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I can't sleep. Ethan fell asleep though, but I can't. I suddenly hear my phone buzz.

#: Hey gray its Juanpa.

Grayson: Hey😊

Juanpa: I'm guessing u can't sleep..

Grayson: yep.

Juanpa: oh.. I hope everything is fine but I've been wanting to ask u, but I didn't want to sound rude.

Grayson: ask anything.

Juanpa: that guy who told u to go with him.. That was ur brother/boyfriend right?

Grayson: yea...

Juanpa: is he abusing u? Cuz I saw the scared look on ur face when he said 'Let's go'

Grayson: He's not abusive. I mean, he does spank me, when I do something really bad to him, and he accidentally slapped me once..

Juanpa: ok... I just wanted to know if ur ok or not.

Grayson: well we're fine now.
-I'll TTYL I gtg, bye✌🏻

Juanpa: 👋🏻😊


One month time skip.

Me and Ethan have been fighting a lot more recently, and the problem is always Lea, or Juanpa. But I dont get it... Juanpa never does anything. So Lea, is just the problem. She's always asking Ethan to hang out with her, and he never had time for me; His brother, and lover. But he always has time for the bitch.

(A/n: ok listen I don't have anything against Lea. I love her a lot. It's just for the purpose of the book👌🏼)

"Gray, I'm going out!" Ethan yells. "Again?" I whine, but this has been going on for the past month. I just want to spend time with him. "Yea. I'll see you later." He says. I was about to say something but he just closed the door. He didn't give me a kiss or a hug before he left. He doesn't do it anymore. I haven't felt his soft lips or big arms on me, for a month! I don't think he loves me anymore...

I felt tears form my eyes. I just wanna spend time with my boyfriend/brother. I went to his room and layed down on his bed, I let tears fall and soak the pillows. I pulled the blanket over my body, it smells like Ethan. That vanilla scents I really love. I hid under the blanket and sobbed. "I miss you Ethan," I whispered, no one obviously hearing me. "I want you to love me again, I want you to kiss me, hold me. But you don't, you're always with that girl." I whisper, sobbing harder.


I realized I have been sobbing for 3 hours now. I stopped, I can't cry anymore. Tears dried on my cheeks, my nose stuffy. I just stared at the ceiling, feeling nothing, but emptiness.

Sleep took over me...


I hear the door open. Ethan's home! "Ethan!" I squeal. Running up to him and jumping to him arms. He pushed me off and went to the kitchen. "So you're not gonna say hi?" I asked, feeling mad. "Why would I? I don't even love you anymore Grayson. Go fuck Juanpa or find someone else, that's not me." He said. Removing his shirt revealing all the hickeys and love bites in his neck, chest and abs. I looked at him. Did he really cheat on me...

"I fucking hate you!" I screamed...


I woke up sobbing once again and someone shaking me. "Grayson are you ok?" Ethan asked worried. I just looked at him. "I'm fine." I said not looking him in the eye. He lifted my face with his finger. "What's wrong." He asked softly. I looked at him with an, are you kidding me, face.

"So now you care?!" I yell. He looked at me. "If you haven't realized, ive been sobbing this past month, day and night! For you! I've been crying and praying for you to spend time with me. Instead of that fucking rat! If you also haven't realized, you haven't hugged or kissed me, in a month. A month Ethan! You know how lonely I felt! How I feel right now, still alone! I've been sleeping in your room, to feel like I'm still with you. But nothing works. I want to be with you, again, but it seems like you don't love me anymore." I sob about to leave the room. When a hand grabs my wrist. I look at Ethan. "You could've told me." He whispers. "I tried! But you're always leaving to hang out with her! Does she have something that makes you attracted to her?"

"I'm not attracted to her Grayson, she's just a friend."

"Well she doesn't seem like a friend to me. She seems like she's your new lover, hanging out everyday and all that shit." I say. "I love you Grayson, not her."

"It doesn't seem like you love me anymore! Like I said, you haven't kissed or hugged me, in a month." I repeat. I sigh and looked down. "It's me or her Ethan." I whisper.


"Its me or her." I repeat. "You can't do tha grayso-"

"Yes I can! So who do you chose? Me your brother who is also your boyfriend, or a girl that probably is waiting for you to fuck her and then leave you and if you pick her, you are gonna lose both of us." I say. I became nervous, I want him to chose me.

"I chose both but-"

I groaned loudly, "Just forget it! Youre obviously gonna chose her! What happened to, 'We're never letting a girl between us?!'" I ask. He stays quiet. He looks up at me and cups my face, kissing me aggressively.

"I need you Grayson. I wanna chose both, cause I wanna be her friend and I don't wanna lose you." He said, "Thats the first time you kissed me, in a month." I say smiling. I kissed him again, jumping into his arms. "I'll cancel my plans with her, I'll be with you these next few weeks." He says, kissing down my neck. I whimpered as he sucked on my sweet spot. He layed me gently on the bed, he layed in between my legs. He kissed down my body, whispering sweet and loving things in my ear.

I let a tear fall, of how sweet and lovely he's being.

He wiped it away, and kissed my eyelids. "Don't cry, I'm tired of seeing you cry, especially cause of me." Ethan said, his eyes watering as well. I whimpered and kissed him.

"C'mon, lets take a nice warm bath and cuddle when we're done." He says. "O-ok." I say getting up with him.

This was so relaxing...


Uh ok... My chapters are becoming depressing wtf😅🤦🏽‍♀


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