Chapter 28

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AN. This chapter contains mild language
Now the chapter...

Chapter 28
Keith Pov

"We're here." Sena's voice saying those words scared me. We'd been following her for another 3 varags since Pidge woke up and the Green Lion was back in action. Sena had been following a path only she could see from the Green Lion's cockpit and now we didn't even know if we'd properly arrived. 

"Selena, are you sure? There's nothing here."

"Relax Shiro. You, Lance and Red worry too much." I hear Lance make an indignant sound before speaking.

"Red is deeply offended by that comment! And you know who Red's old owner was before us? Alfor. And Alfor didn't worry!"

"I don't care. This conversation is over." Sena's voice had taken on an icy edge and the playfulness was gone. I brought up the camera and saw her in Pidge's Lion and make sure only the 3 of us could hear the conversation.

"Sena, are you okay? You didn't need to snap at Lance." She lets out a shaky breath.

"Yeah. Sorry. I just... kinda lost it. Just the mention of that sick bastard is enough to put me on edge. I hate what he did to me." I see Pidge look at her with concern.

"Sena, don't let him ruin your life. Yes, he did some sick things but you need to let go. This is what he wanted. To take away your power. Don't let him do that. He's gone and you're still alive. Don't let him ruin your future." She grins a little and I smile back.

"Now, I think we should stop Haggar. How 'bout it?" Sena's smile returns in full this time.

"Let's kick that witch's ass!" The three of us cheer and connect back to the main conversation.

"So Selena, how long do we have to wait here before Haggar shows up?" Lance sounds bored and I can't blame him. All we were doing was looking out at empty space.

"Not long now. She's here. I'm just waiting to find out what she's doing." Lance grumbles something about being bored and Sena laughs.

"We can play a game. One of your Earth ones if you want. I don't know them all. Teach me." I can just see Lance smirk as the words tumble out.

"Truth or would you rather."

"What's that game?"

"Well, normally it's truth or dare but since we're limited, I changed it. So, for example, I ask Hunk "Truth or would you rather?" If he replies "Truth" then I ask him a question that he has to answer honestly. If he picks "would you rather" then I give him two scenarios and he has to choose one out of those two scenarios. Make sense?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Cool. Who wants to start?"

"I will." Shiro states. "Okay... how about... Keith. Truth or would you rather?" I groan.

"Why'd you pick me Shiro? What about the others?"

"You're fun. Just pick," he says. I sigh in annoyance before answering.

"Fine. Would you rather." Shiro thinks for a second before asking my question.

"Would you rather see Pidge die or would you rather never see her again for the rest of your life?"

"Shiro!" Shiro just chuckles and I hang my head.

"Fine. I'd rather never see Pidge again. At least then I'd not have to live with the guilt of not being able to save her."

"That "her" is right here Keith. And thanks. I'd rather not die right now." I laugh and look up again.

"Alright, who should I choose. How about..." I think about my options. "Lance."

"Oh com'on man! Why me?!"

"You suggested this game!" Lance huffs and chooses truth.

"Who is the best person in this team besides Allura and yourself?" Lance gasps and I we all crack up.

"That's not fair! You're all brilliant!"

"You... have to... choose... one..." I try and get the words out but it's hard, my laughing stopping me.

"Fine. I'd say... you are. You're the best person."I stop laughing.

"Awww thanks Lance."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." I smirk as Lance thinks about who he'll choose.

 "I'll choose... Ooh! Selena! Truth or would you rather?" Sena is silent for a moment before choosing.


"Who is your crush?" All laughter ceases, the anticipation for her answer silencing us all. I wonder how she'll answer the question, hoping Lance didn't go too deep too soon.

"I-I'd rather not answer this question..."

"It's fine. We won't tell anyone. Pinky promise."

"No. It's not that... it's just... I can't talk about it." The mood suddenly drops.

"Why? Is the person already in a relation?"

"No... it's not that. I just... can't talk about it."

"Is it someone here?"

"No. I can't talk about it Lance..."

"Come on. It can't be that bad..."

"I just can't talk about it! She's dead and she's never coming back!" It's so quiet. It's not normal. Not even Hunk tries to cheer up the mood. Sena takes a deep breath before talking. Her voice is small and shaky.

"I-I'm sorry. I just... talking about it hurts. Even after all this time, it hurts like hell." She takes another deep breath and when she speaks again, her voice is stronger. "Years ago, there was this girl I loved. Her name was Jyx and we were very close. This was before Zarkon and Honerva turned into what they were. We fought until the end side by side when the war came. She... was special. She was quirky and overall a person with a heart of gold. But... she was captured and killed because I didn't cooperate as the the person who captured her wanted me to. He... killed her. And the worst part was, this guy who killed her. He was also our friend. We trusted him and he stabbed us in the back." Sena stops and it's silent. Finally, Lance speaks.

"I'm so sorry Selena. I... I didn't realize. I would never have asked if I had." I heard sniffling from the Green Lion's area.

"It's okay Lance. I forgive you. But..." She was cut short as a bright light hit our eyes.

When the light cleared, we all saw what had caused it. There was a tear in space, as if it was just cardboard. I heard gasps but I couldn't concentrate. The light was pulsing and I could see the outline of a small ship heading into the tear.

"No. She didn't." Sena's comment was met with heaps of questions, all which she ignored. I saw her gaze locked on the hole.

"Sena! What is going on?" Pidge's voice seemed to bring her back to us. She looks down at Pidge, her eyes wet.

"She did it. She did what I've been trying to do for years."

"Which is what Sena? What did she accomplish?" Sena turns back to the gaping hole.

"She created the Time Rift."


And that's the chapter. More soon!

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