Chapter 47

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"Thank you Dan." I say sweetly, as I watch him carry my clothes bag into my house and set it on the couch.
"No problem Aja." Dan answers.
Minutes of pointless standing around was wasted.
"I'm going to put my bag upstairs and change into some comfortable clothes, make yourself at home." I state with sarcasm, avoiding being a statue much longer.
Dan laughs and makes his way over to the couch while I pace up the stairs, holding my clothes bag.
I quickly run into my bedroom and breath in the welcoming air that I've missed.
I then toss the bag on my bed and head to my closet that's holding my other clothes. I yank off the hanger a flexible t-shirt that my father bought me from his business trip to Washington. Then, jog to my dresser that contains pants, etc, and rip out a pair of grey yoga pants.
Without hesitation, I strip out of my previous clothes, throwing them on the bedroom floor, and into the new ones recently chosen.
Quietly and carefully, I creep across my room, I peek my head out of my bedroom door, and spy on Dan, who is sitting on the couch looking around my house. Slowly, I tuck my gentle head back into my room, shutting the door, and race towards my bathroom.
I instantly flip the switch and watch the lights flick on.
I suddenly gasp in horror as I had forgotten how damaged my face appeared. Ignoring the fact of how terrible I look, I pull out my brush and fiercely begin stroking my tangled hair with the brushes teeth. Then, scrub my fainting breath, put deodorant on, and apply a little mascara.
What? I'm not impressing anybody. A girl has to look her best, right?
If I was impressing anyone, I would take a shower- but there's no time for that right now.
Sooner or later, I give up on 'looking good', due to the damage on my face, and trail down the stairs. I try to make my walking appear natural, but when I feel the heat of pressure from eyes staring at me, everything gets messed up.
What's wrong with me?
So, I probably look idiotic "walking" towards Dan, giving a freakish smile. He just massively grins and waits for my arrival to the couch.
Embarrassing enough, I finished my dreadful journey to the couch and steal a seat, about two cushions away from Dan.
Silence. Nothing but silence.
"So, Aja-" Dan's voice wonders, breaking the ice, "what do you want to do? I'm guessing something relaxing, I bet you're exhausted."
I actually was very tired.
"Yeah, how about we watch a movie?" I say, sounding cheesy.
Dan agreeably nods his bashful head and grabs the television remote, then hands it to me. I scroll through all the movie channels and don't discover much excitement, nor does Dan.
About five minutes later of failure, Dan suggests, "How about we skip the movie?"
"And do what?" I ask.
"Whatever teenagers do I guess." Dan jokingly answers.
"I think that would be too inappropriate." I sarcastically state.
Dan and I both theatrically laugh for seconds until I ideal, "How about we get to know each other more?"
I bet that sounded plain out "stupid".
"Of course." Dan sweetly says.
I click off the t.v with the matching remote and turn towards Dan, sitting in criss-cross-applesauce position, as does he. I try to avoid his eyes because if he is going to be asking questions and wanting a serious straight answer, I'll need to be able to focus. His eyes are like a black hole.
"Okay, what's your favorite color?" Dan confusingly asks with a sarcastic face.
"Hmm, blue !" I quickly answer, then non-hesitantly ask, "When's your birthday Dan?"
"July 14, 1987." He states.
"What's your inspiration?" Dan
non-jokingly questions, quickly.
I thought long and hard about this question, not because I got lost in his deep blue eyes, but because I didn't know.
"Not sure I have one." I then answer.
Dan slowly tilts his head down at the couch cushion, avoiding eye contact.
"My turn !" I announce randomly, trying to forget about the previous question and following answer. "If you don't mind me asking, how many people have you dated?"
Dan laughs dramatically towards my personal question, and takes in a few moments to answer.
"Technically, one. I dated this girl named Allison in the eighth grade."
"And?" I curiously ask, wanted to know more, like someone reading a mystery book.
"And, she broke up with me after about less than a month. She probably realized what a failure I am before I did." Dan says, trying to kid, but I could tell in his voice, he was serious.
"You're not a failure Dan." I demandingly state.
He shifts his head and contains that 'puppy' look, then settles his two beautiful blue eyes on me, which makes me feel like I've escaped reality. I've missed this.
As I get lost in his graceful eyes, I wonder; What am I feeling towards Dan at this point?
Dan makes me feel protected. Dan saved my life. Dan was there for me when no one else was.
With those thousands of answers flowing through my confused mind, I slowly began to lean my fragile head in towards Dan's, as he also copies my actions.
The moment seemed from what people would say, 'perfect'.
Seconds away from colliding faces, we're interrupted by an unknown knock at the door.

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