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Kyoya told the rest of the club about your relationship with him the next day and they took it surprisingly well, the only one who really freaked out was Tamaki but that was to be expected. He just wasn't as perceptive as the others and was often times just completely dense to the things happening around him. That was just how Tamaki was and it was, admittedly, a little funny to watch him freak out when he found out. That was a week ago.

With that weight finally off your shoulders, you and Kyoya were able to plan another date though this time he had asked you for a date right in front of Renge and the other hosts. You, of course, had agreed and now you were beginning to get ready for him to come to pick you up. You stood there beside your bed, two casual dresses laid out on it in front of you. It was a hard choice, but after about five minutes of contemplation, you decided on the light blue knit one that reached to just above your knees when you put it on. You cinched it around your waist with a thin brown leather belt and added a decorative toupe infinity scarf. You put on your navy blue cardigan and little black booties, grabbing your purse and moving to wait in the sitting room.

Sebastian just set down a cup of tea on the coffee table when a knock was heard from the front door. He bowed slightly to you and went to answer it. "Ah, Mr. Ootori, right on time, please come in. Miss (y/n) is waiting for you in the sitting room to your left," Sebastian said, stepping to the side to allow your boyfriend into the estate. "Thank you, Sebastian." Kyoya walked in and came right over to sit on the couch next to you as you took a sip of your tea. He placed a light kiss on your cheek, making you smile. "So, Kyoya, where are we going today?" Kyoya was about to respond when another knock sounded at the front door and you two looked over to the doorway that led to the foyer, confused. You hadn't been expecting any other guests today...

Sebastian opened the door just enough to greet whoever was outside it. "Yes, sir. She is in the sitting room entertaining a guest at the moment, but please, come in." you heard your butler say and your confusion was soon cleared up when you saw a familiar face enter the room you and Kyoya were seated in. You nearly dropped your cup of tea, setting it down quickly and getting up in with a small whine, trying to hold back happy tears.

You ran right to the tall man and hugged him tightly. He laughed a little and wrapped one arm around you, gently resting the other on top of your head, patting your hair. "Yeah, yeah. It's nice to see you too, sis. So, who's this?" Your brother said, gently pulling away from you. It had been nearly four years since he last saw you before going off to college. He was older than you and much taller. He was maybe an inch or so taller than Kyoya was too. "Oh, uh... Hen, this is Kyoya Ootori. Kyoya, this is my older brother, Prince Henning." you said a bit shyly, introducing the two boys to each other.

Kyoya stood and offered your brother a polite bow before walking over and offering his hand for a handshake. "Pleasure to meet you, Prince Henning." Your brother chuckled at the formality and shook Kyoya's hand firmly. "Just call me Henning. Or Hen for short. You seem pretty chummy with my baby sister, you her boyfriend or something?" Kyoya looked a little surprised at the assumption Henning made and nodded slowly, a little unsure what he would think of this. "Aww, sis, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend. You never tell me the good stuff. I even had to find out from dad that they set up a marriage for you with that stupid Lars guy. He always gets on my nerves when I have to talk to him about business stuff. So lame." Henning said, running his mouth.

Your cheeks turned pink and Kyoya looked over at you in surprise, having not been told you were in an arranged marriage situation before. "Hen... Nobody was supposed to know about Lars," you huffed at your older brother and quickly gave Kyoya an apologetic look. "I didn't agree to it. Mom forced this on me. I was hoping I could break it so I wouldn't even have to tell you about it... guess that's not working out either." Kyoya stood there a bit speechless. He wasn't sure if he was upset or not. It was obvious that you liked him, and hearing that you had been forced into this and not willingly agreed made him feel better but still, it was a lot to take in.

"You don't like him at all, do you?" Kyoya finally spoke, startling you a little since you had been lost in your own thoughts. "N-no, I don't like him. Actually, I find him just as lame and annoying as Hen does... I've only talked to him on the phone twice and he's so stuck up and rude. I don't even know him and I refuse to go through with the marriage agreement our parents made for us." You tried to reassure him as he fixed his glasses, visibly relaxing at your response. He sighed and just moved to grab your hand and pull you along towards the door. "Well come on then, or we'll be late for the movie I was going to take you to. Henning can tag along if he wants... but he better not sit with us." Kyoya grumbled the last part of his statement and you chuckled a little, even smiling. Well, at least Kyoya seemed to be okay knowing that you only wanted to be with him and had no interest in your arranged fiance.

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