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I waited next to my car for grayson. He should be coming out of school right now. Where is he? I see him walk out with his head low, and kids walking next time him and saying some stuff that I obviously couldn't hear. He walked a bit faster. I heard a kid yell "Pussy".

I got mad, Grayson ran into my arms, crying. " Baby, what happened?" I ask. I lifted his face with my index finger and my heart dropped. His lips busted and a black eye. With tears falling from them. "T-they, hurt me" He sobbed, I pulled him into a hug. I kissed his forehead and grabbed his hand. "W-where are we going?" He asked, as I began to walk towards the school. Me glaring at kids who gave Grayson disgust looks. Girls look like there drooling, to bad I'm gay, and they are under age. Well... Grayson is under age, but he's different. We're keeping our relationship a secret till he turns 18.

I burst into the office, the man at the front desk looked at me. "Can I help you?" He asked. "How are you letting kids bully, my baby brother?" I ask harshly. The guy gulped.

"Unless you have proof-"

I grabbed Grayson's face and showed him, he slightly whimpered. The guys eyes widened a bit. "I-im s-sorry! I d-didnt know t-that was h-happening" The guy swallowed.

"Well you better fix it" I growled. He quick grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. "W-what the kids names that bully y-you?" He asked.

"It's, Conner, and his group" Gray whimpered. I wrapped my arm around him. "I'll make sure to suspend them" We both nodded and left. We got into the car, and Grayson stayed quiet not even looking at me. I put my hand on his thigh, squeezing it softly. "Baby, whats the matter?" I asked softly. "Nothing." He replied bluntly, pushing my hand away roughly. "Grayson, stop, what's wrong?" I growled.

"Now Conner and his friends are gonna hurt me for snitching on them!" He cried. "No, I'll make sure they won't." I said. He didn't reply. He just sat there with his arms crossed and pouty lips. "Gray, stop you're being childish." I growled. He rolled his eyes and look away. "Don't fucking roll your eyes at me!" I warned, he whimpered and stayed quiet the rest of the ride home.

When we got home, he quickly ran inside, "Grayson open the fucking door!" I growled banging on his door. "No!" He yelled. I groaned. "Open it now! Or you'll get punished." I said. "Leave me alone!" He yelled. "No I'm not gonna fucking leave you alone!" I yelled. I kept banging on his door.

I pretended to walk away. I heard his door slowly creak open, I smirked and ran towards grayson to pick him up, he screeched, "Ethan! Let me go!" He yelled. I brought him towards my room. "How come you haven't told me you get bullied?" I ask raising an eye brow. He stayed quiet, "Answer me." I growled. "Because I didn't want you to tell the office! But guess what? You fucking did! And now I'm gonna get hurt for snitching on those assholes." He yelled in my face. "And it's been going on for years!"

"First of all, don't fucking yell at me." I warned. "Or what?" He scoffed. "Turn around!" I demanded. He looked at me wide eyed and shook his head, "No Ethan please!" He begged. "In this situation my names not Ethan." I growled. "Now, bend over."

"No daddy please!" He begged. I grabbed his hips and flipped him over, yanking down his pants and boxers. "I want you to count your spankings" I grumbled. He whimpered but nodded. I caressed his ass cheek before bringing my palm down sharply...


Ethan caressed my ass before bringing his palm down sharply. "Ow daddy, one." I winced. He continued spanking me till I reached 20.

I had tears streaming down my face, from the pain. I sniffed and buried my head in Ethan's pillow. "I don't like when you spank me that hard daddy." I cried softly. "I only do it to teach you a lesson, which is, not to yell or cuss me out." He says. "Now wipe those tears, and we'll do whatever you want."

"I wanna Netflix and chill" I said cuddling up to Ethan's chest. He turned on the tv and put on our favorite show. I put my leg across his waist, and rested my head on his chest. His hand rested on my ass and squeezing it softly, every few seconds.


As we were watching our show my mind wandered off to random things. I thought of something stupid, and I didn't notice I was crying till Ethan spoke.

"Hey, what's wrong, baby?" He asked softly. I sniffed, "Ethan," I whimpered, "Shh baby, what's wrong?" He ask running his hand up and down my back softly.

"Do you even love me? Or do you just use me for sex?" I ask, my bottom lip quivering and my voice shaky. "Why would yoi think that?" He asked, serious this time. His eyes showed a bit of anger. "Do you? Or are you just with me, your brother, cause you can't find anyone else?" I ask, my voice cracking. "Of course I don't! Grayson, why would you think that?!" He asked, his voice raising a bit. I got kinda scared and scooted back a little, only to be pulled roughly onto his lap.

"If you love me then, why do you spank me, and start raising ur voice at me like right now?" I ask, shaking slightly, scared that he's gonna hurt me.

His face softened when he saw how I was shaking slightly in fear. "I spank you to teach you a lesson, to not yell at daddy, and I raise my voice because I get mad..." He whispers. "W-why do you get mad?" I ask. "I don't like when you think about that stuff, cahset remember..." He says...

"I love you and I'll never stop loving you baby boy."


On the first chapter... Gray got punished...

Well I hope yall like it💙

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