• 4

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I woke up to a nude Grayson jumping up and down and squealing. "Go get dressed, your dick is flying all over the place." I groan, still tired. He scoffed and I heard the closet opening and closing. "What are you so happy about?" I ask.

"It's mom birthday! Imma call her." He squeals. My eyes shot open. I quickly took the phone away form his hands. "No, you're not gonna call her." I said sternly.

"Why not?! You never let me say happy birthday after we moved out." He said with a frown on his face. I sighed... Only if he knew. Maybe it's time to tell him.

"Sit, we need to talk." I said. I quickly put in sweats and a hoodie. "About what?" He asked softly.

"It's time you knew Grayson that, I didn't chose to move out, mom kicked us out." I said. His eyebrows furrowed, "W-why?" I sighed, "You know how we kissed, on the lips, ever since you were 4-5" I ask, he nods, "She thought it was cute, until we grew older, we started doing more sexual things, I guess it's what you call it, and she thought it was weird. Till that day she caught us making out on the couch, she found it disgusting, and kicked us out. Cause at that age we should've known it was wrong." I finish.

He looked confused, upset, mad. "So it's your fault." He glares at me. I was confused on what to say, "If you would have never kissed me when I was little or took my virginity when I was 13, we would have been happy with mom! Instead of living in a fucking apartment, just us two. And we did deserve getting kicked out! Cause our relationship is wrong!" He screamed. I was shocked. "Gray-" I went to put my hands on his waist, until he pushed me and backed away. "Don't touch me!" He sobbed.

"It's not my fault." I said. He just glared at me. I hated when he looked at me like that, but this time, I ignored it. "Grayson, I always knew, even when you were born, you had something that no one else had." I say. He rolled his eyes. "Bullshit." He spat. I breath in and out to calm myself. "Ethan, are relationship is disgusting. We're brothers, it's incest, it's wrong. Brothers shouldn't do this." he said.

His words brought tears to my eyes. Does he really mean that? If so, i just wasted my time on him.

"Gray, listen to me." I grabbed his face gently. "Yes, our relationship wrong. In other people's eyes it's disgusting, but to mine, its beautiful. God made us this way, and love is love, no one can change us." I kiss him.

He sat there saying nothing. "Did you really mean those words?" I ask. He shook his head, "No, I just, wanna see mom again." He cried. "We can't Grayson. I remember the exact same words she said to me..." I sighed. He looked at me to continue.

"She said, 'Leave, and take your fucking brother with you. I don't wanna ever see you again. If I do, i-i-i'll'" I couldn't finish before I started crying. Grayson hugged my large body. " 'I-i'll call the cops.' " I said, the last sentence of what she said...

We hugged tightly and cried in each other's arms. " 'I cant believe you did this with your brother, who the fuck loses their virginity to their brother at 13.' " He whimpered. "That's what she said to me." Grayson told me. "If she doesn't accept us, then let her be, Dad did accept it. He always said 'Support your kids no matter what' He was heartbroken when we left." I finished. I let out a tear. Grayson wiped it away, kissing me softly. He sniffed. "Can we just forget this. I hate fighting in the mornings, let's just take a nap and after we can go somewhere." Grayson said. I nodded. We both layed back, he turned facing me, we tangles our limbs together, we fell asleep holding hands. "I love you baby boy."


"Woooooo." I screamed, while the rollercoaster went fast. Grayson squealed holding onto my hand. The ride stopped. Both of us breathing heavily. I sighed. "That was fun." I laugh. "Yea it was." Gray giggles.

"Let's go have more fun!" He squeals and jumps off the chair. Heading towards more rides. I chuckle to my self and follows him. "Ethan! Ethan!" He yells. "Hmm?" I ask. "I want that teddy bear!" He whines. I had to toss 20 basketballs into a basket. If I make them all I win the bear. Luckily I played basketball in high school, before I dropped out. "Ok I'll get it I promise." I kiss his forehead. He squeals and claps. I have to beat this guy that about to challenge me. We start tossing balls. He misses one and groans. "Fuck." He growled. I smirk and keep tossing till I hear a little bell ring and some lady gave me the giant teddy bear.

This thing is bigger that grayson.

"It's so big!" He squeals. "It's bigger than you." I giggle. He glares at me. I gave him one of my dark looks, and he quickly looked away.

"C'mon let's eat something and then we'll head home." I say, we left the fair and head to a pizza place.


"Holy shit, that pizzas big." Grayson laughs. I laugh along. I hand him my phone, for him to take a picture. I posted it on Instagram and captioned it,


♥   💬ethandolan Best pizza I've ever had probably😅1,291,380 likes

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♥   💬
ethandolan Best pizza I've ever had probably😅

"That is probably the best and biggest you've ever had." Grayson giggles. I nod. We ate a lot of pizza and we shared a large coke at the end.


"Ah, I'm tired." Grayson yawns. "Me too." I say. We walked to our door, Grayson having the giant teddy bear in his arms. I unlocked the door and he ran inside, and into my room. I walk in seeing him cuddling with the giant bear. I walk over and lay down, pulling him onto my chest..

"Uhm, excuse me?!" Grayson sassed. "Can't you see I'm already cuddling someone."

"Ok, Grayson, that thing isn't alive."

"Don't call Joe a thing, asshole." He growled. He realized what he said and whimpered. "Don't punish me daddy, please." He said. "I won't.." I said. He sighed in relief. "Did you seriously name the bear Joe?" I ask, holding in a laugh. "Yes I did. Now let me sleep." He grumbles closing his eyes. I chuckle to my self and spoon him as he wrapped his arm around Joe.

With that I fell asleep.


Bad way to end it, but I kinda liked this chapter 😁 and double update😅😘


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