~~Warming Up~~

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When Kyoya took your empty mug from you, you bent down and took off your boots, setting them neatly beside the bed, looking back up at Kyoya when you felt him shift, taking off his own shoes. "Sorry I woke you up so early this morning. But I had a lot of fun showing you around my hometown. I hope you had at least a little fun even if you were tired." You said with a warm smile at the boy in front of you. He shifted to face you and placed one of his hands on one of yours on the bed. "Yes, I had fun. If it's you that wakes me up early, I don't mind so much." his tone was soft and he sounded genuinely happy with how today had gone even if you had disturbed his precious sleep so early in the morning.

He felt you shivering, the tiny spasms your body emitted transferring across the bed to him from where you were sitting. The warm drink had helped a little, but only to warm up your insides. You were still pretty cold and shivering was how your body was trying to warm itself up. "You're still cold..." he pointed out plainly, just stating the obvious and it made you giggle, nodding at him. You opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off before you could say anything, bringing his free hand up to gently cup your cheek. "I could help warm you up if you'd like." He said, his tone dropping a little, making his voice sound deeper and a bit alluring. It set a bunch of butterflies fluttering around your stomach, your cheeks heating up ever so slightly.

Kyoya had a tendency to get like this when he wanted something more than just a short sweet kiss. You could never predict when he would ask for things like this but the way he did it had a way of making you give in without much of a fuss. You looked down at your lap and smiled a little, cheeks flushed a soft pink. "How do you plan to do that?" You asked him, looking back up but avoiding eye contact, just knowing if you looked into his eyes right now your cheeks would only turn a darker pink.

He didn't say anything else, only shifted closer to you and brought a hand up to your chin, gently forcing you to look up at him properly. When he had your full attention, he leaned closer to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. He pulled away after a short second, his breath tickling your hair as he stood from the bed, using both his hands to brace himself against the mattress, caging you in. You didn't have time to ask what he was doing because he leaned back in close to you and pressed his lips against yours. His lips were cool from being outside and yours were just slightly chapped from the cold air you'd been out in all day. The kiss started out just as they always did with Kyoya, soft and gentle, just a sweet little kiss. But you knew that wouldn't last for long. Kyoya was quite the impatient man when he wanted something.

You didn't make him wait though, deciding that maybe this time you would make the first move to further this situation; you parted your lips slightly and leaned up into the kiss, bringing a hand up to hold the back of Kyoya's head and gently grip at his hair, pulling him closer. You poked your tongue out from between your parted lips and dragged it slowly across his bottom lip, a silent plea for access to his whole mouth. You weren't used to taking the lead but Kyoya didn't seem to mind, moving one of his hands from the bed and putting all his weight on the arm still holding him up. He wrapped that now free arm around your waist, hand pressed securely to the small of your back.

He was surprisingly quick to grant you the access you'd asked for and you pushed your tongue past his lips and into his mouth, his tongue meeting yours in a short-lived battle for dominance of his mouth; he won and pushed your tongue back, taking over your mouth now as his hand moved from your back to your hip to come to a rest at your right thigh. The feeling of that simple touch sent a small shudder up your spine, your skin feeling as if it were burning where his hand was in contact with it. His hand itself was only slightly warmer than your leg was with its paper-thin pair of tights covering it.

You put on arm behind you on the mattress to hold yourself up with the support of Kyoya's arm now missing from your back, you pulled away from the kiss and took a few ragged breaths but Kyoya didn't really give you time to catch your breath. He moved his head down and gently nipped at the sensitive skin of your neck, licking the tiny red mark he'd just made before sucking on it to make it darker and larger, more noticeable. He smirked against your skin as you whimpered with a short rush of pleasure. He knew the most sensitive spot on your neck and he'd attacked it first just to get a sound out of you. He seemed to enjoy hearing you make such cute sounds in pleasure when it was him that caused you to feel that way.

Kyoya lightly nipped at another spot on your neck when he was satisfied with the hickey he'd left in a rather hard to hide spot, smirking at the whine you gave him in response. "Does the princess not like my affections? I could stop..." He teased and you pulled away, laying yourself back onto the bed and raising one hand to the front of your boyfriend's shirt, gripping it in a loose fist as you looked off to the side, cheeks a bright red from both arousal and shyness. "N-no... I like it. Keep going," you said in a quiet voice and Kyoya didn't hesitate to hover fully over you, lowering himself to be able to attack the untouched side of your neck with a little nip though he didn't mark up this side with hickies. The nip mark would fade before morning and he kissed it lightly before moving on to kiss your collarbone, giving it a couple pink nip marks as well. You seemed to like it when he did this so he simply continued and would until he was met with resistance.

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