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"Gray, baby, take a break, you don't look so good," I say softly, his face is kinda pale and he got bags under his eyes, "But who's gonna take care of Aiden," he asked, his eyes shutting, and he forced them back open. "I'll do it, take a nap, you really need it." I say. I take the baby from hi arms and he immediately falls asleep. I held Aiden in my arms, sleeping. He made a little sound and grabbed my shirt, snuggling more into me. I kissed his head, that only had a bit of hair.

I went to Grayson's old room, that is now Aiden, and layed him down, checking if I had to change him. He looked clean, and I layed him in his black crib. Covering his small delegate body in a baby blue blanket. I stroked his chubby cheek and kissed his forehead, leaving the room.

Since it was getting late, I decided to actually sleep. Instead if doing other shit. I layed gently behind grayson, and wrapped my arm around him. He stuffed a bit, and tried to get comfortable. And I felt my self drifting off to sleep...


I woke up to loud crying, I jumped out of bed and ran to Aiden's room. I picked him up and he immediately calmed down. I'm surprised Gray didn't wake up.

"Shh, baby, it's ok." I cooed. I checked him, and seen he peed. I go and lay him down on that thing, where you change a baby. I unzip his onsie and take of his diaper, looking through a cabinet and finding a fresh diaper. I change him and I layed him down once again. He began whimpering and crying. I picked him up and he calmed down.

I sighed and walked towards my room and layed down. "Is everything ok?" Gray asked groggily, "Yea, he just needed to be changed, and everytime I leave him alone, or something he starts freaking out and crying." I say, Grayson was to tired out and probably didn't listen to what I said, but still nodded anyway.

I layed down, and Aiden layed on top of my chest, his small head on my shoulder. He breathed softly, and made a little noise.


The next day. Our family came and got to see Aiden. Grayson's friend Juanpa got to see him too...

"Remember, if you guys ever need a..." he struggle on saying the word, since he doesn't know that much english, "Babysitter?" Grayson finished for him, "Yea, a baby sitter, just call me." He giggled. I half smiled. I really didn't know Juanpa that well, but Grayson really seemed to trust him. "Will do." Gray said.

"He's so adorable," Juanpa said, rocking Aiden back and forth in his arms, "Juanpa don't cry." Grayson laughed, "In not!" He argued. "I... Just have something in my eye." He says. Grayson laughs. I love his little cute laugh, ugh, everyday I'm falling in love with him more and more.


Juanpa had to leave, my mom handed me Aiden and kissed my forehead goodbye, same with my dad. "Remember, if you guys need help with parenting, always call me or your mom, or maybe even your grandma's since they arr more experienced." My dad chuckles, "K, bye dad." I hug him with one arm, having the baby in the other. "Bye," Ethan said. He sighed turned around facing me.  He hugged me, with Aiden in between us. I giggled. "I love you, and our little baby boy." He smiles.

Ethan was about to kiss me, when I leaned my head back saying, "No."

"Why not?" Ethan whined.

I pointed to Aiden. "He's just a baby! He won't remember that." Ethan laughs. "Ok, fine." I sighed, leaning in and kissing Ethan softly. He kissed back, more roughly.

"Let's have some fun. We haven't done anything ever since Aiden was born." Ethan mumbled, I gulped, I quickly walked to Aiden's room and put him to sleep.

I walked out and Ethan picked me up. He kissed me, his tongue sliding over my bottom lip. I let him in, he opened our bedroom door and slammed me on the bed, and climbed on top of me, pinning  my wrist down.

And the night began...


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