~~Ootori Family Gathering~~

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The moment you and Kyoya returned to school that Monday, Tamaki and the rest of the host club was more up in yours and Kyoya's business than usual. When they found out the two of you were now engaged, Tamaki threw a party later in the week at his place for everyone to celebrate the new turn in the relationship. Kyoya thought it was unnecessary but you actually found it to be really sweet of him and despite Kyoya's disapproval of such a party, he still attended and enjoyed the time spent with his friends and now fiance.

The next few days passed by in a bit of a haze, nothing particularly noteworthy occurring as you fell back into your usual daily routine. It was nice to be back and as you reached your home after school one day, Sebastian handed you an envelope, taking your bag from you to hang it up. "An invitation?" You said, just wondering allowed. It had your name and address written on it in fancy cursive but no return address. You hummed in curiosity and turned the item over, breaking the little wax seal holding it closed. "Awfully formal wax seal, don't ya think, Sebastian?" You said as he came up to stand behind you, peeking over your shoulder in curiosity as well. "Yes, haven't seen many of those recently. Must be a really important event for such formality..." he said as you pulled the letter out of the envelope and handed him the empty packet.

"Miss (l/n), You are invited to the Ootori residence for our annual family reunion. We look forward to seeing you attend this gathering. Blah, blah, blah more formalities... ah, here we go. Please be prepared to bring a formal evening or ball gown to change into after dinner or come dressed in full formal evening attire. Dinner will be served at seven and you may arrive no earlier than six. Signed, Yoshio Ootori." you read aloud, not really interested in half of what was written on the page. It was just some formal invitation to a family reunion. "It said the reunion was on the fifth, that's tomorrow." you continued, putting a finger on your chin and then turning to Sebastian and handing him the letter to have a read as well.

"Sebastian, did you pack my royal garb? I could just wear that dress. It's a little outdated and traditional but it should be formal enough for Mr. Ootori's standards." You suggested and smiled a bit when you saw your butler nod. "I'll have it dry cleaned right away. Are you going to wear your tiara as well? I'll have it cleaned up nicely as well," he asked and you gave him a curt nod, watching him bow and walk off to go attend to your formal attire. When he was gone you went to your bedroom and began to look around for your tiara. It wasn't with the rest of your formal dress, it was in a drawer of your dresser resting on a thin velvet pillow.

You opened the drawer and took the headpiece out, walking over to your vanity and placing it on your slightly messy head of hair. It had been a while since you had worn it last and you smiled at your reflection, staring a moment before taking it off and leaving the room to go find Sebastian and give it to him. You almost bumped into him on the way out of your room and he chuckled a little with an apology as you handed over the priceless accessory.

~~Time Skip~~

You looked at yourself in the mirror once you were all dressed for the reunion at the Ootori estate. Your dress had a navy blue collar and white overlay with an embroidered design in navy blue near the bottom of it that ended right at your knees. The navy blue underskirt continued lower, stopping just an inch above the floor with your classic round-toe white pumps on. The back of the overlay was tied snug with crisscrossed navy ribbon and a white to navy gradient tulle bow accent rested at the small of your back, its frilly tails flowing down the back of the dress until they ended at your knees. Two long matching accents were buttoned to the front of your dress at your waist, ending at your knees like the accent at the back.

You smiled and adjusted the vibrant red satin sash that wrapped diagonally from right to left across your torso before you left your bedroom to meet Sebastian at the front door. He placed your tiara on top of your hair, making sure not to mess up the perfect bun he'd created in it for you only a few minutes before. "Are you ready, Princess?" He said formally, offering his arm to you. You took it and nodded, letting your butler lead you out to the car that would be taking you to the Ootori estate.

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