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I can't sleep. Ive left Ethan alone for one month. I let out a shaky breath as tears formed in my eyes as I stared up that ceiling. They rolled down my cheeks, as I thought about what had happened.

I wiped my tears and stood up. I left a note for Juanpa saying; I'll be back. I quickly grabbed my phone and ordered an Uber. I got in and told the guy where Id be going. The apartment.


I gave the money to the guy and got out, I walked pass doors, I stopped and behind something as I saw Lea walking towards Ethans door with flowers. I stood behind this plant and watched.

She knocked with a huge smile. I scoffed quietly to my self. A crying Ethan answered the door. Lea kissed him, I shut my eyes, I opened one and saw he bring pushed away. "Are you ok?" She asked.

" 'ArE yOu Ok?' Do I look ok?!" He raised his voice. "I'm not fucking ok! Because of you.. I've been stuck in this fucking apartment for 1 month! Waiting and waiting for Grayson to come back and forgive me for what I did!" His bottom lip trembled, "What I did with you didn't mean anything. I was mad, I just needed someway to let it out. Its more meaningful when I do it with Grayson."

"But he's your brother! You need to find someone your age." She said. I tried so hard not to run and beat the fuck outta her.

"I don't care if he's my brother, I love him, but he left me, and you're the reason why. I hate myself for what I did."

"If you're still mad, why not let it all out?" She asked seductively, Ethan glared at her. "Fuck off. I would only fuck Grayson and Grayson only, so do me a favor and leave, I don't give a fuck if I stay stuck in this apartment for eternity, waiting for Grayson to come and forgive me. Now bye!" He yells, slamming the door. She growled and threw the flowers over the railing, stomping away.

Once she was gone, I went to the door. I put my fist up ready to knock, I sighed and thought for a second. I finally knocked on the door. "What the hell do y- oh... H-hey Grayson." Ethan said not making eye contact with me. I sighed and walked passed him and sat on our couch.

"I haven't seen you in a month! You know how worried I was?!" He yelled. I started crying... I hate when people yell at me, especially Ethan.

"I'm sorry!" I cried, "Im sorry I left you alone for 1month. I just needed to think whether to forgive you or not." i said, "D-did you think about it?" Ethan asked, his voice soft this time.

"I-i don't know." I sighed, "I really really want to forgive you, but at the same time I don't cause I don't know if you're gonna cheat again."

"Grayson, please, I promise I won't. What I did was a mistake." He begged. I wiped my tears, he gently sat down next to me. He took my face in his hands and kissed me softly, I sighed and kissed him back, he kissed down my neck, sucking softly, I whimpered and gripped his hair. He took off my shirt and kissed down my stomach, leaving bright red hickeys. I closed my eyes and slightly arched my back.

"E-ethan" I whimpered, "S-stop."

He stopped and looked up at me, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"E, we can't keep forging each other by making love. We actually have to sit and talk."

He sighed, "I know."

I sat up and put my shirt back on. We both sat and began talking.


"Grayson I really love you, I love having my arms around you. I love when we cuddle, kiss, and hug, I love it all, a-and I know I can't live without you and you doing that stuff to me." He whispered, "I can't live without you either Ethan." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my lips, he pulled away and looked down licking his lips. "I love you..." He said, "I love you too." I smiled. "I-i forgive you. But you only have one more chance E." I say sternly. "Ok" He whispers staring into my Hazel eyes, that are just like his.

He kisses me quickly pulling me onto his lap, my hands get burried into a his hair tugging softly, he groans softly and I feel him harden under me. I pulled away and got off.

"C'mon let's go. And we'll finish this later." I say


"Juanpa's, I gotta get my clothes." I chuckle. He sighs and nods. We get up a nd heads to his car. Music played softly in the background. Ethan put his hand on my thigh, squeezing it every few seconds.

"I love you." He whispers, "I know" I giggle. He squeezed my thigh harder, "Say you love me." He says sternly. "I-i love you." I laugh. He smiles and laces his fingers with mine...

I'm so happy to be his again...


⬇Bonus video⬇

And also ur welcome🤗 I didn't want no one else crying becuz of the break up😅


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