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"Gray, eat" Ethan demands softly, I didn't say anything and just started at my plate of food. "What if I don't wanna eat?" I say with an attitude. Ethan sighs, I've been giving him an attitude for a week now. I'm just so pissed and upset that we still don't have Aiden back.

"Grayson, baby, please eat. I don't want you to end up in the hospital. You're hurting yourself by starving." He says, softly. I sigh, "Fine."

He smiles softly as I began eating slowly. I sighed in relief as I swallowed my Mac and cheese. "Mmm," I breathed. Ethan finished eating, standing up and putting his plate in the sink.


Ethan played with my hair, twisting, twirling, and brushing his hand through it, as I layed on his chest. He pushed me to the side and sat up. "You know, we need to get more groceries. I'll be right back." He kissed my lips, "Ok" I mumbled into the kiss. He pulls away and grabs his car keys, leaving the house.

I sigh, and snuggle into the pillow, sniffing it, it smelled like Ethan. Sweet Cinnamon scent. My eyes felt droopy, I close them, and the rest was black.


As I walked through Walmart, grabbing the foods we need. I went into the milk section and stop. As I see Lea holding my son, and grabbing milk. Aiden cried and cried, Lea looked angry and tired at this time.

I smirked, she can never fucking have a child. I quickly grabbed my milk without her noticing me, and walked to the cashier, paying for the groceries.

I quickly left the store and go into my car, waiting to see when Lea comes out.


About 30 minutes later, she comes out, looking extremely pissed, Aiden crying and moving around a lot. She sets Aiden down in a car seat and she began driving, I followed her all the way towards her house.

I texted Grayson the address, and I called the cops.


I get a phone call from Ethan saying he knows where Lea is. I quickly jumed up and got into my car I got a few months ago. I raced down the street. Not caring if I passed one red light.

I'mma get my son back and this bitch to end up In jail for kidnapping. I entered the neighborhood but didn't know which house it was.

Grayson: E what number is her house?

Ethan: 071

Grayson: Thx

Ethan: anything for u baby😏😘


I smiled and chuckled turning off my phone. I parked in a spot where no one would see me. I got out the car and snuck out, Lea has a backyard, I can hear her singing to try and get Aiden to calm down-

"Eh!" I squealed and Ethan covered my mouth, "The cops are on their way, get into her backyard and start begging her for Aiden back." Ethan says, I nod and he went somewhere else.

I slowly opens the gate and walked in. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" Lea gasped, standing up with a crying Aiden. "Give me my son back," I growled, "Unless I get to have Ethan." She smirks, "Not happening, he don't want you or your stank ass pussy" I say, "And that's a fact."

She squinted her eyes, and I walked closer, "Just give me Aiden please" I beg, "No!" She exclaimed "Give me him, or I'll call the cops." I say. "Yea right, I can easily make it look like youre lying if you say what's happening." She laughs.

I roll my eyes, "But let me tell you something," I way coming up to her, she seemed a bit nervous, "They are already here" I whisper, I felt her tense and that's when Ethan and the cops came in.

"What the hell?!" She gasped.

"You're under arrest for kidnapping." The cop says sternly, the other cop grabs Aiden and hands me him. I felt happy to hold him again, "Hey baby." I say crying, He stops and crying and a small smile appears on his face, I smile and he began moving around a lot, excited. I held him close as I watch Lea being taken away.

Ethan walks towards me and hugs me with Aiden in between us. I cry into his chest happily. "C'mon let's go," Ethan wraps his arm around me as we walk towards our cars, "I'll take Aiden," I say, Ethan nods softly.


We got home, it was almost midnight, Aiden was asleep in my arms, I layed down, him on my chest, I felt my self drifting to sleep, with a smile on my face.

Happy to have my baby back...


They have Aiden back😄 Anndddd next chapter is the last one😭


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