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"Daddy look!" Grayson squealed, from behind me. I look toward him to see he's holding a piece of paper. I take the paper from his hands, and see he drew something;

 I take the paper from his hands, and see he drew something;

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"All you need is love." He says, saying the same words on the drawing. "Aww, c'mere." I say, pulling him onto my lap. "I love you baby boy." I say kissing his lips softly. "I love you too Daddy." He blushes. I kiss his cheek and let him sit on my lap, as i continue doing what I was doing before on my computer. He looks as I click random things and shit.

I finished and stood up, Grayson wrapping his legs around my waist. I layed us down on the bed and kiss him softly. I trailed my kisses down his neck...


Ethan kissed down my neck, sucking softly. I whimpered and pushed him away gently. "What's wrong?" He asked. Confused to why I pushed him away. "Nothing, I'm just not in the mood." I say. "Are you ok?" He ask. "Yea, I'm just tired." I yawn, closing my eyes. I heard him sigh and pulled me on top of him, me laying my head in the crook of his neck.


I woke up in an empty bed. I groaned and got up. I rubbed my eyes, and walked out for Ethan's room. I smelled waffles, I cringed, because, I'm guessing Ethan is tryna cook them.

"Hey princess. Here." He hands me a plate. I make a disgust face. "I'm not eating this shit, Ethan." I say. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. That look intimidated me.

He walked slowly towards me, I let a small squeal and began eating. I rather eat this shit, than get get punished...

"Good boy." He kisses my cheek. I groan softly. "When you are done, get ready, because you have school today." My eyes widened in realization. I put my head down. I felt Ethan's eyes burning the side of my head. "I don't wanna go." I say softly. "Why not?"

"I don't wanna get bullied."

"Grayson, that dude on the front desk said he'll suspend them."

"He always says that and never does!" I yell. I whimpered afterwards knowing what might happen. "P-please don't be m-mad at me.."

He stared at me. He walked closer, and I got scared. I covered my face with my hands and cried softly. "I-im s-sorry, please don't hurt m-me." I was getting ready to get picked up and taken to the room. But it never happened. Instead Ethan pulled me into a hug.

"You don't have to go." He says, grabbing my face gently, and wiping away my tears. "What ever makes you happy. Shit, you can even drop out if you want."

"Really?! At what age did you drop out?" I ask.

"15.." He replied. I nod my head. "Can we go to the school today and tell them Im dropping out?" I say excitedly. "Grayson. Dropping out isn't good." Ethan said, sternly.

"What?! But you did it! And you said, 'whatever makes you happy' please! I don't wanna go back to that hell hole." I beg, giving him puppy dog eyes. He groans, "Fine, let's go."

I squeal and jump up. I jump on him wrapping my arms and legs around him. I kiss his lips hard. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I say. "Ok Grayson... Get off, you're heavy." he chuckled. "Are you calling me fat?" I ask softly, my mood dying. "What?! Of course not! I'm just saying. You've grown." He says. "Ok..."

I dress up in sweats and random hoodie, that I stole from Ethan. It's kinda big on me, but it's comfy and smells just like him. "Is that my hoodie?" He ask, raising and eyebrow. "Uh..." I say. "It looks cute on you." He says, kissing my lips softly. "I love you gray."

"I love you too E." I say hugging him tightly.

After our moment in embracing each other. We head out the door and towards the school. We walk towards the office, I sat in the chair, waiting, as Ethan talked to the staff saying I wasn't gonna come anymore. I gulp as I see Conner and his friends, entering the office. His eyes landed on me and smirked.

"Guys look! It's baby Grayson!" He snickered. "Jokes on you, at least I don't still wet the fucking bed!" I snap. His cheeks turned a light red color. "I-i dont pee t-the bed anymore!" He tried to act tough. "Yes you do! It's going around school." I smirk. His friends all said rude comments and left. He grabbed me by my collar, "Fuck you! You now made me lose my friends. If i never get them back, I will murder you." He growled. "To bad I'm not going to this school anymore!" I spat, hitting his balls, with my knee. He groaned and layed on the floor wincing.

"Thats what you get after bullying me all those years asshole!" I yell. The whole room fell quiet. Ethan looked at me confused. He looked to see Conner on the ground thats holding his groin and groaning. "We'll talk about this later." Ethan mouthed. I shook my head. "No." I mouthed. "Yes!" He mouthed. I didnt even try to argue with him. Knowing if I do, I will get punished...


"Thank fucking god! I'm out of school!" I cheer walking out the office. "We still have to talk." Ethan says looking at me. I roll my eyes and sigh. "What did I say about rolling your eyes?" His voice was stern. "Sorry" I mumble.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked, both of us getting in the car. I stayed quiet. "Grayson." Ethan growled. "Why did you do that? You never hurt anyone."

"Oh, so, I'm not allowed to defend my self, to someone who bullied me since 3rd grade now?!" I ask harshly. "But you-" I interrupted him. "But nothing! He's been bullying me since 3rd grade Ethan! And you're mad at me, that I hurt him?!" I ask, in disbelief.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that!" He growled. "I don't give a shit anymore." I say. Instantly regretting it... "I-im sorry! P-please don't hurt me!" I plead.

He glared at me and raced home...

Dammit. I'm getting a big punishment...


Oof. Gray is always acting out😂


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