears remake their appearance and I dispel them again.

"Shiro. Let me go. I can walk." Pidge's voice is raspy and I only just hear it. Shiro shakes his head and Pidge scowls.

"Shiro. I can walk. Let. Me. Go!" She struggles in his arms but she's too weak. Her tears are flowing again and I feel helpless.

"Pidge, I don't think you walking is a good idea. You're weak from just running full pelt out here and then you started sobbing. You had another panic attack and I just don't think you walking is the best idea right now. You need rest and I'm going to take you home." Her eyes widen and she shakes her head wildly.

"No! I'm not going home yet. Not like this! If my parents saw me they'd find some way to wriggle the truth out of me! And... I can't tell them!" Her sobs make her look so broken.

"Can you tell us Pidge?" I ask the question carefully so as not to set off her anger again. She shakes her head and I don't push her. I knew she'd tell us when she was ready. But now wasn't the time.

"Shiro, I'll carry her. You run back to your hoverbike and bring it here. We'll meet you halfway then." Shiro looks at me worriedly.

"Are you sure? She could have another panic attack. What would you do if she did?" I look at Pidge and she frowns.

"Shiro, that "she" is right here you know. And anyways, I don't think I'll have another panic attack. They only come when something triggers the memory. I'll be okay. I promise." She looks so determined. I look at Shiro with raised eyebrows. Nothing could change Pidge's mind once it was made up. Shiro sighs.

"Fine. I'll leave you with Keith. But if anything happens, you scream as loud as possible and I'll come." I nod. Shiro puts Pidge down on the ground and I kneel beside her. Turing around, Shiro starts to jog back to the house to his hoverbike. I'm left alone with Pidge and I have no idea what to say. Clearing my throat, I try and start a conversation.

"So, how are you?" I wince as the words come out and I look away from Pidge's face so I don't have to see her reaction. I hear a forced laugh as she curls into a ball.

"I've been better. Much better. As you probably can see. But apart from the flash backs and my heart pinning for someone I can't have, I'm not too bad." She says it sarcastically but I can see pain in her eyes. But a part of what she said sticks in my brain. I turn fast so I'm facing her again.

"You're pinning for someone? Who?" She blushes and... Holy cow. Its adorable!

"The person already has someone. Anyway, it doesn't matter. He doesn't like me back in that way. Plus, even if he did, we wouldn't work out. In the trials, Sen- somebody told me we wouldn't work out. And their probably right." Pidge looked so broken. All I wanted to do was to wrap her in my arms and comfort her. I wanted to banish all her fears and kill her enemies.

But I had a feeling, deep down, that she was her own enemy. Just like I was mine.


Yup! Another chapter done and gone. Hope you've enjoyed this fanfic so far! If you have anything to say, don't forget to comment! All feedback is appreciated! More chapters soon!

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