Chapter 37

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"You're the winner !" The working booth man announces. My first game of the night; water shooting, and I win, beating Kevin.


I quickly grab my miniature stuffed dolphin, squeeze the stuffing out of it, and carry it to the next booth Kevin's dragging me to which happens to be knock the bottle down with a bean bag.

I throw my first bag at the rusty bottles and clearly miss.

Second throw-miss.

Last toss- miss.


I watch the booth man deliver me a puppy frown, then I turn to see Kevin throwing every single bag a perfect aim at the bottles.

"Yes !" Kevin shouts. I give him a 'show off' face and roll my eyes.

The man gives Kevin a medium sized penguin as we walk away from the game and make our way to other excitements surrounding us.


Time blows like the wind as we've completed various of games that took hours, such as; ring toss, shoot the animals, basket ball, ect.

"Alright Abby, one more adventure and we'll leave. I mean, our arms can't bare to carry any more prizes." Kevin admits laughingly, while making his way over to one of my favorite parts involving carnivals; the Farris Wheel.

We set our prizes down at a bench and Kevin yanks my hand as we run to the Wheel and jump into a cart.

I carefully watch as Kevin secretly hands the operator of the ride a five dollar bill, then up we go.


The Farris Wheel jerkingly stops as Kevin and I reach the top of the world. I look down to see how far up we are, and my approximate is 50-65 feet dangling in the air. My heart pounds dreadfully as many bad thoughts scatter my mind.

What if the screws give out and we fall? What if we get stuck up here? What if-

And my own thoughts are interrupted as Kevin pulls me close to him and he lands a giant wet kiss on my lips. Suddenly, all the bad thoughts disappear, permanently.

I pull away from his face and nestle against his chest. It's actually chilly up here even though it's Vegas, I think, as thousands of good bumps fill my body. My teeth start to harshly chatter and my cold body shakes.

Kevin then scoots me closer to him and I feel some what warmer than before. I'm almost positive he would have given me his jacket if he had one.

Soon after enjoyable silence, the Farris Wheel continues it's journey back down to earth. I've never been so madly what maybe I would identify as in "love" before. Maybe. Just maybe that's the word.

My comfortable cocoon around Kevin is broken apart as he gets up and steps off, grabbing my cold hand.

"Okay, time for home." Kevin depressingly states. I nod my head in agreement as we head for our animal prizes.


I shut the car door and wait for Kevin to hesitantly start the engine. I rip my phone out and read the time of; 8:38pm. It's not that late, but I'm pretty pooped. Sleep is exactly what I need right now.


Kevin and I reach my light shining house after about twenty some minutes of a silent car ride.

"Thank you Kevin for today. I had fun." I sweetly remark.

"No problem Abby, I had fun too. I'll see you Monday, I have things that need to be attended tomorrow."

It's okay, too much of someone is really aggravating.

"Okay, well bye!" I answer.

Just then Kevin does the same actions as yesterday by yanking me back in the fancy car and giving me the biggest kiss ever. Then once again announces,

"Abby, know that I really do love you."

My mouth wants to reply with the same words but my mind says wait for the right time Abby.

So, instead, I deliver him a grin and quickly make my trail out of the car and into the parented house.

What do I feel?

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