Chapter 34

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"Abby wake up, we're here." I hear ever so softly Kevin announce as I slowly rise my gentle eyelids to discover the arrival of home. I slowly pick myself up and thank Kevin for the ride, as he demands, "Let's hang out tomorrow at my place. Come by around 2 ish." I nod my head meaning 'yes, okay'.

I carefully open the car door, but is immediately stopped and yanked back in as I turn my head wondering what the hold up is, and I'm instantly kissed insanely amazingly by Kevin.

We kiss in the convertible for minutes, and I depart my lips from his, catching my breath. Kevin grins at me then looks forward to the steering wheel waiting to drive off, so I quickly get out of the fancy car, closing the door and watch Kevin speed down the block.

I check my low battered phone for the time that states; 10:03 pm and rush to the front door, opening it to find my parents cuddling on the couch, as usual, weirdly watching the same extraordinary tv show as I was earlier.

I welcome myself home and hurriedly step up the stairs noticing my whimsical mother trailing behind me.

I quickly plug my phone into the charger hoping it won't die on me, and turn around to see my curious mother standing in my room with a child like grin on her face making me chuckle. "Can I help you?" I wondrously ask.

"Wha'd you do today, hmm." She asks so adorably that make me smile. I wait a few seconds to answer, thinking of what I'm actually going to say.

"Well, I went to school today and hung out with a friend." I reply while stripping out of my stinky clothes in front of her, hopefully making her feel uncomfortable and leave. She doesn't, and she makes her path over to my bed and sits perkily.

"Are sure that's it?" Mom dramatically questions.

"I'm sure." I answer as I change into warm pj's, feeling to too exhausted to shower, then join mother on the bouncy bed. She slowly gets up and quietly shuts the bedroom door, automatically making me shiver with the case of the worries.

"Abby, what really did you do today?" She asks demandingly as she takes a seat very closely to mine. I don't want to reveal anything that went on today, it's embarrassing to share with moms.

"That's all I did mom." I say trying to smoothly answer with a dry throat.

"Bull shit. Your hair is messy, your clothes reek including you smelling like sweat, your lips are dried out like someone sucked the life from them, and not to mention marks all over your neck and arms. Mom remarks while a huge grin swipes across her face like a credit card. I shamefully didn't realize the marks dented on my arms, till now. I exhale a deep solid breath and hesitantly reply, "Okay, so I may have done other activities today.."

She giggles like a school girl hearing a boy likes her and claps her hands announcing, "Aww, my baby's not a baby anymore!" I shush her due to father down at the couch, not wanting him to come up here.

"What happened? How did it happen? Tell me!" She anxiously demands. I've got nothing to loose if I explain, and suddenly i feel a load more comfortable talking to my excited mom, who's patiently waiting for a detailed reply.

"Well, we were just kissing while standing in his bedroom, he lead me to his bed, kissed some more, and things kinda took it's own path from there." I say, not exposing any further details.

"Oh honey, more than things 'kinda' took it's own path, I mean due to all the relentless marks on your neck and arms, Dan recked you up! Holy shit, was he that damn amazing?"

I stop breathing for moments and my beating heart skips a few beats as I wide eyed stare at my mother, immediately stating, "No ! Mom, Dan isn't the one I had sex with !"

She scarily delivers me a face that's un comforting and quickly asks, "Then who the hell did you sleep with?"

Seconds go by, until she randomly laughs extremely hard and gestures me to answer. I smile along thinking; well it's not her fault, she just assumed it was Dan due to my secret 'too friendly relationship' regarding Kevin.

"It's a boy I've been spending time with named Kevin." I giggle while answering.

"Oh, Kevin's a hot name, and from the damage on you, he's pretty hot in bed."

"Mom, stop! Gees.. Well, he was quite great, but made my body hurt terribly." I say.

"Yeah, that feelings going to go away quick. You'll soon get comfortable after you perform it a few more times. So, did you leave this Kevin any marks?"

"Not that know of or could see." I answer certainly. She nods her head. Then, we sit on the bed in complete dead silence, until suddenly she depressingly bursts stating, "I was hoping that sweet Dan would be the one to steal it."

I don't say anything and just look down and play with my fingertips.

"Okay, well I'm ganna hit the hay mom, I'm mighty exhausted."

"I bet you are !" She says and winks then quickly asks a serious question, "One more thing Abby, did he use a condom?"

"Yes mom, I made sure of it." I say lyingly, I mean I didn't think about it until Kevin got up to fetch one, thank god. The last thing this world needs is another teen mom.

"Goodnight sweetie, see you tomorrow. Love you. Oh, and there's some pain pills in the medicine cabinet if you need them." Mom jokingly tells shutting the door. I peep a few laughs thinking of how easily explaining the whole conversation was, and continue preparing for slumber by brushing my teeth, washing my face, and going to the bathroom, then jump into my 'no man' bed, clicking the lamp off.


I grab my phone to reveal the time of night and realize I've been laying in bed for about an hour, and oddly can't return to sleep. I curiously keep pondering about what my mother said, "I was hoping that sweet Dan would be the one to steal it."

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