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I woke up to loud knocking on the door, I groaned and got up. I opened the door to see-

"Dad?!" I exclaim. "Hey," He says, I pull him into a hug, and behind him, I see the person, I last wanted to see; My mom.

"Hello, mom." I say sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, and didn't respond. "Where's grayson." My dad asked. "I'll got get him, he's still asleep, you guys just sit in the living room." I say, glaring at my mom. My dad nods and goes sit down.

I walk into my room. "Gray! Baby! Wake up!" I say shaking him. "Hmm" He whines. "Dads here!" I say. His eyes shot open and he quickly ran out. But he stops and his expression changes..


When I heard dads here, I shot up and ran outside the room. I stop and my expression changes. "Why are you here?" I ask, to my mom.

"Your dad forced me to be here." She spat. I rolled my eyes. "Hi dad!" I say excitedly. He greets me too with a big hug. "You guys have grown so much." He says. I nod.

Ethan sat down and sat me down on his lap, probably just to piss off mom. Dad doesn't care, he just smiles. "So, what brings you here?" I ask, "I'm here because I wanted to see you guys, I miss you, and I wish you can come back home." My mom looks at him with a face of, what the fuck..

"We miss you too dad." I smile. "I know I don't.." Mom mumbled, and we both heard. "If you have a problem you can leave." Ethan says harshly, "I've been wanting to leave since we landed here," She says, "I never wanted to see you guys again. If you think I support what's going on between you two, then you guys are WRONG! I hate it!" She yells. I flinch slightly.

Ethan set me down, and stood  up angrily. "Get out! Grayson and I love each other-"

"You made him think that by taking his virginity away at 13!" She yells. Ethan and her yelled back at each other. I began sobbing, my dad hugged me to calm me down.

"I took it because I wanted to be his first! I didn't want some asshole of a guy fucking him, and leaving!" He screams. I whimpered and hid my face in my dads chest.

"That already fucking happened! You were the asshole who took his virginity away from him!"

"Who else has Grayson been with?! No one! Because he wants me to love him, he wants me to cuddle him, he wants me to marry him!" Everyone went quiet. The only thing that's heard is my whimpers.

"You can't fucking marry your own brother Ethan, that's disgusting."

"In your eyes it's disgusting, but in mine it's beautiful. Like I said; if you don't support it, than get your old ass outta here!" He screams. They continued screaming back and forth once again.

My head began hurting, "D-dad." I whimper, "yes, honey what's wrong?"

"It hurts, tell them to stop." I cry.

"Etha-" He got cut off.

"Fuck you! Just fuck-"

"Ethan!" my dad voice booms through the house. He stops and turns around. I look at him, crying, His face softens when he sees me, "Baby," He breathes. He comes close to me and picks me up. "Get out!" He demands to mom. She yells one more thing and leaves. "Bye kids, I'll try to calm her down." My dad says softly. "Bye dad." Ethan says, he waves and walked after our mom.

"Are you ok?"

"M-my head hurts from all the yelling." I sniff. He lays down and I'm laying on top of him. "Shh its ok, you didn't have to see or hear that." He says, running his fingers through my soft hair. I hum and my eyes felt droopy, they closed completely.

"I love you baby boy." Was all I heard before I fell asleep.


I woke up in an empty cold bed, I whined and got up. I walk out with my eyes half closed. "Hey baby boy." Ethan smiles. "What time is it?" I ask, my voice raspy. "It's almost 8pm."

"Woah, I slept long."

"Yea, I didn't want to wake you up. You look beautiful while you're asleep." He said smiling.

"You were watching me?" I ask. He nods. I giggle and hug his waist. "It's fine. I sometimes do that to you too." I say, blushing. "Here." He hands me a sandwich and he picks me up to go to our room.

I sit up against the headboard, and Ethan lays his head on my chest, his muscular arm draped over my small waist. I hear soft breathing, he fell asleep, and smile to myself.

I wasn't going to fall asleep, that's what I know. All I did was school through social media.

I jump slightly as I hear Ethan's phone ding. It keeps making that sound and it's pissing me off. I grab his phone, with the charger still in it and open it. I smile as his lock screen is me.

I open his messages. I see Lea is blowing up his phone!

 I see Lea is blowing up his phone!

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i growl, I'm raging inside. To calm down I got to the messages with me, from the other day;

 To calm down I got to the messages with me, from the other day;

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I'm still up and post random pictures on Snapchat. I grab Ethan's phone again, and take pictures on his camera roll for him to see in the morning.

It was 1am, Ethan mumbles random things in his sleep, that I couldn't quite understand. I shift a little causing him to wake up. "Gray, why the hell are you still up? It's one it the morning!" He hisses, "I can't sleep." I whisper, looking at my lap. Ethan moves and shuffles around a lot till he laying on his back, and me on top of his chest, he ran his fingers through my hair, as he hums softly, causing my eyes to flutter close.

"Good night daddy." I mumble.

"Good night baby boy." He murmured wrapping his arms around me.


Sooooo. I'm bored and something insane is gonna happen soon😈😂😂


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