• 17

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I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. I sighed and snuggle more into Ethan. I smile as I looked at the promise ring he gave me yesterday after he gave that speech. Since we really can't marry eachother, cause it's illegal.

I felt his soft lips against the back of my neck and sighed happily. "Morning baby." He says, with a raspy, morning voice. That sounds so fucking hot, shivers went down my spine. "Morning" I say. I turned over, with ethans arm still around me. I scooted a bit closer, that we can feel our breaths against each others.

I kissed his softly, I really don't care if we had morning breath, I would just make out with him right here, ill still love him. "I love you." I say, running my fingers across his jawline.

"I love you too baby boy." He smiles. I sigh once again and put my head in the crook of his neck. I kiss it softly, "Ethan... I want a kid."


"Ethan please. I really want a kid." I say, my eyes started watering for some reason.

"Fine, we'll get one soon." He sighs.

"No..." I say.


"Are you sure you want one? I want us to be really sure. Don't do it cause I want to. Do it if you want to too." I say.

"Gray, you turned 17 a few days ago, and I turned 21. Don't you think we're still to young?"

"Of course not! Some ppl get pregnant at 15!" I said.

"We'll adopt one don't worry."

"No, I want our own, like I wanna get pregnant with one." I said.

"Baby, you have to go through surgery for that. Some people don't make it, and I don't wanna lose you." Ethan frowns.

"Oh... Can we at least try." I said.

"I-i don't wanna lose you, you are only 17, what am I gonna do for the next 80 years when I'm without you?" His voice cracked, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." I frown, "No it's fine, just the thought of you dying..." He didnt wanna finish the rest. I just nodded and we got back to cuddling.

"E, can we at least try," I ask one more time. "Fine, I'll make an appointment later."

"Thank you!" I say kissing his lips, "I promise Ethan, if I didn't make it, I'll still be with you, I promise. But look, you never know if I'll survive. It was miracle to what happened when I was born..."

"Yea, your heart stopped for a minute, and you're here now."

"Yea, Ethan, I'm strong, I'll stay alive. I promise you." I say staring deep into his eyes. "Ok" He sighs. I kiss his lips softly, an idea popped in my head. "Or, we can get someone to have our baby." Ethan smiles widely. "Yea!"


A few weeks later.

Here we are... Talking to the doctors, with a women next to him. About how we can get the women pregnant and she'll have our baby.


"So today you guys are going do the stuff of having your baby, but of course Lily, the women who's having your baby, is gonna be carring it. Alright?" Doc Martin said.

"Yes" Me and Ethan said. The doctor handed each of us one small cup. "All you have do is cum in this, then we'll combine it, and lastly we'll inject it Lily."

(A/n: ok idk how that^ stuff works... But let's just pretend it works like that.)

"Ethan you go first." The doc said. He nodded and went into the bathroom. After about a few seconds we heard a soft groan, I blushed and the doctor just stood there with a blank face, staring at his computer.

"Alright Grayson, now you go." He said after Ethan walked out. Ethan smirked at me and I blushed once again.

How do I get myself to come? I just started having dirty thoughts about Ethan. The way his muscles flex when we fuck, the way his dick slides in and out of me easily. I wrapped my fingers around my length and started pumping slowly. Ethan, I love his loud, sexy, groans. I continued having the dirty thoughts and came into the little cup.

Ethan and I both gave it to the doctor and he went to another room to do something. "What'd you do?" I ask. "I had to have dirty thoughts about you." He blushed, "I did too." I giggled.

I really love this man...


I really hated this chapter. it's short and boring.😞

The video was great... At least Emma wasnt that annoying. She was actually calm. 😂🤦🏽‍♀

Merry Christmas 😆❤💚


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