~~Double Trouble~~

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As with the rest of that party, your next few weeks at Ouran Academy passed by uneventfully. It was nice, to be completely honest. You spent your study hall period at the Host Club and your classes with your two new friends Kaoru and Hikaru Hitachiin. They were a handful at times but tended to cause more problems for Haruhi rather than you, which you appreciated. It was amusing to watch the three of them interact in such a playful manner on a daily basis. By now, the entire school had heard the rumor that you were the real deal Princess from Denmark. Most of the other students just treated you as if that meant nothing and you were just another rich kid attending a rich kid's school... However, some didn't like your high status. You'd never experienced bullying until that day. The one day you decide not to visit one of the hosts at the club during your study period.

You were walking aimlessly around the courtyard to enjoy the fresh air and one of the last few days of the warmth of summer. It was nice and quiet out here until you passed by a duo of blonde girls. One stuck their foot out and tripped you while the other grabbed your bag and tossed it into the large fountain. As you fell, you caught yourself with your hands and knees with a grunt of pain. Sitting up, you looked at your hands for a moment, watching as tiny drops of blood oozed up from the scrapes on the heels of your hands. You let out a shaky sigh and pushed yourself up, smoothing out the yellow skirt of your uniform and inspecting the scapes on your knees. It didn't take you long to start panicking though as you saw your bag floating in the fountain. "Damn it..." you whispered in anger, your eyes stinging with the threat of tears as you leaned over the marble ledge to reach for your bag.

Luckily you were able to reach the handle and pull it out of the water without having to get wet yourself. But that didn't lessen the annoyance you felt that all your belongings were now soaked through; your notes, your phone, your textbook, they were all soaked and now pretty much useless. Sighing to yourself, you made your way to the office to ask them for a new notepad and textbook. They gave you new materials without question and told you they'd have your bag dried by the end of school. You looked at the dried blood on your palms and sighed, next stop, the nurse.

Unlucky for you though, you never made it to the nurse. Instead, you were stopped by a pair of redheads coming out of the club room you were just about to pass. "What's wrong, (y/n)? You didn't show up at the club for study hall..." Kaoru said, slight concern in his eyes. Hikaru nodded in agreement with his twin's statement and they both stared at you for an answer. "I took a walk outside to enjoy some fresh air, that a crime?" You said with a slight roll of your eyes at the two of them. "No, I guess not..." Kaoru started but Hikaru interrupted him, grabbing your wrist and holding it up so he and his brother could see the scrape on your hand. "Where did you get these?" he asked in a harsh tone, making you flinch slightly. Hikaru was definitely not the more soft-spoken twin. He tended to be rougher and blunter than his identical counterpart, Kaoru.

Pulling your hand away from the boy, you huffed a little. "I tripped and fell cause I wasn't watching where I was going..." well, it wasn't completely a lie but the slight watering of your eyes did not go unnoticed by Kaoru who stepped closer to you. "(y/n)... who tripped you?" he asked bluntly, though in a quiet voice, figuring you probably didn't want to be interrogated too much right now. You looked down at your shoes and took a deep breath before looking back up to the boys. "I don't know. Two blonde girls. I think they might be in Kyoya's class..." you told them, knowing if you tried to lie anymore they would only pester you until you gave in and told them the truth anyway. After all, they were the mischievous twins of the Host Club. They very rarely didn't get what they wanted.

The boys looked at each other then back to you and sighed. You got a pat on your shoulder from each one as they passed you. "Go wait in the club room. The guests are gone but Kyoya and Haruhi should still be in there cleaning up." Kaoru said to you as they passed to walk off to who knows where. With the knowledge you'd been bullied, their dear friend and guest of the Host Club, they would definitely be finding out who these girls were and giving them an extra dose of double trouble to make sure that something like this wouldn't happen again, at least, not from those girls...

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