~~Arranged Marriage?!~~

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Not long after the holiday break, your parents requested you back home for a bit of family business. You, of course, had to agree since they were your parents and it was your duty as the Princess to deal any matter of business that your parents assigned you. You made sure to let your friends know you would be back in Denmark for a couple weeks to attend to some of your duties; you didn't want them to worry about you being absent from school for such a long time.

What you didn't expect was for your parents to call you back just to have you meet with a Norwegian rich man's son as a potential suitor. This was modern times and even though your parents had done this before, you had thought they had finally given up trying to set you up with boys you didn't even know.

The plane ride back to Denmark seemed like it took forever; you didn't want to go meet some boy your parents had picked, it just wasn't your idea of a fun family reunion. But when you arrived and were brought to the palace, you put on a fake smile to hide your annoyance at the situation and your butler led the way to the throne room. You looked around the familiar room and the fake smile gave way to a smaller but genuine one. This room brought back so many memories, good and bad but you preferred to recall only the good ones this time since it helped you relax a little.

Upon seeing your parents, you smiled a little wider and ran past your butler to give them both a big hug, happy to see them. They greeted you with returned hugs and your mother smiled while your father remained cool and stoic as he usually was. You knew he was happy to see you, he was just emotionally constipated when it came to things like this. He was a lot like Kyoya in that way you supposed, they were both cool and collected at all times and didn't often show emotions openly on their features or in their words.

Your moment of happiness was short-lived as your mother cleared her throat to give you the low down on why exactly they had called you here. "Sweety, I'd like for you to meet Lars Bohle, your fiance," she said with a happy little smile but those words hit you like a ton of bricks. With a shocked expression, you glanced over where she gestured to, seeing a tall blond boy walking over to stand by your mother's side. Fiance? Did they really intend to put you in an arranged marriage with someone you had never met before? You couldn't believe it, you didn't want to believe it. You could feel the world crumbling around you as you stared in pure shock at your parents and the, admittedly handsome, Norwegian boy next to them.

"Now, now (y/n), no need to be so in shock. The marriage won't happen any time soon, this is just the agreement. You two won't wed until both of you are at least twenty. But for the time being, we would like for you and Lars to get to know each other better. That was the main reason we called you back here." Your mother said in a chipper tone, not fully understanding just how shattered this made you feel.

You couldn't take being around people any longer and without another word, you rushed off to your old bedroom, your butler hastily following after you. "Don't worry, Lars, I'm sure she's just in shock and needs some time to process things. She'll come around, just give her a little time, yeah?" The Queen said, turning to Lars with a smile, though the boy just gave a curt nod and walked off to his guest room to do as she'd asked and give his new fiance some time to herself.

~~Time Skip~~

After spending a week locked in your room, refusing to meet with your parents or Lars, you finally decided it was time to take things into your own hands. "Sebastian, could you arrange a flight back to Japan for me, one that leaves today? I need to get back to school. I shouldn't be missing this many days if I want to move on to the next year when Haruhi and the twins do." you said in a quiet voice as your butler set down a cup of tea on your bedside table. "Yes, your highness, right away. Do you require help packing your belongings?" he responded in a cool voice, sounding understanding of how you were feeling. You only shook your head and he turned to leave and make the arrangements for a flight back to Japan.

You sighed and sat up in your bed, reaching over to take the teacup and have a sip of the warm, sweet liquid. It felt so nice and before you even realized it, you'd finished the drink. With that done, you slowly got up and paced your room, packing up your things as you did so. You didn't want to accept that you were being betrothed to someone you didn't know. No, you refused to accept it. It wasn't going to happen. You'd figure out a way to call it off with Lars, you just had to...

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