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It's been a few days now, We haven't heard from Lea till Grayson got that text. Grayson, my poor little Grayson is falling apart. He doesn't sleep at night. I wake up to find him sobbing.

It just breaks my heart, and what breaks it even more is that I never believed when he said Lea was tearing us apart, but the day I saw how broken he was when I told him I cheated, I believed it.

I layed on my back, Grayson laying his head on my chest and sobbing. "Baby," I say stroking his hair, "I want him back Eth," He sobs, "It's gonna be ok baby, we'll get him back. I know you're really upset right now Gray, I am too," I say my voice cracking. He sniffed.

"C'mon, let's go shower, and go out to eat. You haven't done any of that for days." I sighed. He whispered and nodded. We both get into the bathroom and strip.

He gets into the shower, turning on the water. Not to hot, not to cold. Just about right. He sighed as the warm water hit his body. He began washing himself as I watched. I grabbed the shampoo and gently rubbed his hair with it, he closed his eyes at the good feeling.

Once his hair was done he stepped aside and let me wash my self. Grayson just stood under the water watching me.


After about half an hour, the water got cold and we got out. Grayson shivered as his body met the cold air. I wrapped a towel around him. We walked out shivering...

Grayson got dressed into one of my hoodies and joggers, I also did the same. We got into the car, I sighed and began driving. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask, rubbing his thigh softly. "I don't know..." He says, I sigh, "Let's go to IHOP?" I ask, he nods slowly.

We arrived there and it was the same waiter who was flirting with Grayson last time. I glared at him as he smirked. Graysom just kept his head low, not wanting any more drama.

The guy, who's name I forgot, sat us down and handed us menu's. "I would like chocolate chip pancakes." I said handing him the menu harshly. He rolled his eyes and looked at grayson, with heart eyes, "And what would you like cutie." He flirted, I growled and he smirked, "Can I get the chocolate pancakes too." He asked, clearly not in the mood.

"Sure, but anything else?" The waiter bit his pen seductively. "Can't you see I'm not in the fucking mood to flirt. Especially when I have a boyfriend(or husband) and would never, ever do that to him. So do me a favor and try to get in someone else's pants, cause you ain't gettin in mine." Grayson snapped. I smirked at him and looked at the water with a fuck off face.

He growled and stomped off. Grayson rolled his eyes and stuff his face in his hands. He huffs and leans back in his chair, glaring at the table. "Damn..." I whispered, Gray looked up at me, "He couldn't see that I was in the mood. Especially what happened with Aiden." He whimpered.

"Baby, we'll get him back. I promise. It's just gonna take time." I sigh, and once I say this I see someone coming into the cafe, Lea.

Grayson also sees her, and gasp. I growl and get up. "Where the fuck is my son." I say. "I don't know what you're talking about." She says crossing her arms, "You know damn well what I'm talking about. Give me back my son, and nothing bad is gonna happen." I smile sarcastically.

She squints her eyes at me, "I don't have your fucking son." She rolls her eyes, "And now I'm going," Lea turns around and grab her arm roughly.

"No the fuck you're not." I growl. "Yes. I. Am." She yanks her arm out of my grip, "If you think I have it son, then fuck off, I would never take someone's child," She said sorta mockingly.

I went back to our table and told Grayson that we're leaving.


"A-ah" Gray moans softly, as I thrust into him, I groaned softly into his ear. I hit a soft part inside him that made him whimper.

"S-shit, fuck, right there." He begged, out of breath, I groan and go harder on his prostate. He whimpers loudly and comes on to my chest, and his stomach.

I hadn't finished so I kept going, making his body tremble, toes curl, and whine loudly. "O-oh" He moaned. "S-shit" He whimpers and comes onto me once again. I groan loudly in his ear, and came into him.

"Fuck" I gasp, panting heavily and staring down at my beautiful baby boy. I kiss his swollen lips softly, "I love you baby boy." I say. I pull out slowly and lay beside him, pulling him on to my chest.

I let my eyes close, as I'm exhausted from what we just did. I huff and fall asleep.

With this beautiful boy in my arms.


Ok, bad way to end it. But sorry I've been inactive, just have a lot of things going on right now.



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