Chapter 32

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I widely stare at the dull ceiling with the sheets covering my exhausted body as Kevin is asleep besides me. I feel nauseously self-conscious, a million times worse then I did with Dan, which I have no answer to why I feel like that. I shake most of the feeling away and I automatically question myself; That was sex? How the hell do people find it comfortable? It's the most uncomfortable feeling in the world!

I guess you have to experience it several times before it's likable. But Kevin sure seemed to enjoy it..

God my body hurts. At this moment I contain deep emotions for Kevin but at the exact same time I despise him for making my body feel this painful way.

I don't move a muscle because I absolutely don't want to awaken Kevin right now, I need some me time to overthink what just overwhelmingly occurred between us. So, slowly and carefully I slide out of the bed and search for my bra and underwear scattered on the bare floor.

As I'm searching, all of a sudden I slip on what happens to be Kevin's boxers on the wooden floor which makes a loud thud, possibly awakening him. I try not to hysterically laugh at myself for being a complete dumbass, but quiet giggles release. I look towards the bed and see Kevin still fast asleep, what a relief.

I slowly pick myself up and journey to find my pants and t-shirt. I discover them and throw my clothes on and head to find a nearby bathroom.

I find the closest bathroom which is massive and walk in, shutting the door behind me. I glance into the mirror and find my hair extremely messy, of course, so I wet my hands with water and dampen the hair, fixing the rats nest. As I then dash my face with warm water to freshen up, I notice in the clear mirror that I contain small red marks on the right side of my neck. I quickly assume they're hickeys, but examine closer to expose them to be hand grabbing marks. Kevin must have squeezed my face and neck to hard when we were kissing. It looks as if someone tried to strangle me, great. I avoid the marks and step away from the mirror to use the fancy toilet.


After I handled my business, I peek my head into Kevin's now messy bedroom to find him still soundlessly asleep. Thank god, I state as I quietly travel down the many flights of stairs to the living room. I scrounge around the room hoping to find a clock but instead find a tv remote.

I'm probably going to be here a while, waiting for Kevin, may as well entertain myself. As soon as the tv clicks on, it instantly reveals a time of 6:09 pm, and date of 11/16/14, then switches to cable. I browse the stations and nothing appears to be on, so randomly I choose a show that I definitely don't recall.

I make my journey to the gigantic sofa and grab a fluffy pillow to cuddle.


I've watched this surprisingly amazing broadcast for hours, it's an old show, I can tell because from it's picture coloring black and white.


As I'm watching this fascinating show, I hear someone troll down the stairs. I pick my gently rested head up to reveal who the person is, Kevin of course, considering he's the only other living specimen in the house.

I notice he's wearing an old t-shirt and gym pants, I'm assuming those are his pajamas, better he's wearing clothes than nothing at all which I would highly eject to.

Kevin walks over towards the couch and stands in front of me, gesturing for him to lay behind me. I allow the gesture as he makes his way behind my cozy body, laying down.

Nor Kevin or I speak a word to each other as our mind sets into the tv program being brainwashed.

After about a half hour of watching the huge tv screen, I then feel long hands slowly stroke my legs and rub my back that's facing him. His movements feel extremely relaxing and I close my eyes, enjoying every second of the vacation, until my paradise is interrupted by a disturbing action. Suddenly, my eyes grow wide and I gasp in my head, due to an unpleasant feeling coming from a little above my tush, into my back. Oh, my gosh, Kevin has a bonner. Automatically I laugh on the inside, due to thinking how easily guys receive a package of them. Actually, it's quite hilarious..

Kevin continuously strokes and rubs me down, and the feeling I receive in my back gets even more un comforting. I can't bare the poking anymore, so I decide to slowly scoot away from him as he halts the movement on my body, knowing I dislike what Kevin performed. The peaceful moment was ruined and was now a weird thought and certainly awkward time. I can't seem to focus my way back into the tv program due to the various of thoughts racing my disturbed mind like; How was that even possible, he was stroking me? Why do guys get those, gross. Oh my gosh, Kevin seriously needs to control himself a lot better than he is.


After another episode begins, minutes later the first commercial appears and I switch the tv station to one that shares the time of 8:26pm. I want to leave for home but at the same time I certainly don't, so quickly I change the channel back to the commercial that we left off of, when suddenly I hear a key slip into the lock and the doors open. Both Kevin and I jerk our heads up and examine the door where we see a muscular male walk in, Kevin's father. Instantly I see the resemblance of Kevin and his dad and notice where Kevin receive his major great physical appearances from. Kevin's father is mighty attractive for an older but yet very young adult, I remark aloud in my mind, keeping the thought to myself.

Kevin's father hangs his expensive jacket up in the small closet next to the large front doors and turns his face and stops his motion to a standing statue position, to witness Kevin and I on the couch staring at him while delivering a friendly smile.

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