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I woke up pretty early, so I decided to make Ethan breakfast. I made pancakes. As I stood there flipping them, giant, muscular arm wrapped around me, from behind. "Hey baby." Ethan says, kissing my cheek, and down my neck.

"Hey, I'm making you pancakes." I say, I feel him smile, and let out a small sigh, on my neck. "I missed you." I said. "Hm?" Ethan asked. "I miss having your arms around me." I said, thinking to this month.

"Hey, stop," Ethan says softly, "Stop thinking about that. That was the past, and last night I promised you to hang out with you more, instead of Lea." He said. Just hearing her name pisses me the fuck off.

"I love you." I say, turning around and kissing his lips, he kisses back, with the same amount of love I'm giving him. "I love you too." He mumbles in between our kiss. I smile and pull away. I turn around and get the pancakes ready.

Ethan sits down, the syrup ready in his hands. We both ate in a comfortable silence. As I was eating I felt to pairs of eyes on mine. I looked up to see Ethan staring at me, his eyes sparkly. "What?" I ask, blushing.

"Nothing... You're just," He sighs, happily, "You're so beautiful grayson." He says. I blush harder if that even possible, "Thank you." I mumble. We both finished eating and cuddled on the couch.



Grayson fell asleep on my shoulder, he looks so cute. My heart flutters just looking at his face. It was only 10am. I had nothing to do; besides stare at this little boy on top of me.

His eyes fluttered open, and he gave a little whine. "W-what time is it?" He asked, his voice groggy, cause he just woke up. "It's, 10:28 am." I say. He groaned, "I slept like 3 hours."

"Yea you did."

"And what did you do?" He asked looking at me.

"Watched you sleep.." I said. I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Creep..." Grayson mumbled. I looked at him with and eyebrow raised, and a strait face. He gulped and said sorry, showering my face with his little kisses. I giggled.

"I...love...you" He said, in between kisses. "I love you too." I say, giggling. I push him off me, "Fucking rude." He mumbles, "oop..." He shuts his mouth quickly. "C'mon let's get ready, I wanna take you somewhere." He squeals and jumps up. He skips to my room. He keeps his clothes in there... His room is basically a guest room, but he uses it if we're not talking to each other, and I'm always the problem why we fight...

"You ok?" Grayson asked, looking at me worried. I furrow my eyebrows, "You look like you're about to cry..." He says, coming closer to me, and giving me a hug, "Nothing baby, I'm fine. I was just thinking.." I say. Gray let's put a shaky breath, "About what?" He ask, "Your room, I wanna get an apartment or house, with only one room. I don't like having that extra room.." I say looking down at him.

"W-why not."

"Everytime, you sleep there, it's because we fight... And I'm always the reason why we fight."

Grayson looks down and frowns. "I-its ok, lets just get ready..." He mumbles walking to the closet, I quickly grab his wrist, he looked at me, "I'm sorry I'm thinking about that... It's just-"

"I said i-its ok ethan." He says pecking my lips, "Just stop thinking about it." He says, I nodded and sighed.

I put on a white, long sleeve shirt, black joggers, and white converse. Grayson wore a pink and white striped long sleeve, black jeans, and black vans.

"Ya ready?" I ask. "Mhm" He says, grabbing his phone and shoving it in his pocket. I grab his hand and we walk out the door and towards the car.

Music played softly in the background, I put my hand on Gray's thigh and squeezed it softly. I smiled at him, and he returned it. He layed his head against the cold window, and laced our fingers.


"I-i want a b-burger and f-fries." Grayson stuttered. I'm beyond pissed. This fucking waiter, who's named Sam, keeps flirting with my boyfriend.

"Anything else cutie." He said flirtatiously, "Yea, I'll also get what he's having." I say in a harsh tone. The guy looked at me, and wrote it down. He kept looking at Grayson. "I-im g-good now t-thanks." Gray blushes. I growled, only Grayson heard, the dude is probably having some thoughts, that no one wants to know...

Grayson snapped his head towards me after I growled. "Alright, your food will get with you shortly." Sam winked at Grayson. He blushed again. I breathed in and out to calm my self.

I glared at the guy, and then looked at Grayson. "So you're just gonna let him flirt with you? In front of me?!" I whisper-yell, he looked down biting his lip. "I-i don't k-know.." He said, "Why didn't you tell him, you had a boyfriend, huh? Or that you're not interested?" I scolded him. He looked down ashamed, "I-im sorry." He said, I heard a sniff and a whimper right after. Fuck, I did this again!

"Gray," I said, "Don't cry, I'm sorry, this is what I was talking about earlier," I said, mad at myself. "W-what?" He ask, "That I'm always the one making you cry, and causing problems." I said. He nodded slowly. "Come." I said, scooting over, and patting the seat next to me. He stood up and sat next to me, he looked at me, a tear still on his cheek, I wiped it away, and kissed his forehead. "Im so stupid. I'm always causing the fights in between us." I whisper. "I-its not your fault E, you are just being protective of me, but sometimes, you are too over protective." He says. "Yea.." I say.

Our food came, and the waiter smirked and Grayson once again, "I'mma fucking rip that smirk off your face, if you keep smirking at my boyfriend." I growl at him. Sam looked at me, intimidated, he quickly scurried off.

"You didn't have to do that," Grayson sighs, "You could've asked him nicely to stop."

I sigh, and nodded. We began eating and Grayson's phone rang,  "Who is that?" I ask. "I don't... Know.." Gray says. He picks up the phone.


He asked. He was silent for a few seconds and his eyes went wide.




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