Chapter 40

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My swollen bruised eyes rapidly blink as I squint, adjusting to the bright lights up above.

Both my eyes eventually widen, I hear continuous beeps coming from machines and whimpers, with someone sniffing their running nose.

I look around the quiet, dull room, jerking my head left and right, scarily trying to recognize where I am. My beating heart races as I breathe heavily.

My heart stops as I finally see my mother, with a bowing head while sitting, blowing her nose.

I take a second to talk, regaining my strength.

"Mom?" I say with a dry, scratchy voice.

My mother instantly looks up from the tile floor and a gigantic grin swipes across her pale face.

She then drags the chair over to the bed I'm laying upon.

She grabs my face as I watch her laugh and cry at the exact same time.

My mom just continuously strokes my hair and smiles at me, with massive tears filling her pure, brown eyes.

I've never seen her so upset, yet so happy before.

Mom then stops the stroking, and quietly cries. I look at her in confusion, still wondering where I am and what's going on.

Without questions or answers yet, I turn away from her and look down at my toes, which are covered with white sheets and blankets. I lift the blanket warming me, realizing then I'm in a hospital gown.

I suddenly panic and search around me, inhaling and exhaling heavily, looking at my wrist that contains a bracelet that reads my full name, birthday, and important information about my background.

With that seen, I look up and discover beep-full machinery surrounding my bed.

I look back down to my other arm, without the bracelet, and see tiny tubes injected inside me, completely surrounded by dark, dull bruises.

I don't know what to think at this point. I have no memory of anything besides my actions of sitting in the pouring rain, waiting to be killed.

My body shakes continuously hard, left and right, trying to hold back the tears that are unexplainable.

"Abby, honey, you're okay. Everything's going to be okay now." My mom explains unclearly while still sniffing her nose.

"What happened mom? Tell me." I harshly question and state, with silent tears streaming down my swollen, flushed face.

"Abby, the doctors told us that you had an accident. You came in the hospital, unconscious, and had several injuries, everywhere. The doctor said you would be in a horrible position, and that you were in a comma. Your father and I rushed here as soon as we received the call."

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Only 2 days."

"How'd you guys find me? Who found me Mom?"

"Dan. The doctors said he ran into the hospital, soaking wet, carrying you, yelling at the nurses for help."

All gets silent. I don't speak one word as I look down at the blankets and fight fiercely to hold the serious tears about to break.

"Where is he?" I demandingly ask.

My mother then hand gestures me to look the opposite direction, as I suddenly recognize Dan sitting in a chair, fast asleep, wrapped in his leather jacket.

Mom randomly starts laughing, still sniffing her running nose, which catches my attention away from Dan.

"He wouldn't leave, even as much as your dad and I told him to. He's been here for the past two straight days, sitting beside you, waiting for your great awakening, just like your father and I, not even getting an ounce of sleep, until now."

I glance back towards Dan, who's still in deep, soundless sleep. I can't hold the tears anymore.

Suddenly, slow, quiet drops fall down, splashing to the white sheets, forming small puddles.

"Where's dad?" I then question, sucking the tears back into my watery eyes.

"Oh, he's fine. He just had to go back to work, his boss had an important meeting, which insisted your father."

I nod my head and smile, looking back down to the sheets.

All of a sudden, the loud hospital room door swings open, alarming my mother and I, and instantly awakening Dan. A young male nurse in a blue work uniform steps in with a clipboard, containing paperwork.

"Glad to see that you're finally awake." The nurse quietly announces with a huge grin, while writing on the paper filled clipboard.

I quickly smile, then look at Dan, who's rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning.

Dead silent moments tick by, "Well Abby, I'll be back later to check on you, catch up with your family." The nurse giggly remarks, walking out of the room.

I look at my mother and smile, almost about to shred another tear, then switch to Dan, who's fully

staring at me.

I just copy, unsure of what to say, or do.

"I need more coffee." Mom randomly states, quietly getting up from her seat, grabbing her purse and making her way out the door.

She knew Dan and I should talk.

Just as the door shuts, Dan suddenly stands up from his warm chair and steps carefully to my moms past one. He then slides the squeaky chair up to the hospital bed I'm laying on.

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