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I woke up and shivered. I whimpered as I felt cold, not having Ethan's arms around me. I tried sitting up, but failed, I'm fucking sore from a few hours ago. I just layed back down. I heard a toilet flush, then a door shut. I felt the bed dip behind me, and Ethan let out a long sigh wrapping his arm around me, his finger tips running up and down my sides.

He kissed the back of my neck, "Morning babe." His voice was raspy, "Morning," I say cutely, "What do you want for breakfast?" Ethan asked, "Uh... Waffles?" I ask. He nods. Again I tried sitting up, I winced and dropped back down. "Can youj help?" I winced, "Oh shit, I forgot." Ethan picked me up, wrapping my tiny legs around his waist.

He walked out the room and set me down on the counter. He pecked my lips, not even caring that I might have morning breath. He grabbed the frozen waffles from the freezer and also grabbed the toaster. He put them to toast. He stood in between my legs, resting his large hands, on my chubby little thighs, as we made small talk.

"We really have to do a baby shower." I suggest, "Yea, I was thinking about that." He said, "Should we call Lily?" He nods. I grab my phone and search for her contact.

"Hey gray, whats up?" She asked.

"Hey, uh, I was just wondering if we should do a baby shower."

"Omg! That sounds like a great idea! Hey, uh, can I come over later and we'll plan it out?"

"Yea, definitely, alright I gotta go, bye."

"Bye" She hung up.

I sighed and smiled, wrapping my arms around Ethan's neck. "I love you baby boy." Ethan says softly, "And I'm happy that we're having another baby boy in the house." He chuckles. I giggled and the waffles popped up, making me flinch. Ethan gently grabs them and drops them into a plate. He grabs syrup and whip cream, decorating the waffle.

"Mm, looks delicious." I giggle and hop off the counter, and quickly falling to the ground with a soft gasp. "Fuck, I forgot I was still sore." I winced. Ethan chuckled and picked me up sitting me on the chair. I mumbled a 'Thanks' and began eating.

I felt eyes on me, so I looked up, seeing Ethan staring at me with heart eyes. "You're so cute." I blush. "No, you are so cute." He mumbled giving me a kiss on the forhead and going to the fridge. He opened it up and took a juice box out, he opened it, after that he fucking dropped it. Spilling it everywhere.

"Ethan!" I groan. "It wasn't my fucking fault!" He said. "Yes the fuck it was, you're the one who had the juice, dumbass." Yes, we even have our own brotherly fights. "Just clean it up." I say, He groans and grabs a paper towl, wiping it. My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Grayson" Lily pants.

"Yes, hello? Are you ok?" I ask.

"My,.. Water broke." She pants.

"What?! But we haven't done the baby shower!" I exclaim getting up, Ethan following behind. I get excited. I'm gonna see my son being born.

"That doesn't matter right now. Juts meet us at the hospital. Fuck!" She groans.

"K, bye!" I quickly hang up.

"What happened?" Ethan asked, "Lily's water broke." I say. Tryna dress up fast. Ignoring that I'm still sore. "Oh shit!" Ethan gasped beginning to dress up. "We're gonna have a kid." I say, tearing up, "Yea we are" Ethan smiles kissing me lovingly. "I love you" I say. "I love you too." He says. "Now let go see our baby boy for the first time.

We ran out the door and quickly into the car. We called our parents, grandmas, Juanpa, and told them what's going on. They were excited and decided to come over, maybe this week or next week.


We rush into the hospital asking what room Lily's in. 209, Ethan and I got to the third floor. We walk in and see Lily holding a baby in her arms. "Oh my god," I breathed, tryna hold back tears. "Hi baby." I smile, he just looks at me, since he's basically ethan and I's DNA, from the process, he has hazel-green eyes. "How adorable." Ethan mumbles stroking his chubby cheek.

Lily handed it to me, so I can hold him. "Hi Aiden. I'm your dada." I smile, a tear rolling down my cheek. "So you guys are the parents?" The doctor asked, "Since your guy's baby was in her." We both nod, and the doctor hands us blankets, diapers, little beanies, a bottle, along with some wipes. I thanked her and she smiles.

"He's so precious." Ethan says, "He is." I agree. I kiss the baby's forehead. I hand him to Ethan so he can carry the baby. He smiled and started talking about how much were gonna love and care for him. "Thanks so much Lily, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for your help." I smile giving her a hug, She weakly hugs me back, really exhausted from giving birth.


After being in the hospital for an hour, we went home. "Shit, we don't even have a car seat." I say. Ethan groans. "Then sit in the back, and just hold him. We'll drive to the store and I'll quickly get one, and maybe a crib."

I sat in the back, holding Aiden, watching him sleep. God he's literally the most beautiful human being on this planet, besides Ethan of course...

I rock him back and forth gently, "Also, while I'm getting the car seat, I'll get a few baby clothes." Ethan says. I said 'Ok' and continued admiring Aiden. "Alright, I'll be back." Ethan says, "K," I reply. He shuts the door and walks towards Walmart. Aiden started whimpering and crying, "Shh baby it's ok." I mumble, rocking him back and forth. He calmed down and just hiccuped. I kiss his forehead.

"I love you baby boy." I mumble to him.

He makes a little sound and falls back to sleep. I smile, and wait till Ethan gets back.

After about 20 minutes he does get back, with a lot of bags, "E, how many stuff did you get?" I ask, wide-eyed. "Most of it-" He breathes, "Is the stuff for the crib." He says. "Oh..." I say.

He began to drive again. "We can use your room, as his room." He says. "Yep" I agree. I sigh happily, just thinking about having the perfect family. I have hot ass boyfriend, who is also my brother, but that doesn't matter. I also have a beautiful angel in my arms. "Ok c'mon." Ethan says, "I'll put the baby on our bed, and you get some of the stuff. And we'll switch back and forth." I nodded. I handing Aiden to Ethan, as he walked towards the apartment door. I went in the trunk and grabbed some bags, not the big ones, unless you want me to fall...

I brought it up, I put the bag if diapers on the dresser, just incase. Ethan went down and grabbed the bigger stuff and came back up.

Aiden started whimpering and crying again. I tried to coo him to sleep, but that didn't work. I checked his diaper, he pooped, "Ethan" I call, "Yea?" He asked, "Do you got the wipes?" I ask, he nodded and tossed me it. I layed Aiden on the bed, as I go grab a diaper.

After I changed him, he seemed happy. I think. I don't know, maybe comfortable. "Alright, let's just go to sleep, and we'll to this stuff tomorrow, I'm exhausted." Ethan breaths. I nod, I lay Aiden down gently on top if my chest, rubbing his tiny back, making him give a little noise and fall asleep. "Beautiful" Ethan mumbles, "I know... Im happy we made this decision." I say softly. "Me too," Ethan smiles pecking my lips, and slowly falling asleep.

"Goodnight baby boy." I kiss the top of Aiden head, and drift off to sleep...


So cute😩😊 It's 3am rn... I just woke up and now I can't go back to sleep😒😴


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