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I was listening while writing😂 btw it doesn't go along with the story at all😂



I was changing Aiden, while Ethan was at the store buying some more baby stuff. I finished and layed him down in his crib, watching him. He's so beautiful. I smile as I felt large, muscular arms around my waist. "How'd it go?" Ethan asked softly, "Nothing, he just slept, and cried, sometimes for me to change him." I reply.

"I got more clothes for him," Ethan said, leading me towards the living room. "Oh thank god!" I beam, looking through the bags and see a cute monkey shirt, and small brown pants. "Aww" I squeal. Ethan laughs. I go and pick Aiden up bring him to us. We changed his clothes, and he made the little noise he always does.

I picked him up and, "E, can you go get his milk?" I say, "Yea," Ethan walked to the kitchen and grabbed his bottle. I fed him, watching him suck on the rubber part of the bottle. His little hand weakly rested on it, he made a little noise and pushed the bottle away. The bottle was done, I gave the baby to Ethan and he burped him, as I went to take a shower.

A few minutes later in the shower, I felt arms wrap around me. "I put him to sleep." Ethan mumbled, I replied 'Ok'. Ethan grabbed the soap and gently ran it across my body. The water washed it away. We cleaned eachother and got out.

I shivered as I stepped out the shower, Ethan wrapped a towel around my body, and dressed me in joggers and a hoodie, as soon as we got out. I pecked his lips, and went to check on Aiden, he's still sleeping. I sigh and go back to my room. "Still sleeping?" E ask, I nod and crawl into bed, going on my phone.

"When can get married?" I ask, looking at Ethan, who was laying his head on my chest watching whatever I do on my phone, "Whenever you want baby boy. " He says kissing my cheek, "Next week?" I say, more like a question. "Yes, whatever you want." He smiles widely. I smile back and sigh. "I love you." I say, "I love you too." He mumbled against my chest. I smile softly and set my phone down.

I snuggle into the pillows and close my eyes, slowly falling asleep, that's when I hear a loud cry from Aiden's room. I groan softly and sit up, only to be pushed back down, "I'll do it baby don't worry." Ethan says, I only smile at him and close my eyes.

I open them quickly as I hear footsteps, Ethan comes in with Aiden in his arms, I watch as he lays him down into the bed gently, and lays down, Aiden being in the middle. He let's out that noise and falls asleep.

I slowly fall asleep and darkness takes over me.


We feed Aiden his milk, that Lily brings us a few days a week. I gently rocked him as I fed him, I baby talked to him and watched as Ethan stared at us lovingly. Aiden fell asleep drinking milk. I took it out of his mouth and handed it to Ethan. I went and put Aiden in his crib.

I sighed loudly and walked out his room, "You ok?" Ethan asked softly, putting his hands on my waist. "Sometimes having a kid is stressful." I say, "That's why I told you to wait till we're a bit older." Ethan says. "So you're not happy with Aiden?" I ask, "No, grayson, that's not what I'm saying, I love Aiden, I'm happy we have him, it's just like you said, you are still 17 and it is stressful, so that's why I said, wait till you're a bit older, but I'm really happy we got Aiden." Ethan explains. I sigh and nod.

"Yea, I just want some times to our self." I say, on the verge of tears, "Baby don't cry," Ethan says wrapping his full arms around me, I cry into his chest, feeling frustrated and stressed out. He kissed my forehead and told me I'm gonna be ok.

"Look, why don't you call Juanpa, or mom and dad to baby sit him for a while and we'll have some time to ourselves?" Ethan asked, I nodded, "I'm calling mom." I say, Ethan nods, and kissed my forehad.

"Hey sweetie!" My mom squealed.

"Hey mom, sorry to bother you, but, can you do us a favor?" I ask.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you aby sit Aiden for a few hours, it's just everything is stressful and me and Ethan want some time to our self." I sigh.

"Sure no problem! Just bring him over here and I'll be the perfect baby sitter." I can feel her smile through the phone.

"Thanks mom, Love you."

"Love you too" She hangs up.

I go to Aiden's room, Ethan following behind like a lost puppy. I grab his little bag and put some clothes and baby stuff my mom might need. "You got everything?" I ask. "Yea, c'mon let's go." E says. I follow behind him.

I carry him down to the car and buckle in his car seat. I kissed his small forehead and got to the passenger seat. Ethan put his hand on my thigh, squeezing it softly, "We'll feel better after this." He said, "We're gonna be relaxed."

"Yea," I replied. "Imagine all the stuff we can do." I whisper seductively, Ethan clenched his jaw? "Stop Grayson," He growled, "What? I'm just saying, just imagine, in bed doing all the stuff we can possibly do." I smirk. Ethan grips my thigh. I 'accidentally' ran my finger tips over his crotch making his hips buck up.

Ethan growled and glared at me, I just smirked. We eventually got to my mom's house Ethan carried his bags and I carried Aiden, I knocked in the door, and my dad answered, "Hey boys." He smiled, "Hey dad." He let us in. The house we used to live in, I smelled it, and it smelled like vanilla, the same scent from 5 years ago.

My mom walks out the kitchen and smiles. "So, I heard you guys are having time to yourselves." My mom smirks, "That explains it all." She points and ethans crotch, he was hard, he blushed a deep red and covered it with his large hands. Ugh, the hands that are gonna squeeze my ass and hold me down, while he fucks me. "You too gray." I look down and see I'm also hard. "Well we better get going," I say quickly grabbing ethans hand and running out the door.

We quickly yelled "Bye!" And drove off. Ethan got out the car and going to my side, he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, he ran up 4 flights of stairs to get to our apartment. Every time he took a step, I bounced on his clothed dick and moaned softly. He kicked the door open and locked it shut.

He slammed me onto our bed and hovered over me.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard." He growled...


Uh... Ok lol😂


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