• 19

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Long chapter. And smut, cuz I was bored 😐



Ethan and I are currently getting ready to go on a date. It's new years eve, and this is how we celebrate. "C'mon" Ethan says grabbing my hand and leading me towards the car. Every time it's new years, we always fuck before the clock strikes 12.

We sat in the car, I just sat with my head against the window, I let out a low sigh, ethan puts his hand on my thighs, rubbing and squeezing it, "You ok babe?" He asked softly, I nodded slowly, "You sure, you don't seem fine, you havent even made eye contact with me," He says sadly.

"I don't know... It's just my years always start off bad, and I'm kinda used to it now, this is the time were I become a little depressed," I shrug, with a frown. Ethan pulls over.


I pull over and stop the car. "Grayson," I whisper, "Look at me."

He doesn't move. I hate when he feels like this, I turn towards him and gently grab his face, making him look at me. He let's out a small sigh. "Grayson, I promise, this year will be a lot better. Nothing will happen. I won't hurt you, I will protect you." I kiss him softly on the lips, "I love you Grayson." I say, staring deeply into his eyes. "I love you too" He says, not daring to look away. I peck his lips one more time, "You still wanna go eat?" I ask, "Also, we gotta save some energy for later too." He smirks. I growled, "Don't make me hard right now grayson." He giggles and looks out the window. We're having a long night ahead of us...


We were ordering our food right now. Ethan is so fucking pissed at me. I'mma be teasing the fuck out of him till we get home. Once the waiter walked away, he looked at me with dark eyes. I gulped. "Grayson, I swear to fucking god. If you keep teasing me, we will not fuck until after 12." He growled. "N-no! I won't be able to wait that long." I whimper. "Then stop fucking teasing." He growled. "O-ok..." I say. I really won't be able to wait that long.

Our food came and we began eating, while having small talk. As I saw the waiter coming back, I took off my shoe, and placed my foot on Ethan's crotch. He groaned softly. "Grayson-"

"Do you guys want anything else? Or are you guys fine?" The after asked. I started moving my foot in circles making Ethan bite his lip, I felt him harden under my foot, how pathetic.

"Uhm, no were fine." I answered, the waiter nodded and walked to another table. "Grayson I swear to fuckin- Oh!" He moaned quietly, as I pressed my foot harder, "We're fucking after 12" He demanded. "What?!" I exclaim taking of my foot, "You heard me." He said, I looked into his eyes, and he was serious. "No!" I whined. "Yes! I told you to stop and you didnt." He growled, "I'm sorry." I say, "Nope to late." He chuckles. I groaned leaning back and crossing my arms.

He smirked and cut off a piece of the steak he was eating. He brought the cup of wine to his lips, and drank. I squinted my eyes at him, "Keep doing that and were not gonna fuck for a month." He smirks. I gulped and just looked away. We're having a long night ahead of us...


We made it home, but I wasn't in the mood, since I have to wait one more hour, with out fucking. I huffed and plopped on the couch. "Can we just fuck already?" I whine, "Keep whining and no" He says, I groan and roll my eyes.

"What did I say about rolling your eyes." He looked at me, clenching his jaw. "S-sorry" I mumble.

It's already 11:38 pm, Only a few more minutes...

We watched the new York new years, where the ball drops, they start counting down the seconds.

Only 5 more seconds. "Five," I count. "Four."

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