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"Are you kidding me Ethan?!" I cry. We're fighting once again. He wanted to hang out with Lea, and he had these past 2 weeks without even telling me.

"Grayson, I can't just be here with you forever! I need to go out and make friends too!" He yells at me. I hate when he yells at me. I get scared that he's gonna hurt me..

"So you're tired of being with me?!"

"No it's not that its just-"

"No It'S nOt ThAt, my ass." I mock him. He clenched his jaw. "You told me you go to the store and get stuff, but then you say, they didn't have it. But that was all a fucking lie! You've been hanging out with that fucking rat!! You never lie to me!" I sob.

He sighs. "I'm sorry. Gray, it's just, I knew you weren't gonna let me hang out with her, and I didn't want you to know, cause I didn't want you to throw a tantrum, like you are right now!" He growls. I stayed quiet, while glaring at him.

"Yea, just fucking leave me for her Ethan! She's ruining this relationship, and you are too blind to see it!"

"She's not ruining anything grayson-"

"Yes the fuck she is! If she was never in your life, we wouldnt be arguing right now! We would have been out on a date, and that cute shit." I yell.

Ethan rolls his eyes.

"WhAt DiD i SaY aBoUt RolLiNg YoUr EyEs" I mock what he always says to me. "Grayson stop-"

"Stop what?! You want me to stop you hanging out with this girl?! I've been trying, but nothings working! Just go! And be with your new lover."

"I don't even like her Grayson!" Ethan yells, I flinch. "Just leave! And be with your fucking side chick! I don't care anymore! Obviously you don't love me!" I sob.

"Of course I love you Grayson! All I'm going is hanging out with a friend!" He says. I stayed quiet.

"Just go hangout with her! I'll find something to do, without you!" I say, "Go already!" He sighs and walks towards the door. Is he really gonna leave? "I love you Grayson." He says. "Whatever" I mumble, rolling my eyes. He warned about it and we began screaming and fighting once again. Until Ethan gives up and slams the door. I fell to the floor sobbing. Yea, I know I shouldn't be selfish, I want him to have friends, but not the type like Lea, she probably got STD from other men.


It's been 5 days. I'm laying on Ethan's bed, sobbing, until I have no tears left to cry. I need him right now, but he's probably hanging out with her...

I scream, sob, break things. Where's Ethan. Where is he when I need him most? Of course we were still together, but I'm scared the rat is gonna ruin our relationship.

"Please come home. I'm worried." I whimper. I hope someone or something hears me...

"Please." I sob. "Please." I sob louder. "PLEASE!" I scream. I continued screaming until I hear the door open. My heart stops and I freeze as I see Ethan, standing there. He made eye contact with me. I just left the room, not trying make him even more pissed or upset, than he probably already is.

I go to my room. I look back, to see Ethan staring at me with sadness and guilt, in his eyes. Guilt?

I look down and shut the door, and popping down on the mattress. I pull the blanket up on my body, I sigh as I feel warm, but I wanted Ethan to warm me up, not the blanket, but I knew I should leave him alone for now.

I just want to wake up, and wish this was all a dream...

But that didn't happen.


I woke up, and silence filled the apartment. I walk into Ethans room, just seeing him laying and looking up at the ceiling. He's wearing a hoodie and basketball shorts...

Why a hoodie? He always sleeps shirtless. "E?" I say softly, he just looks at me, and looks away. I sigh and walk back to my room. I got pretty bored, and I knew Ethan wasnt gonna talk to me, or get outta bed. So I decided to text Juanpa.

He picked me up in let than 30 minutes. I hop into his car. "Hey," I say softly. "Hey, you ok?" He ask, "Yea why?"

"You don't seem ok... Something going in between you and Ethan?" Juanpa asked softly. I nodded and held back tears. Juanpa frowned, "Let it all out Gray." He tells me. I burst out crying. He hugs me tightly. "I f-feel like E-ethan doesn't l-love me anymore. Hes always hanging out w-with that girl!" I sob.

"Shh gray, it's ok, he still loves you, I can see it. The way he looks at you, and the way he's protective when you talk to other guys." He chuckles softly. I sniff. "He hates when I make new friends that are guys, he always finds a way to scare them away! But then when he gets a friend, that's a girl, he can do whatever he wants! And he never ask how I feel when he makes friends like this!"

"I'm here Grayson, he hasn't pushed me away yet." Juanpa's soft voice made me calm down. I pull away and see a big stain on his shirt, cause of my tears.

"I-im so sorry, I d-didn't mean-"

"Gray, it's fine. I have extra shirts in my trunk" He laughs, after talking with the Spanish accent I find cute. Yes Juanpa is cute, but I will always find Ethan sexy, and hot, I love Ethan.

I would never leave him, and hopefully he feels the same way...


The next chapter is the continued part of this chap, also this is the insane stuff I was talking about.. But it just started! 😏


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