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I just fucked up really bad. I groaned loudly, stomping towards my room, slamming the door. I sobbed and fell on the bed. If only I knew where grayson went. It's been like 3 days.

Maybe at that friend of his? But I don't know where Juanpa lives. I sigh frustrated, and head towards the bathroom. Hopefully a shower will relax me.


I got out and just wore a hoodie and sweats. I started crying to myself. I'm such an idiot. I'm such a fuck up. I'm a cheater, will grayson ever get back together with me? All these random thoughts running through my head, I heard the front door open...


"Juanpa, can you take me home really quick?"

"Sure, for what?"

"I need clothes.." I say awkwardly. "Ok." He says. We walk toward his car and hop in.

He drove to the apartment. "I'll be out in a sec." I said getting out.

I walked into the quiet apartment, the only thing is heard is small cries. Ethan's cries. I walk into our room, I see him curled up in a ball sobbing.

"Gray?" Ethan's said, his voice cracking. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to grab some clothes."

"Y-you're moving out?!" Ethan asked quickly jumping off the bed. He looked at me with wide eyes, that have tears running down them.

"No Ethan, I'm just gonna stay at a friends for a while."

"W-why? Why can't you stay here." He whimpered.

"Ethan, you know why. You cheated with Lea... And I'm just, I'm just tryna get used to the fact that you love her and not me." I said, my lip quivering, trying to hold back the tears that are forming in my eyes.

"Gray, please, you know I don't love her. I love you, and I made a huge mistake, Grayson please forgive me!" He begged, sobbing.


He looked at me with pleading eyes. Waiting for me to say 'Yes'...

"I have to think about it," I said, his shoulders slumped and he stepped back sitting on the bed and looking down to the floor. "Just know that I'm sorry" He said softly still not making eye contact with me. I sighed and nodded.

"I love you baby boy." I heard him whisper, before I left. I sniffed and headed towards Juanpa's car. "You ok?" He asked, "Y-yea, I'm fine." I said, trying not to have a breakdown. He sighs and drives to his house.

Music played softly in the background. The car ride was quiet and comfortable. We eventually got to his house, and we just hung out, played around, he invited one of his friends over, that he calls, Perrito.

But if I were to talk to him, Juanpa would have to translate since I can't talk Spanish. We were in Juanpa's pool, splashing each other and giggling.

We panted softly, trying to rest. I smirk, as I see Juanpa staring at Perrito. "Looks like someone has a crush." I whispered.

"N-no I don't!" He blushed a deep red. "Yes you do, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone." I giggle. He sighed in relief, "Good."


"Juanpa, I'm sleeping in the couch tonight, I dont wanna keep using your bed." I sigh.

"Whatever make you happy, is fine." He smiled, I smile back and he passed me blanket and I went over to the couch and fell asleep...



1 month...

1 month grayson has been gone. Yep, he's definitely not gonna get together with me again. I feel hurt, broken, alone.

What I did was a mistake...

Grayson hasn't answered my calls or text. He hasn't even seen/read them. I'm worried, what if he ran away? Or worse, what if he's dead? I started panicking at the thought. But then I calmed down knowing he probably wasn't. "Ugh!" I groan loudly.

Negative thoughts ran through my head. They won't stop, I want them to stop. I need them to stop.

I hope grayson is ok.

I hope he hasn't found anyone else to love.

I want him for myself.

I need him...

"Please come back." I whispered...


I really want the twins to be happy. Yes, the twins will have a ring on their finger one day, either with a guy or girl. You never know...

But with her, people always say, "Let the twins be happy." But how are they supposed to be happy with someone who is using them? 🤷🏽‍


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