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(Triple update lol. I'm bored so Yeaa)



I woke up to two people talking and laughing, one of them being Ethan, and the other sounds like a girl... Wait... A girl?!

I shot up putting one of Ethan's hoodies on and joggers, I walk outside seeing a girl I've never seen before. Just looking at her gave me bad vibes. "Oh gray, this is Lea." he says introducing her. I fake smiled and waved slightly, and she smiled back.

"Where did you meet her?" I ask, Ethan never has friends, that are girls, over. "I met her at the club when I left for a few days." He said, like it didn't bother him...

Why was he at the club, and did he not think how I felt those 4 days without him? I felt like a mess, I was a mess, I felt empty...

"Oh that's great." I say sarcastically. Ethan clenched his jaw. I smirked knowing he can't punish me or do anything while she's here.

"So do you guys wanna do something, we can all go out." She said innocently. That bitch seems innocent, but on the inside she can be a complete psycho.

Ethan answered for both of us, "Yea that sounds great." Bitch what the fuck? I don't wanna be with her. I growl under my breath. No one heard, thank god. "Yea gray, c'mon let's change." Ethan says looking at me. I didn't dare to look away. We walked into his room. "What the fuck is your problem?" He whisper-shouts. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"You're being sarcastic and I knew for a fact that was a fake smile grayson." He said. I shrugged, "So? Why can't I have some fun?" I said, mentally laughing to myself.

"How is that being fun, you are just being rude." He said.

"Am not!" I say.




"Fine what ever. Let's just get dressed." I groan, rolling my eyes. He grabbed my arm roughly, making me whimper. "Stop fucking rolling your eyes." He growled. "O-ok." I say. He let me go, and we started dressing up. I wore light grey joggers and a black shirt, with black vans, Ethan wore black jeans, with a pink hoodie, and white and pink checkered shoes.

We walk out, and I see that Lea girl checking Ethan out. Bitch better keep her eyes off my man. "You guys share a room?" She asked. "No we have our own rooms, grayson just likes to sleep with me." Ethan said. I don't chose to sleep with you, you beg me, fucking liar. "Uh, ok." Lea chuckles. I glare at her, but she didn't seem to notice.

They walk out as I walk behind them. We got into Ethan's car, I was about to go on the passenger seat, when Lea already sat on it. I was getting more pissed by the second.

I sat in the back with a pissed off face.


We walked around town and trying new foods people were giving out. But I was too stubborn, and didn't eat them. Ethan and Lea made a conversation, literally forgetting I was here. I went to hold Ethan's hand, when he looked at me and looked back at Lea, talking to her, while shoving my hand away. I looked at him, shocked, he always let's me hold his hand, why not now?

I felt tears form, but I quickly blinked them way. We walked by a cafe, I looked at them and left. They probably didn't even notice I left. I walked into the Cafe, sitting down, and ordering a mango smoothie.

Ethan didn't seem like himself this morning, he didnt say good morning, he just introduced me to that rat, and didn't want to hold my hand.

I let out the tears, of anger fall out. I sniffed, and wiped my tears. "Hey, are you ok?" Someone asked me, with a Spanish accent. I looked up to see a cute boy, with blue-green eyes and a nice smile. "Y-yea I'm fine.." I say. "No you are not. I just saw you crying." He says. Actually worried for me.

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