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Same night.
A few hrs later



"Oh fuck!" I whimpered as I came onto Ethan's chest, Ethan groaned loudly and came deep inside me. He pulled out slowly and collapsed right besides me.

"I love you baby boy, and I'm really sorry." He panted. "I love you too daddy, and I forgive you." I said giggling. He sighed, and smiled sadly, as his eyes watered. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask sitting up, Ethan cried and hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder. "You ok?" I ask softly. "I'm really sorry Grayson. I'm so sorry for what I did." He sobbed. I sighed and grabbed his face in my small hands, wiping away his tears with my thumb. "Ethan, I already forgive you, just stop thinking about it ok?"

"Ok," He sniffs. "I love you." He whimpers. "I love you too." I kiss his lips softly and we lay back down, kissing and cuddling and stare lovingly at each other. "Gray go to sleep, it's like 3am." Ethan says stroking my cheek, and pushing my hair out of my face. "But I wanna stay up with you." I whine. "Baby, let's go to sleep and we can do more stuff tomorrow. Also, Christmas is in a few days." Ethan smiles, I smile back as my eyes slowly close.


1 week later.

I woke up, I remembered today was Christmas and removed all the blankets and ran out the room. Seeing presents under the tree.

"Ethan! Daddy!" I yell. I run and start shaking him, "Ethan!" He wakes up in slight fear and grabs my hand. "What happened?"

"Santa came!" I squeal. "Get up! Santa came!" I started shaking him more roughly. He groaned and got up. He rubbed his eyes and walked out. "Yay" He said with fake excitement, I slap his arm. "Be more excited! We got presents." I clap and walk towards them. We hear the door bell ring. Hopefully it's not Lea... Oh I forgot... Ethan blocked her on everything.

"Gray, go open the door while I'm gonna change." I nodded and opened the door seeing my parents, grandma, andJuanpa. "Hey dad! Hey grandma Adrian, hey Juanpa..." I smile giving them all a hug, except mom, cause she just walked right passed me. Ethan walked out, fixing his hair.

"Hey guys." Ethan said, eyeing my mom, and scoffed.

My grandmas and cooked while my dad and Juanpa, and his moms, became friends. While my mom was in La La Land.

"Alright guys we made lasagna!" Grandma Bernadette said smiling. My whole family knows me and E are in a relationship, but my mom is the only one who doesn't support it.

I sat next to the Christmas tree, just watching my family. "Hey you ok?"

"What? Oh yea, I'm fine just watching people." I say, to Ethan.

We began talking about random things. Me giggling and blushing every few seconds. "It's time to open our gifts!" My dad says. We all cheer. Every one began looking at the gift bags for their name. Each one of us had 2 bags, of presents.

I opened one and it was a panda onsie. Before I could open the other, Ethan stopped me. "Open that when everyone's done." I furrowed my eye brows but nodded.


Everyone finished opening their gifts and I still had to open one. "Before grayson opens this one, I would like to say something about him." Ethan started, "He has made me really happy, probably happier than I ever been before. Even though I make stupid mistakes Grayson still forgives me for what I've done. I just wanted to say another thing, I want to promise him, to never leave or hurt him in any way. I love you Grayson Bailey Dolan." Ethan finished. Everyone was in tears, even my mom...

"I would like to say something too..." My mom speaks. Ethans head snapped towards her. "I would like to say I'm sorry... I'm sorry for all I've said and done to you guys. You guys are my children, and I should love and support you no matter what. Like your dad says, support your kids no matter what." My mom finished. I went out and hugged her, she hughed me back and cried in my shoulder. "I'm sorry." She whimpered. I felt larger arms wrap around both of us. Ethan, "We forgive you." I nodded and we all forgave each other.


"Bye" I hugged Juanpa since he had to go, I waved to his moms and they left. The house waswas slowly getting emptier. When my parents were left, Ethan seemed impatient, and seemed like he wanted them to leave.

"Well, we better get going." My dad says. "Ok! Well, I hope you guys had fun, well see each other on new years?" Ethan asked hurriedly.

"Yes, bye kids." My mom waved, we waved back and hugged them saying goodbye.

"Finally." Ethan shuts the door, and slams me against it. "Whyd you act like that." I asked.

"I couldnt wait till I can give you your 3rd Christmas present." He groaned, biting at my neck, I whimpered and moaned. He pulled away and smirked.

"You horny fuck." I giggled and we raced to the bedroom.

What a great present...


Merry Christmas I love u guys🤗😘 🎄🎅🏻🎁🎉


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