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16 years later

Third Person-

Grayson woke up, feeling sore from what happened last night. It was his and Ethan's anniversary. They lost count, but they did remember when it was. Grayson waddled to the bathroom and washed his face. He sighed and dried his face.

As he walked out the bathroom, he realized he was still nude, He opened the closet and walked in. Their new closet, that has so much more space. When Aiden was only 4 years old, they bought it, and they couldn't be any happier. They had a backyard, a pool, a guest house, if any of Aiden friends maybe wanna sleep over.

Grayson grabbed one of Ethan's shirts and sweats, along with boxers. He changed in that closet. He heard a groan as he walked out. "Finally came outta the closet?" Ethan joked, holding In his laugh.

"Ha ha, very funny Grant," Grayson smirked, Ethan smiled dropped, his face became stern and serious, "Don't you fucking go there Bailey." He growled, "Sorry Daddy," He giggled, Ethan smiled and also stood up to change.

Grayson walked out the room and knocked on Aiden's door, opening it slowly, and walking in. Aiden didn't wake up, so Grayson grabbed one of his pillows and hit him with it, "Rise and shine" Grayson laughed, Aiden groaned, "Dad always tells me how he gets bothered when you do that, so why you doin it to me?" Aiden asked running his hand through his brown hair, and looking at Grayson with his dark green eyes.

"Cause, you two are the same. You guys never fucking wake up." Gray said, "By the way, did you sleep well?"

Aiden shook his head, "I couldn't anyways, all I heard was this," He coughed and cleared his throat, "Oh fuck... Daddy! Harder please! Mmhmm that's the spot!" Aiden mocked him while pushing the covers off of him and standing up.

Grayson blushed a deep red and followed him as he walked out.


I followed behind Aiden as he walked into the kitchen where Ethan was, making pancakes. Over the years he's gotten a lot better, at making them!

"How are you and your girlfriend doing?" I asked Aiden. He became tense and didn't make eye contact. "She broke up with me, but I don't care, she keeps making up lies and shit." He shrugged. "Ok," I say, "Don't listen to anyone though, girls are a waste of time, and some guys to, that's why I rather have my baby boy. " Ethan said kissing my cheek, I giggled, and Aiden fake gagged, which made us all laugh.

What made me confused, is that it's really hot in this house and Aiden is wearing a hoodie, his sleeve was rolled up a bit, and I know for a fact that was a scar on his arm. Aiden caught my stare and pulled his sleeve down. I got worried. How long has he been cutting?

Ethan passed me the plate and syrup. I flinched slightly, and grabbed the syrup, opening it and pouring some on my pancakes. Ethan passed it to Aiden and grabbed some himself.

He sat next to as he made a conversation with Aiden, which I really wasn't listening to, the thought of losing Aiden brought tears to my eyes, I loved all the memories when he was a baby. How we would get excited when he saw me or Ethan. The way he cried when he didn't see us. He now has separation anxiet, but I didn't know he cuts...

I looked down and saw a tear fall from my eye. I wiped my eyes, pushing my chair back and standing up. "Excuse me," I said quickly walking to me and Ethan's room, I shut the door and fall onto the bed sobbing.


Grayson stood up and walked towards our room. "Is he ok?" I ask, Aiden. He shrugs not making eye contact. I sigh and get up. I walk to our room, I was about to open the door when I heard whimpers and cries coming from behind it. "Why?!" Grayson sobs, that's when I open the door.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask, locking the door, sitting down on my bed and pulling Grayson onto my lap, he cries and cries into my shoulder, "A-a-aiden," He sobs, I rub his back softly, "H-he c-c-cuts" Gray sobbed louder.

My heart fell when he said that. I hugged him tighter, "H-how do you know?" I asked, "I saw a scar on his arm, and he wears hoodies even when it's 90 fucking degrees outside." He whimpers. I sigh, "I'll go talk to him," I say, Grayson nods, and I wipe away his tears, he lays down and pulls the blanket over him.

I walk out the room, towards Aiden's room, I knocked and opened the door, Aiden looked up from his phone, and his dark green eyes met mine. "Can we talk?" I say, I can see he became nervous. "A-about what?"

I sighed and sat down next to him, "Can I see your arm?" I asked softer, he froze and looked at me in fear, "Please?" I ask, he gulped, and brought his shaking arm to me. I grabbed it gently and pulled up the sleeve, seeing lots and lots of cuts there.

"D-dad, I-i-" He began sobbing, "I-im sorry" He whimpered, "Why do you do this," I ask, holding back my tears, "School is stressful and this is the only way I can make it go away." Aiden cried, "I need you to stop, or use a rubber band instead and if you keep cutting, I'mma have to call a therapist." I sigh, "O-ok," He hiccuped. I hugged him and he hugged back. We both felt small arms wrap around both of us, Grayson.

"I love you guys, you're the best thats ever happened to me..."


The End!

I loved this book sooooooo much😭 I can believe I finally ended it. But I'm tryna work on my other books. You guys have a choice on which one I should publish next.

-Road Trip
-The YouTuber
-Step Brothers
-Friends With Benefits


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