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1 week later...


I woke up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. Ew. I looked like a mess. My hair a mess, tear stains on my cheek, and bags under my eyes. I sighed and washed my face...

I've been crying and sleeping alone, for almost a week now. Cause of what happened the other day with me and Ethan..

Other Day

I was walking around the house, being bored af. Cause Ethan's out getting food and left me here, alone.

I grab my tennis ball that's was stuffed in my cabinets. I throw it back and forth to the wall. I sighed and kept throwing it. As I throw it I suddenly hear glass shatter. I see the glass angel broke. That's all we had left of our great grandma. Ethan loved that glass angel. I start panicking. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I yell. I started crying. He's gonna kill me. I run toward the kitchen and grab the broom. I start sweeping, but then the door opens. My heart drops,and I freeze...

"Gray what are you-" Ethan stops. Seeing glass everywhere. His expression changes. "Is that-"

"I'm sorry Ethan." I whimper. "How the fuck did you break it?!" He yells angrily. I flinch. "I-i was bored and I was throwing my tennis ball back and forth on the w-wall, and i hit the glass." I say, stepping back.

"That's all we had left of great grandma!!" he yells. "I-im s-sorry I d-didnt mean t-to!" I cried. He growled. I step back more, sobbing. "This is all I had left of great grandma...and now, I have nothing... Because you fucking broke it!" He states. "I said I'm sorry!" I sobbed.

"I told you last time to not play with a fucking ball in the house! And you still did it!" He screamed, he walked towards me, and slammed me against the wall. "P-please don't h-hurt me... I-it was an accident." I whimper. "It was an accident my ass! It was no accident!" he growled. "Y-yes it was-"

I got cut off by him slapping me across the face. I looked at him shocked. He never slapped me before. My cheek stung in pain. "Fuck you!" I scream running off to my room and slamming the door. I looked in the mirror and see my cheek is really red, from Ethan hitting me. I sobbed and fell to the floor. I heard the front door slam shut...


After that day Ethan hasn't come home, at all and I get really worried...


I sat on the couch for 3 hours crying... Waiting for Ethan to come home. I suddenly hear the front door open. I look to see Ethan with a blank face. "Ethan!" I say relieved. I run and hug him tightly. He didn't hug back, all he did was push me away and walked right passed me. I frowned. He sat on the couch and glared at the TV.

"A-are you still mad at me?" I ask, my voice cracking. He sighed, "I don't know..."

"Yes you do, Ethan." I say, my bottom lip quivering. He sighs once again. "I'm not mad." He says. "Yes you are!" I say on the verge of tears. He sees this. Guilt written all over his face. "I'm not.."

"Yes you are! You haven't called me princess, or baby yet." I say, crying a little. "I love you baby and I'm sorry." He says hugging me. I pushed him away. "You dont even mean it! You only did cause I said something about it." I cried. I ran to my room slamming the door and locking it. Falling on my bed crying. I heard a soft knock on the door. "Go away!" I sobbed. Ethan jiggled the doorknob trying to open the door, but it was locked. "Gray, baby, please open the door." He says softly.

I get up quietly and open the door, seeing him also crying. He whimpered and cupped my face, kissing me hard. He pulled away and sniffed. "I'm so sorry grayson. I really am." He cries. "You hit me..." I whimpered. He shuts his eyes, probably not wanting to remember, "And you never hit me.."

"I'm so fucking sorry!" He cried. I pulled him into a hug. Kissing his lips softly. He picked me up, wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. He layed us on the bed. Him hovering over me, my legs crossed behind his back. He kissed down my neck, and sucking softly making me whimper and throw my head back. He takes off my shirt, and kissed every inch on my body. I arched my back as he nibbled and kissed in between my thighs.

He took off all of his clothes too, leaving us both nude. He cuddled me, while tryna find a tv show.


We just kissed and cuddled and watched Netflix. "I'm sorry Grayson." He says, for like the 100th time already. "Ethan, I forgive you, you don't have to keep apologizing." I say. He sighs and nods.

"How do I make you forgive me 100%" he asked.

"E, babe, I forgive you all the way. I know you don't forgive yourself self but I do forgive you." I say grabbing his face in in my small hands. Tears formed in his eyes. "Don't cry." I kiss his lips gently. I felt a hot tear fall down both our cheeks. He's crying. "Ethan..."

"I will never forgive myself for hitting you." He whimpered. I swallowed. I straddle his waist and kiss his lips softly. He places his hands on my hips, rubbing my sides up and down, giving me goosebumps.

He gently rocked me back and forth.

That night, we made love...




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