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Here we are. Me and Grayson getting married. My dad was our priest. Minutes have passed of him talking, "You may know kiss the groom." I grabbed Grayson's waist and smashed my lips onto his. He kisses back with the same amount of force. Our family and friends cheered for us.

Everyone was dresses nicely. Even Aiden. He was wearing a small Tux, with a black beanie.

I pulled away and smiled, "I love ypu Grayson," I say stroking his cheek softly, "Love you too E" He smiles. I smile back and kiss his lips once more...


"Woo party!" I scream, everyone chuckles still dancing and drinking.

Juanpa came up to us, "I'm proud of you guys." He says, "Thank you." I say, Grayson smiles, "I'm so glad you're here Juanpa."

"I wouldn't miss it, you are my best friend." He said to Grayson, Gray smiles and gives him a hug.

I gulp down the last bit of beer I had. "Let's go outside." I tug softly on Grayson's hand. He sighed happily and hugged me, I hugged back, not wanting to let go. "I don't wanna let go." I chuckled, Grayson giggled but quickly got cut off when a voice spoke.

"You are gonna let go some point." I see Lea, with a mad face, "What the fuck are you doing here?! And who invited you?" I growl. "I invited my self, now, I need to talk to you in private. Ethan. Alone." She says, Grayson's grip tightened on me. "Let me go talk to her and we'll finish this" I say. He nods and glared at Lea.

I walk towards her, pissed if. She has a huge smirk on her face. "What do you want?" I ask lowly, "You, Ethan." She said, "When we had sex I knew I was in love with you-"

"Our sex didn't mean anything! It was a fucking mistake and I regret it. I still don't forgive myself for what I did." I growl. "But c'mon E, you know you want me." She says innocently touching my bicep.

I shove her hand off, "I don't want you, I just want Grayson."

"Well think twice baby boy." She kissed my lips. She pulled away and licked her lips, I growl at her, fucking bitch.

"Just get away from me and my family." I growl. "Whatever you say." She smirks and runs off.

I wiped my lips and walk towards Grayson, "Is everything ok?" He asked as he sees I'm mad. "Yea, everything's fine." I say, being fake happy. "Ethan," Grayson sighed, "Tell me what happened, I hate when you keep stuff from me." He whimpers.

"She kissed me." I whispered. His eyebrows furrowed and he backed away from me, "Did you-"

"No I didn't kiss her back, and I didn't want to anyways." I say. He sighs in relief, "I hate how our night ended like this." Grayson whimpers. "I know, But guess what?" He looks up at me to continue, "We can have fun after the party," I whisper in his ear, his skin got goosebumps and I chuckled softly.

"Let's go back inside" I say, grabbing his hand and pulled him inside. "Woooo!" I screamed and everyone else cheered and clinked their beer bottles together.



I limped as I walked, my feet are so sore from dancing and walking around everyone. "Instead of fucking, why don't we just make love?" Ethan asked blushing slightly. "Yea, I like making love better than fucking." I giggle. Ethan chuckles and kisses my forehead.

We say goodbye to our family and head home, with Aiden in the backseat, sound asleep. We got home and gentle set Aiden to sleep. "I wanna do it on the couch tonight..." Ethan says.


"Aiden's in our room and he's probably gonna see." Ethan laughed, "Ok" I say softly, Ethan and I started at each other lovingly, he quickly captured my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pushed us out of the room and sat is both ok the couch. I straddled his waist. His giant hands running up and down my sides, making me shiver, we slowly removed our clothes until we were fully nude. Ethan licked his finger and slowly pushed it inside me, I hissed softly and gripped his shoulders, "Just relax baby."

I whimpered as he added another finger, I slowly bounced on his fingers. I moaned softly and bit my lip, He pulled his fingers out, I whined slightly, "Shh, I'mma make you feel better." He whispered biting at my neck.

I felt him enter me, I whimpered and kissed his lips softly. One I fully sat down on his dick, I wiggled my hips adjusting to his size. I grabbed onto his shoulders and began bouncing, "Uh," I moaned, he gripped my hips tightly, "Fuck, you feel so good." He whimpered, "Y-you too," I clenched my eyes shut and moaned.

His tip brushed again my sweet spot, my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and my mouth hung open letting out endless moans and whimpers. "Mhm" I whimpered as he hit my sweet spot perfectly.

"I love you." I moaned, he went harder, as I slowly bounce on him. I don't know what's better, him fucking me fast and rough, or going slow but hard. I love them both.

I braced my knees against the cushions and bounced a bit faster, his tip hit my prostate repeatedly. "U-uh" I panted, and moaned, "E-ethan, i-im-"

"Shh, baby me too" He panted, "Let's do it together." He whispered, I closed my eyes and came into his chest, my legs quivered. He lowly groaned and I felt hin release inside me.

"I love you E," I whimpered, "I love you too baby boy..."


WaSsUp BiTcHeS😂 lol I'm just playing. Follow my insta @_grethantea😋 Only a few more chapters left😭


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