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I'm hanging out with Juanpa again. He's at least the only person who cares for me right now. Ethan still hasn't got outta bed, and he still hasn't taken off that fucking hoodie he wears. He never talks to me, he just ignores me.

"You're thinking about him?" Juanpa asked. "Yea," I sigh, "Gray, maybe I should just take you home. If he keeps ignoring you, just stop him and say something."

"I've tried!" I say, starting to cry, "I'm always tryna talk to him, and all he does is walk away!" I sob, Juanpa sighs...

"I'm taking you home, you need to talk to him and get some sleep."

"How do you know I need sleep?"

"You have bags under your eyes gray, and that worries me." He says softly, and beginning to drive. He dropped me off at my house.

"Bye Juanpa." I smile, giving him a hug. He hugs back and says goodbye, as he drove off. I walk into the quiet apartment, that always used to be filled with laughter and giggles, probably even moans of pleasure. But now, it's just silence.

I walk to Ethan's room. He's in there; staring at the ceiling with guilt written all over his face. He's been like this, for almost a week. I imagine my self in top of him, cuddling him, giggling as he tickles my sides, him showering my fave with kisses...

But now look, silence, ignoring each other, no kissing, hugging cuddling, nothing.

I let tears fall as I bit my lip and walked to my room. I layed in my bed and sobbed, not caring if Ethan hears me or not. I want him to know, what his friend is doing to us. How she's tearing us apart.


It breaks my heart hearing Grayson crying- no, sobbing. I just wanna go and hug him and forgive him, for what I have done...

But I know he will never ever forgive me for what I did the other day. I regret it, I wish I can turn back time, and stop it, Instead of going along with it. I hate myself for what I did. I ignore grayson, so I can think of a way to tell him, and to apologize to him, and make him forgive me.

Grayson is right... Lea is ripping us apart and she did it. Once I tell Grayson this, we're probably never gonna hold, kiss, or cuddle with each other.

Forgive me Grayson...



I've been sobbing this whole week. I'm finally gonna do it, I'mma try and talk to Ethan. I walk out my room, and see him looking through the fridge. He sighs and closes it, not finding anything. We made quick quick eye contact, he swallowed and walked quickly to his room.

"Stop," I demand standing in front of him, preventing him from going into his room, "I'm not letting you in till you talk to me." I say, he just kept looking at the ground, not saying anything.

I grab his face and lift it, seeing tears in his eyes, that he's trying hard to hold back, and him biting the inside if his lip. I sigh, "Talk to me."

He let's go of his lip, taking a deep breath, he blinks and that's where the tears run down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" He sobbed. I was confused and sad right now... The guilt never leaving his face. "Please forgive me Grayson. Please" He sobbed.

"What happened, Ethan." I ask, He sobs, "G-gray, I m-made a huge mistake, a-and I w-want you t-to forgive me, after I tell you." He looks at me with pleading and guilty eyes.

"W-what did you do?" My voice cracks, I'm nervous to what he's about to say. "I'm sorry." He whimpers, slowly lifting up the hoodie.

I gasp, and slap my hand over my mouth, "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I screamed sobbing.

Love bites,


All in the shape of an L.

That fucking rat!!!

"Y-you cheated! On me?!" I scream. "Grayson-"

"What the fuck! I thought you loved me?! What does she have that I don't?! A better body?! Well, that's definitely it! Because look at me, big thighs, fat stomach! And look at Lea! Curvy waist, big ass, big boobs. Everything that you ever wished for!" I screamed. My throat began hurting.

"Let me explain please!" Ethan begs, sobbing.

I calmed down a bit, "I get it," I chuckled lowly, "You don't love me anymore. Ethan, you could've just told me, and broke up with me a proper way, but u just decided to fucking cheat, on me!" I began sobbing once again.

"Grayson, it was a mistake, please." Ethan sobbed harder that he even has before, endless tears streaming down his face. He went to hug me, but I pushed him and backed away, "Don't touch me!" I yell.

"How long have you guys been fucking, behind my back?! Let me guess, does she also call you daddy?! Like I do? Does it also turn you on? Does she cuddle you? Do you say sweet things to her, like you do to me? Well, like you used to." I kept on going and going.

"It was only once grayson, and it was a mistake! I was so mad, I didn't even know what I was thinking, or even doing!" He cried.

"It WaS a MiStAkE!" I mock him. He sobs, "You never believed that she was tearing us apart. Look now, what do you see?! Us, sobbing and screaming at each other, because of her! Does she feel good? Is she better at having sex with you than I am?!" I asked. "Now, that you see she's ripping us apart, nothing is gonna fix this Ethan. I'm done! I knew along this was gonna happen and it did! I love you... But you dont love me back."

"I do love you grayson."

"no you don't! Cause if you really did, you wouldn't be cheating, or sticking your dick up in someone else's ass!" I scream. He shuts his eyes, and mumbled things to himself, like praising he would wake up, and this all to be a dream. "Please." He whimpers.

"Wake up, it's not a fucking dream." I hiss. He cries and whimpers, opening his eyes, his bottom lip trembling. He looked me straight in the eyes and kept apologizing.

"I'm done Ethan... Just go hang out with your new girlfriend, I'm leaving." I say softly, heading towards the door.

"Grayson wait please-"

"Goodbye Ethan." I whisper shutting the door...


I was crying while writing this... Pls dont kill me😭😟


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