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"Goodbye Ethan." I whisper shutting the door...

I began sobbing. I just broke up with him... With the man I love the most. I put my hand on the handle, ready to open the door again and give Ethan a hug, kiss him, and forgive him. I shook my head an removed my shaky hand, walking away.

I got out the apartment building and began walking to where ever my feet wanted me to go. I started shivering, and I didn't have a jacket with me...

I grabbed my phone with my shaking hands, I was still sobbing of course. I looked through my contacts and found Juanpa's name. The phone rang about 3times till he picked up.

"Grayson?" He asked. "Why are you calling right now? It's like midnight!"

"S-sorry to b-bother you, but can you come p-pick me up?" I whimper.

"Yea, where are you? Are you ok? You sound like ur crying."

"I-ill tell you later. I'll send you the address."

We hung up and I quickly send him the address to where I'm at. I sit down on a bench that was right behind me. I cry, as I wait for Juanpa...

Ethan loves me... Right?

No! Of course not!

"Y-yes he does!" I whisper.

No he doesn't! If he did, why did he hang out with Lea? And cheat in you with her?

"S-stop" I whimper.

And he wouldn't ha-

"STOP!" I scream. "Grayson?" A familiar voice was heard. "Juanpa!" I say relieved, I run up and hug him. "You are freezing." He gasp. He quickly runs to his car and gets out a hoodie, "T-thank you" I say. I put in on, signing as I felt warm.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" Juanpa asked softly.

"E-ethan h-h-he" I began sobbing as I don't wanna say the word... "H-he cheated on me! With Lea! And I just broke up with him! He kept on begging and sobbing for me to forgive him. A-and I didn't. I want to... B-but what if h-he cheats on me again?!" I cry. Juanpa hugged me, like he always does, to calm me down. "I-i don't know w-what to do."

"Grayson, listen, just think about it. I'm sure Ethan did it on accident cause he was mad... He still loves you. Did he tell you it was an accident?"

"Y-yea, but it was probably a lie, cause he was hanging out with her, while he told me he went to the store!"

"Gray, it was an accident. I can feel it. If you want you can stay with me for a little while... And when you make up your mind to forgive him or not, I'll let yoit leave."

"Thanks" I say hugging him. "No problem" He replied. We drove off towards his house, I've seen it before so I'm surprised, I just never saw his parents cause they are never here-

"Yes! My mom's are here!" Juanpa squeals. I laugh, "Well I guess I can meet them now."

"¡Mamás Este es Grayson. Mí mejor amigo!" Juanpa says. I had no idea what he said tho...

(For those of u who don't speak Spanish he said "Moms this is grayson. My best friend.")

" H-hi." I say quietly, I get really shy and awkward around new people. "Hello." His moms both say, in a Spanish accent. Juanpa grabbed my hand and brought me to his room.

I sat on his bed, and buried my face in my hands, and let out a long sigh. "I don't know what to do Juanpa!" I whimper. "like I said earlier, I wanna forgive him, but what if he does it again?"

"Gray, stop stressing over this. Just stay here until you think about it." Juanpa says softly, "Im pretty sure he wants you to forgive him.."

"Yea, he does, I saw it in his eyes... He was begging and crying for me to forgive him." I say, my eyes watering.

"Gray, if he didn't love you, he wouldn't be begging. He really loves you if he cried and begged."

"I know..." I sigh, "I just don't understand why he did it."

"Why don't you get some sleep, you're stressing to much, ok? Think bout in the morning. But its getting late right now. Do you have something to sleep in?"


"Well here," He passed me basketball shorts and a random T-shirt. "Thanks" I say, going to the bathroom and changing.

I came out, "So, we sleep on the same bed, or?" I ask awkwardly.

"Sure, but we'll keep a pillow in between us." Juanpa laughs. I giggle and nod.

He places the pillow, and we slept on each side of it.

"Night Juanpa," I say my eyes slowly closing.



Kind of a short one... I saw the video, and I asked my parents, "Why didn't u call the twins to surprise me?!" 😂


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