Chapter 35

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My tired eye lids gently open to sunlight peeking through the glass window reflecting onto my awoken face.

My eyes are widely spread open now as I manly yawn releasing dreadful morning breath and sit up to rub my dried eyes.

I glance at the clock standing on top of the dresser which reads; 12:56pm, and I immediately hop out of the warm messy bed into the clean bathroom where I instantly turn the hot shower on and scrub my stinky body and greasy hair, thinking of what Kevin and I are possibly going to attend today.


I quickly wrap the pure white towel around my clean soaking wet body and hair, rushing to my closet looking at the time of 1:17pm.

Kevin demanded to meet him at his house at 2ish, and I don't want to be late, then again I don't want to show up too early.. This whole 'arriving' mix up is certainly confusing, ugh, the struggle.

I decide to hurry my speed at a little faster pace as deciding what to hopelessly wear for Kevin's mansion. Hesitantly, I throw on the same adorable outfit from the last scenario where I was officially 'stood up' and slip on my everyday black converse, rushing to the foggy bathroom to quickly style my drenched curly hair into my usual down appearance with a little of hair spray to keep it in place. Then, lather on my normal makeup.

I hurriedly jog out of the bathroom to discover the time of 1:29pm, and retrace my steps back in the bathroom, forgetting before to brush my teeth, otherwise Kevin would harshly wither away receiving a quick whiff of my disgusting breath.

Finally, when I think all my perks are finished, I carefully yank my fully charged phone off the charger, shove it into the front pocket and anxiously skip down the steps of stairs, heading to the door. Of course my parents aren't home so I don't bother texting them, I mean if they assume I'm home, may as well let them continue thinking that.

I leave the house about fifteen minutes before two in the afternoon and speed walk, heading for Kevin's house, which takes less than twenty minutes to arrive.

I cross the non busy street thinking I'll save time by passing through the peaceful park.

I about half way complete the time saver and decide to turn down the notches speed to just walking due to my body aching; which I disturbingly know what from.

As I'm gasping for air while still walking, randomly, in the near distance, I see Dan sitting under the same shaded tree he dragged me too, looking adorable, as always.

I seriously don't need Dan to notice me strolling through the park though, then he'll call me over and want to talk, which god trust me, I obviously don't mind at all, but I've got somewhere to be, and I definitely don't want to reveal where I'm heading to, to Dan.

I carefully try to jerk my damp hair head away from Dan as quick as my head can move without it popping out of painful place, but damn it. Dan already noticed and delivered me a gigantic smile. Now that he's seen me I absolutely can't avoid his appearance without coming off as a complete 'bitch', so I slowly walk towards Dan, unwillingly.

As I head to him, I think to myself; wait, I just realized Dan wasn't at school Friday. I've been paying way too much attention to Kevin that I hadn't noticed till now. Great, I feel lousy.

I reach him, "Hey Dan." I quickly say standing, impatiently waiting for a simple reply.

"Hey Abby." Dan answers as we eventually wait in dead silence for nothing. I can't waste my time hopefully waiting for a conversation to pop up, so I fastly remark, "I'm sorry but I have plans that I'm about to be late attending for. I'll text you later."

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