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Everyday felt like someone was watching me, and Ethan felt the same. We were currently in the car, driving towards my mom's house to pick up Aiden. It's been 3 days, and were not that stressed anymore.

I knocked 3 times and my mom opened up, "Hey ma" I hugged her. She let us in and I saw my dad playing with Aiden. "Hey dad, how was he?" Ethan asked. "He was great, he cried a few nights, but then he got comfortable in this house." My dad smiled. I smiled back and he passed me Aiden. "Hey baby," I coo, he made a little sound and gripped my shirt, falling asleep.

"So, I'm guessing you guys were great too." My mom smirked. "Wha-?" I ask, she raised an eyebrow and looked at my neck, my eyes widened and my face turned a dark red color. "Yea, it was great" Ethan laughs coming from behind me, my parents faked gagged and laughed, we joined in too.

I stroked Aiden's hair softly, making him silently yawn. "Do you guys still feel stressed?"

"No, we're actually feeling a lot better." Ethan says, for the both of us. I was laying on the couch, closing my eyes and stroking Aiden's hair softly. I just decided to fall asleep right there.


"Gray, baby, let's go, you can take a nap at the house." I woke up to Ethan stroking my cheek. I whined, he sighed, "Grayson, c'mon please." He begged, he took Aiden from my arms, I sighed and got up, almost tripping, since I'm still half asleep. "Careful there." Ethan wrapped one of his arms around me. The other holding Aiden.

He walked me to the car. He opened the passenger seat door for me, I mumbled a 'Thanks' and layed my head against the cold window and closed my eyes.

I hear Ethan buckle in Aiden and come into the drivers seat, starting the car and driving off.


We got home, I hear soft snores, meaning Grayson is still asleep. "Gray, we're home." I say, rubbing his thigh, tryna wake him up, he opened his eyes and looked around, he sighed deeply and got out the car, I got out as well and took Aiden out of his car seat.

"Alright, c'mon buddy." I coo softly. I held Aiden in one arm, and held Grayson with the other, helping him walk. We got out door, I kicked off my shoes and Grayson did the same, he went towards our room, and colapsed on the bed, I chucked and put Aiden to sleep.

I went to our room. I wrapped my arm beside Grayson, it was getting pretty late, I felt my eyes get droopy and I closed them. Only for them to shoot open when I hear Aiden cry loudly. Grayson slightly whined. I walked to Aiden's room picked him up, he cried into my chest, and gripped my shirt tightly.

"Shh, baby, it's ok." I coo, he stopped crying but let out small hiccups and whimpers. "Everything is ok." I held him tightly hugging me. He gave a little whimper, when I went to put him back down, he began screaming and crying.

I sighed and picked him pack up, I guess he hates when he's not in his parents arms. I held him tightly and walked towards my room. Grayson sat up rubbing his eyes, "Is he ok?" He asked softly. "Yea, he just hates it when I try and put him down, or leave him alone." Grayson softly nods and layes back down. "We should put his crib in our room for a while." He mumbles, "Yea, but we'll do it in the morning, I'm really tired right now."

"Ok" He replies,  I gently lay down and Aiden in my arms. He layed his small head on my shoulder, and a bit of drool coming out his little mouth. I awwed at him and kissed his tiny forehead, "Goodnight Baby." I say to him and grayson.


Kind of a short chapter.

Throughout the video, whatever Ethan said or did, just exposes Grethan😂


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