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I woke up and see Ethan still asleep, and Aiden also asleep in his arms. I smile at them, so cute. I take a picture and put it as my lock screen wallpaper.

Aiden made a little noise and woke up. I took him out of Ethan's grip and carried him, I went towards his room and changed him. After I went to the kitchen and got his milk, and began feeding him. I felt an arm around me, "Hey" Ethan's voice was raspy, "Hi" I smiled. "So, wanna move the crib to our room?" He asked, I nod. "Ok, all you gotta do is carry it."


I feel like it's better if Aiden's crib was in our room. Cause every night, he starts screaming and crying when he's left alone. I grunt as I pick up the crib. I rather do it this way, then take it out, and put it all together again.

"Gray, can you help." I grunt, he nods and quickly runs to our room and sets aiden down on the bed, he picked up the other side and he looked behind him, seeing where he's going. It actually fit through our door, so that's good.

I drag it towards the side of our bed, wiping the top of my forehead. "Let's give Aiden a bath, then we'll shower, and go out somewhere."

Grayson grabbed the blue baby bath tub, and filled it up with a little bit of water. We remove Aiden's clothes, and grayson holds him as I gently rub the cloth against his soft skin, pouring some water to wash away the soap.

Aiden's eyes slowly close, "He's enjoying the bath." Grayson giggles. I chuckle and continue cleaning Aiden. We finished and lowly dry him off.


"I'mma go shower." Ethan says, handing me Aiden who's wrapped up in a soft towel.  I say an 'Ok' and heads towards the shower. I dry Aiden's little bit of hair, I set him in the bed and quickly go get a diaper.

He starts whimpering and crying, "Shh, it's ok baby" I coo while putting the diaper on, he continues with the crying as I finish putting in his monkey onsie on. He stops the crying and makes that cute little noise of his.

I pick him up, and lay back onto the bed, Aiden on my chest, snoring lightly. I run my finger tips along his small back, which calms him down.

I kiss his small head, mumbling an "I love you" To him. His small hand fist my shirt and falls asleep. "So cute," I say to my self, I hear the shower stop and a door open, "I'll take care of him, now you shower." Ethan says, I nod and start the shower...


We were at a restaurant and that feeling of someone watching us came back. Ethan shifted uncomfortable in his seat, "You also feel that someone is watching us?" I whisper, my grip tightening on Aiden lightly. Ethan nods and breathes. Our food come. Aiden slept on my chest as Ethan and I ate.

Ethans phone suddenly rung, "I'll be back." He says answering the phone and walking away from the table, I can't hear what he's saying. His face turns stern and cold, and quickly hangs up.

He came back and avoided eye contact, while eating, "Ethan, who was that?" I ask softly. "No one." He says, "Baby..." I sigh, "It was no one grayson just let it go." He growled, I slightly flinch at his tone, "S-sorry" I whisper, I let out a shaky breath and slowly began eating, holding Aiden in my arms.

He sighes in annoyance and eats, still not making eye contact. I look at him, wanting to know who was on the phone. He finished eating and pushed the plate away, glaring at it.

Ethan looked up, over my shoulder, he gulps, "Let's go." He demands. "Wha-?"

"Just get up Grayson."

I get up, still holding Aiden. Ethan quickly pays the person and rushes to the car. "E, what's wrong-" He cut me off, "Now's not the time Grayson" He says sternly. I sigh, and set Aiden into his car seat.


We quickly got home. I set Aiden down on the bed, and I sat next to him. "Ethan, who was on the phone?" I ask one more time, "No one was on the god damn phone Grayson!" He yells, I jump slightly, "Yes there was Ethan. I saw you talking." I say. "It was no one! Just let it go!" He shouted, I flinched, "W-why are you getting so mad?" I whimper, he groans.

"Just answer my question, Ethan please" I beg, "It was Lea Grayson are you happy?!" Ethan yells, Aiden starts crying, I picked him up, "Stop yelling E." I say, rocking Aiden back and forth trying to calm him down, Ethan groans loudly and harshly grabs the door knob, probably going to leave.

"P-please don't leave." I whimper, I look at him, he looks at me, then Aiden, he sighs. "I'm not." He says softly. I sighed in relief, being able to take car of a baby alone is stressful, and that's the last thing I want.

Ethan hugs me, with Aiden in between us.

"I love you baby boy." He says kissing my forehead.


Ok... So now u know it's Lea... Yea, she's coming back😅 if u didn't like her in this book, I'm sorry. But she's gonna be causing more trouble, that's all I'm saying.


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