Chapter 33

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"This is Abby Dad." Kevin states as we quickly get off the couch and make our way towards Kevin's father. I'm scared, I have no clue how Kevin's dad reacts to girls in the mansion.

Surprisingly, his father grabs my nervous hand, kisses it, and shakes it, while greeting, "Absolutely nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you, besides how amazingly beautiful you are that Kevin so happen forgot to mention." I deliver him a massive smile and think; wow, how many times have I heard that nice lie on movies and various of scenes? Instead of dishonoring the remark, I kindly announce, "Why thank you Mr. Johnson-"

"Oh please call me Marcus." Kevin's father interrupts.

We all stand at the doorway, speechless, as I randomly say, "Well, I should probably be heading home."

"Nonsense, please stay for dinner." Marcus sweetly demands. I don't decline as I head to the eating table where Kevin pulls out a wooden chair from the matching table set and tucks me in. The overly fancy table is mighty long and seats over eight people.

Kevin takes his seat besides me as Marcus yanks leftovers from the steel fridge and pops the plates in the microwave. Wow, that's the first infancy experience I've witnessed here so far.

After a few minutes of quiet, finally Marcus walks over to Kevin and I holding the hot three plates of food and delivers.

Weirdly, Marcus takes his seat at the far end of the table and begins devouring his food.

I haven't even glanced of what's going to be sitting in my stomach while the chemical acids dissolve what's remaining of the food, which is chicken, mash potatoes including gravy, and collared greens. It's looks delicious. I instantly dig into the food which immediately makes my taste buds dance.

Minutes go by as everyone eats peacefully, I scoop another pile of food into my hungry mouth, and suddenly Marcus curiously asks, "What'd you kids do today, besides school?" Kevin and I nervously stare at each other, hoping one of us would create a believable lie. Quickly, Kevin replies, "Well we um-um went to the park and got frozen yogurt, then came here and watched some tv. Pretty much sums up today." Seems capable of belief I assume. I watch as Marcus nods his head of understanding and then my shoulders slowly intense and I relax against the comforting chair, chewing another bite of appetizing food, when all of a sudden Marcus clearly questions, "Did you guys have sex?"

I instantly drop my metal fork unto the glass plate and choke in shock feeling greatly uncomfortable.

Marcus patiently waits for an answer as Kevin announces proudly, "Yes dad, we certainly did." I sit and stare at Kevin deathly without moving a single limb wondering why he exposed our actions. I'm terribly terrified from Marcus's remark, thinking he'll throw his plate towards us, flipping the table, but instead he laughs hysterically, so we both climb in. "That's great !" Marcus announces, continuing to laugh.

What the hell just happened.


I ignore the whole weird conversation as I finish my plate and gently place it in the kitchen sink, heading upstairs to search for my phone.

I finally reach Kevin's bedroom and gasp aloud due to how grossly destroyed his room was, it was just this morning when the room was perfectly clean, with only a few clothes on the bare floor.

I dig through the stenchful clothing for about ten minutes and loose hope in finding my electronic.

I soon get very exhausted and tired, I crave wanting to go home to my sweet, sweet bed and sleep for hours.

I sit on Kevin's bed, trying not to think of what happened earlier, when I scarily see a shadow at the door.

My body jumps at the unexpected sight of Kevin at the door holding my phone, grinning. I exhale due to relief of Kevin discovering my phone and knowing Kevin's house doesn't contain any ghosts or demons.

I walk up to Kevin as he gives me my phone, and grabs my cold hand, making our journey downstairs.

As Kevin and I reach the end of the steps, he drags me to the sofa, where I pull away and say, "No, Kevin. I have to go home, I'm sorry." I watch as Kevin's face frowns, but don't contain much care due to me about to fall asleep while walking. "Dad, I'm driving Abby home. I'll be back soon." Kevin demandingly yells towards his dad that answers a simple; okay.

Kevin grabs his car keys and we head outside to the convertible, where he kindly opens the car door for me and shuts it. Kevin sits in the car and starts the smooth roaring ignition as I doze off into slumber.

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